mirror of https://github.com/hsoft/collapseos.git synced 2025-03-13 11:48:40 +11:00

forth: add string and logic routines, as well as "RECURSE"

The goal was to be able to implement "(" in forth, but I realised that my
INTERPRET approach was wrong. Compiling the line beforehand is, after all,
not good. I'll have to change it again.
This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2020-03-10 16:02:40 -04:00
parent aac0a57a68
commit 2ddca57f3f
5 changed files with 198 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -282,9 +282,7 @@ DEFINE:
; is lit
inc hl \ inc hl
call strcpyM
inc hl ; byte after word termination
jr .loop
; it's a word
@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ DEFINE:
; a good old regular word. We have 2 bytes to copy. But before we do,
; let's check whether it's an EXIT. LDI doesn't affect Z, so we can
; make our jump later.
call HLPointsEXIT
jr nz, .loop
@ -487,10 +485,20 @@ FETCH:
push hl
jp exit
; ( -- a )
.db "LIT@"
.fill 4
.dw nativeWord
call readLITTOS
push hl
jp exit
; ( a b -- b a )
.db "SWAP"
.fill 4
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
@ -571,9 +579,36 @@ DIV:
push bc
jp exit
; ( a1 a2 -- b )
.db "SCMP"
.fill 4
.dw DIV
.dw nativeWord
pop de
pop hl
call strcmp
call flagsToBC
push bc
jp exit
; ( n1 n2 -- f )
.db "CMP"
.fill 5
.dw SCMP
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
pop de
or a ; clear carry
sbc hl, de
call flagsToBC
push bc
jp exit
.db "IF"
.fill 6
.dw DIV
.dw CMP
.dw ifWord
@ -589,13 +624,25 @@ ELSE:
.dw thenWord
.db 0
.dw THEN
.dw nativeWord
call popRS
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
dec hl \ dec hl
push hl \ pop iy
jp compiledWord
; End of native words
; ( a -- )
; @ .
.db "?"
.fill 7
.dw THEN
.dw compiledWord
@ -654,3 +701,59 @@ CONSTANT:
.dw DOES
.dw EXIT
; ( f -- f )
.db "NOT"
.fill 5
.dw compiledWord
.dw IF
.dw 0
.dw ELSE
.dw 1
.dw THEN
.dw EXIT
; ( n1 n2 -- f )
.db "="
.fill 7
.dw NOT
.dw compiledWord
.dw CMP
.dw NOT
.dw EXIT
; ( n1 n2 -- f )
; CMP -1 =
.db "<"
.fill 7
.dw EQ
.dw compiledWord
.dw CMP
.dw -1
.dw EQ
.dw EXIT
; ( n1 n2 -- f )
; CMP 1 =
.db ">"
.fill 7
.dw LT
.dw compiledWord
.dw CMP
.dw 1
.dw EQ
.dw EXIT

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ IF n -- Branch to ELSE or THEN if n is zero
INTERPRET -- Get a line from stdin, compile it in tmp memory,
then execute the compiled contents.
QUIT R:drop -- Return to interpreter promp immediately
RECURSE R:I -- R:I-2 Run the current word again.
THEN -- Does nothing. Serves as a branching merker for IF
and ELSE.
@ -66,6 +67,18 @@ HERE -- a Push HERE's address
* a b -- c a * b -> c
/ a b -- c a / b -> c
*** Logic ***
= n1 n2 -- f Push true if n1 == n2
< n1 n2 -- f Push true if n1 < n2
> n1 n2 -- f Push true if n1 > n2
CMP n1 n2 -- n Compare n1 and n2 and set n to -1, 0, or 1.
n=0: a1=a2. n=1: a1>a2. n=-1: a1<a2.
NOT f -- f Push the logical opposite of f
*** Strings ***
LIT@ x -- a Read folloing LIT and push its addr to a
S= a1 a2 -- n Compare strings a1 and a2. See CMP
*** I/O ***
. n -- Print n in its decimal form
EMIT c -- Spit char c to stdout

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ forthMain:
; we check for stack underflow.
push af \ push af \ push af
ld (INITIAL_SP), sp
ld hl, CONSTANT ; last entry in hardcoded dict
ld hl, LATEST
ld (CURRENT), hl
ld (HERE), hl

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@ -69,10 +69,14 @@ HLPointsLIT:
pop de
push de
ld de, EXIT
call HLPointsDE
jr z, .end
ld de, QUIT
call HLPointsDE
pop de
@ -98,21 +102,22 @@ compSkip:
inc hl \ inc hl
; ***readLIT***
; The goal of this routine is to read a string literal following the currently
; executed words. For example, CREATE and DEFINE need this. Things are a little
; twisted, so bear with me while I explain how it works.
; When we call this routine, everything has been compiled. We're on an atom and
; we're executing it. Now, we're looking for a string literal or a word-with-a
; name that follows our readCompWord caller. We could think that this word is
; right there on RS' TOS, but no! You have to account for words wrapping the
; caller. For example, "VARIABLE" calls "CREATE". If you call "VARIABLE foo",
; if CREATE looks at what follows in RS' TOS, it will only find the "2" in
; name that follows our readLIT caller. We could think that this word is
; right there on RS' TOS, but not always! You have to account for words wrapping
; the caller. For example, "VARIABLE" calls "CREATE". If you call
; "VARIABLE foo", if CREATE looks at what follows in RS' TOS, it will only find
; the "2" in "CREATE 2 ALLOT".
; Therefore, we actually need to check in RS' *bottom of stack* for our answer.
; If that atom is a LIT, we're good. We make HL point to it and advance IP to
; byte following null-termination.
; In this case, we actually need to check in RS' *bottom of stack* for our
; answer. If that atom is a LIT, we're good. We make HL point to it and advance
; IP to byte following null-termination.
; If it isn't, things get interesting: If it's a word reference, then it's
; not an invalid literal. For example, one could want to redefine an existing
@ -123,31 +128,48 @@ compSkip:
; second word in our dict. We don't accept EXIT because it's the termination
; word. Yeah, it means that ";" can't be overridden...
; If name can't be read, we abort
; In all cases, we want RS' BOS in HL. Let's get it now.
ld hl, (RS_ADDR)
; BOS vs TOS: What we cover so far is the "CREATE" and friends cases, where we
; want to read BOS. There are, however, cases where we want to read TOS, that is
; that we want to read the LIT right next to our atom. Example: "(". When
; processing comments, we are at compile time and want to read words from BOS,
; yes), however, in "("'s definition, there's "LIT@ )", which means "fetch LIT
; next to me and push this to stack". This LIT we want to fetch is *not* from
; BOS, it's from TOS.
; This is why we have readLITBOS and readLITTOS. readLIT uses HL and DE and is
; not used directly.
; Given a RS stack pointer HL, read LIT next to it (or abort) and set HL to
; point to its associated string. Set DE to there the RS stack pointer should
; point next.
call HLPointsLIT
jr nz, .notLIT
; RS BOS is a LIT, make HL point to string, then skip this RS compword.
inc hl \ inc hl ; HL now points to string itself
push hl ; --> lvl 1, our result
; HL has our its final value
ld d, h
ld e, l
call strskip
inc hl ; byte after word termination
ld (RS_ADDR), hl
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1, our result
ex de, hl
; Alright, not a literal, but is it a word? If it's not a number, then
; it's a word.
call HLPointsNUMBER
jr z, .notWord
jr z, .notWord
; Not a number, then it's a word. Copy word to pad and point to it.
push hl ; --> lvl 1. we need it to set DE later
call intoHL
or a ; clear carry
sbc hl, de
; That's our return value
push hl ; --> lvl 1
push hl ; --> lvl 2
; HL now points to word offset, let'd copy it to pad
ex de, hl
call pad
@ -157,10 +179,10 @@ readCompWord:
; null-terminate
xor a
ld (de), a
; Advance RS' BOS by 2
ld hl, RS_ADDR
inc (hl) \ inc (hl)
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
pop hl ; <-- lvl 2
pop de ; <-- lvl 1
; Advance IP by 2
inc de \ inc de
ld hl, .msg
@ -169,6 +191,24 @@ readCompWord:
.db "word expected", 0
push de
ld hl, (RS_ADDR)
call readLIT
ld (RS_ADDR), de
pop de
push de
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
call readLIT
ld (ix), e
ld (ix+1), d
pop de
; For DE being a wordref, move DE to the previous wordref.
; Z is set if DE point to 0 (no entry). NZ if not.
@ -238,7 +278,7 @@ compile:
; When encountering an undefined word during compilation, we spit a
; reference to litWord, followed by the null-terminated word.
; This way, if a preceding word expect a string literal, it will read it
; by calling readCompWord, and if it doesn't, the routine will be
; by calling readLIT, and if it doesn't, the routine will be
; called, triggering an abort.
ld hl, LIT
call wrCompHL
@ -256,7 +296,7 @@ compile:
; Spit name + prev in (HERE) and adjust (HERE) and (CURRENT)
; HL points to new (HERE)
call readCompWord
call readLITBOS
ld de, (HERE)
call strcpy
ex de, hl ; (HERE) now in HL
@ -291,3 +331,15 @@ HLPointsIMMED:
inc hl
pop hl
; Checks flags Z and C and sets BC to 0 if Z, 1 if C and -1 otherwise
ld bc, 0
ret z ; equal
inc bc
ret c ; >
; <
dec bc
dec bc

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ strcpy:
; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE until one of them hits its null char.
; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset.
; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset. C is set if HL > DE
push hl
push de