The minitel daemon does not keep a configuration file, so settings have to be set every boot.
To change a setting, one invokes:
`rc minitel set_<option> value`
#### Available settings
- port: the physical port the protocol runs over
- pctime: the amount of time packets are kept in the packet cache
- retry: how many seconds between resend attempts of reliable packets
- rctime: How long items are kept in the routing cache
In addition, one can invoke *rc minitel debug* to get large amounts of debug output, *rc minitel set_route <hostname> <local_modem> <remote_modem>* to add a static route, and *rc minitel del_route <hostname>* to delete a static route.
## Net library
The net library provides an easy way of interacting with the minitel daemon, and implements higher-level features of the stack.
### API
#### Layer 3
*net.genPacketID()* - returns a string of random data
*net.usend(host, port, data, pid)* - Sends an unreliable packet to *host* on *port* containing *data*, optionally with the packet ID *pid*.