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interactive line editor

skex2 is a simple but functional line editor for MultICE.


To start skex2, simply run skex(filename) from the Lua prompt.


Generally, commands and arguments are entered in the form of command argument1 argument2 argument3 with the exception of inline execution, which is in the form of !lua code here.

If skex does not understand what you mean, it will output a line with a question mark.


q - quit skex2

Exits the program.

l [start] [end] - list contents

Output the lines from start to end, inclusive.

f [filename] - set the filename

This sets the filename to be used for I/O, or prints the current one.

r [filename] - load file

Reads from filename or the current set via f

w [filename] - write to file

Writes to filename or the current set via f

p [line] - print or set current line

As skex2 is a line editor, your pointer is a line, and this either prints the current one or sets a new one.

a [line] - append to buffer

Appends lines after the current line or line until a line with only . is entered.

i [line] - insert into buffer

Inserts lines before the current line or line until a line with only . is entered.

s [line] - replace line

Removes the current line or line and enters insert mode

e - executes the contents of the buffer

Basically converts it into one big string and loads it.