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2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; *** Const ***
; Base of the Return Stack
.equ RS_ADDR 0xf000
; Number of bytes we keep as a padding between HERE and the scratchpad
.equ PADDING 0x20
; Max length of dict entry names
.equ NAMELEN 7
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; Offset of the code link relative to the beginning of the word
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; Flags for the "flag field" of the word structure
; This wordref is not a regular word (it's not preceeded by a name). It's one
; of the NUMBER, LIT, BRANCH etc. entities.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; *** Variables ***
; wordref of the last entry of the dict.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.equ CURRENT @+2
; Pointer to the next free byte in dict. During compilation of input text, this
; temporarily points to the next free byte in COMPBUF.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.equ HERE @+2
; Used to hold HERE while we temporarily point it to COMPBUF
.equ OLDHERE @+2
; Interpreter pointer. See Execution model comment below.
.equ IP @+2
; Pointer to where we currently are in the interpretation of the current line.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.equ INPUTPOS @+2
; Buffer where we compile the current input line. Same size as STDIO_BUFSIZE.
.equ COMPBUF @+2
.equ FORTH_RAMEND @+0x40
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; (HERE) usually starts at RAMEND, but in certain situations, such as in stage0,
; (HERE) will begin at a strategic place.
; After having read a line through stdioReadLine, we want to interpret it. As
; a general rule, we go like this:
; 1. read single word from line
; 2. compile word to atom
; 3. if immediate, execute atom
; 4. goto 1 until we exhaust words
; 5. Execute compiled atom list as if it was a regular compiledWord.
; Because the Parameter Stack uses SP, we can't just go around calling routines:
; This messes with the PS. This is why we almost always jump (unless our call
; doesn't involve Forth words in any way).
; This presents a challenge for our interpret loop because step 4, "goto 1"
; isn't obvious. To be able to do that, we must push a "return routine" to the
; Return Stack before step 3.
; HERE and IMMEDIATE: When compiling in step 2, we spit compiled atoms in
; (HERE) to simplify "," semantic in Forth (spitting, in all cases, is done in
; (HERE)). However, suring input line compilation, it isn't like during ":", we
; aren't creating a new entry.
; Compiling and executing from (HERE) would be dangerous because an
; entry-creation word, during runtime, could end up overwriting the atom list
; we're executing. This is why we have this list in COMPBUF.
; During IMMEDIATE mode, (HERE) is temporarily set to COMPBUF, and when we're
; done, we restore (HERE) for runtime. This way, everyone is happy.
; At it's core, executing a word is having the wordref in IY and call
; EXECUTE. Then, we let the word do its things. Some words are special,
; but most of them are of the compiledWord type, and that's their execution that
; we describe here.
; First of all, at all time during execution, the Interpreter Pointer (IP)
; points to the wordref we're executing next.
; When we execute a compiledWord, the first thing we do is push IP to the Return
; Stack (RS). Therefore, RS' top of stack will contain a wordref to execute
; next, after we EXIT.
; At the end of every compiledWord is an EXIT. This pops RS, sets IP to it, and
; continues.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; *** Code ***
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
; To avoid having to check for stack underflow after each pop operation
; (which can end up being prohibitive in terms of costs), we give
; ourselves a nice 6 bytes buffer. 6 bytes because we seldom have words
; requiring more than 3 items from the stack. Then, at each "exit" call
; we check for stack underflow.
push af \ push af \ push af
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
ld (INITIAL_SP), sp
; LATEST is a *indirect* label to the latest entry of the dict. See
; default at the bottom of dict.asm. This indirection allows us to
; override latest to a value set in a binary dict compiled separately,
; for example by the stage0 bin.
ld hl, LATEST
call intoHL
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
ld (CURRENT), hl
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
ld (HERE), hl
ld hl, msgOk
call printstr
call printcrlf
call stdioReadLine
ld (INPUTPOS), hl
; Setup return stack. After INTERPRET, we run forthExecLine
ld ix, RS_ADDR
; We're about to compile the line and possibly execute IMMEDIATE words.
; Let's save current (HERE) and temporarily set it to COMPBUF.
ld hl, (HERE)
ld (OLDHERE), hl
ld hl, COMPBUF
ld (HERE), hl
ld hl, .retRef
ld (IP), hl
push hl
.dw $+2
.dw forthExecLine
ld de, QUIT
ld hl, (HERE)
call DEinHL
ld (HERE), hl
; Compilation done, let's restore (HERE) and execute!
ld hl, (OLDHERE)
ld (HERE), hl
ld iy, COMPBUF
; before we execute, let's play with our RS a bit: compiledWord is
; going to push (IP) on the RS, but we don't expect our compiled words
; to ever return: it ends with QUIT. Let's set (IP) to ABORTREF and
; IX to RS_ADDR-2 so that compiledWord re-pushes our safety net.
ld (IP), hl
ld ix, RS_ADDR-2
jp compiledWord
; (we don't have RECURSE here. Calling interpret makes us needlessly use our
; RS stack, but it can take it, can't it? )
; WORD DUP C@ (to check if null) SKIP? (skip if not null) EXIT COMPILE INTERPRET
.db 0b10 ; UNWORD
.dw compiledWord
.dw WORD
.dw DUP
.dw .stop
.dw EXIT
.dw compiledWord
.dw DROP
.dw R2P
.dw DROP
.dw EXIT
.db " ok", 0