20kdc 2b15193aa9 An open letter to @Microsoft
Oh, excuse me? Did that ping you? Did you not like that?
You know exactly why I wrote that.
You know nothing I could have written in there
 could be worse than what is happening out there.

If this message gets to the person responsible for these choices,
 then know this: they deserve it.

Also, I'd like to note that as far as I know I didn't say anything
 against the GitHub EULA.

Don't bother trying, it'll just prove you're guilty...
2018-04-21 00:52:45 +01:00
apps Make Delete also able to kill tasks in app-taskmgr 2018-04-17 18:08:03 +01:00
data Fix missing NeoUX docs, start work on "nbox2018", more logo cleanup 2018-04-17 13:28:08 +01:00
libs Improve neoux slightly, and hopefully finish most of nbox2018 2018-04-19 02:00:03 +01:00
README.asc An open letter to @Microsoft 2018-04-21 00:52:45 +01:00
init.lua All the current progress, including KTC1 draft in case there's no other standard 2018-04-12 00:04:16 +01:00


Hash: SHA256

- -- To Microsoft.
- -- You deserve to get yourselves investigated by Trading Standards.
- -- I don't mean that in a "and then everything comes out okay" way,
- --  I mean that as in a "you deserve to be legitimately threatened with being shutdown" way.
- -- See that MultiMC issue, #2223, about the Windows 10 thing?
- -- That's the beginnings of what you've caused, and don't you dare deny the intent.
- -- In what world is swapping around the names of two products, both in 
- --  active sales no less, to get one to be chosen over the other by an 
- --  uninformed buyer *not illegal*?

- -- To anyone else, I say this.
- -- If you're affected by this, just pirate the Java edition.
- -- You have been affected by what I can say without contradiction is a campaign of lies.
- -- Deliberate or otherwise, but history would point in favour of a calculated attack.
- -- Take what is frankly rightfully yours.
- -- Oh, Microsoft, did you not like that? I don't care, and it is plainly obvious why I shouldn't care.

- -- To the Mojang team - the *real* Mojang team (Anyone working on Bedrock is exempt) - I pity you,
- --  but I'm afraid I have to recommend this course of action.
- -- There is no other way. I'm sure you already know what Microsoft is like first-hand.
- -- I'm sure you've read the reports and you know Microsoft will lobby their way
- --  past anything I could even suggest to any politician, if it even got that far.
- -- I'm sure you can already see your presumed redundancies coming, and I doubt I hasten it.
- -- And frankly, preventing Microsoft from abusing Minecraft as a lock-in tactic in whatever way I can
- --  takes priority.

- -- To those who doubted what I said to them when I said it to them,
- --  to those who doubt me now, know this. It's happening, it's real,
- --  there is proof with basic searches.

- -- To those who are ignorant, and yet scared to let anyone leave them,
- -- You may doubt my "likely", but remember this:
- -- We thought they would do this long ago, when Microsoft bought Mojang.
- -- It took time, yes. But it started to happen and when it did, everything started moving into place.
- -- The "Better Together" (unless on a non-Windows 10 desktop) update was simply the end of a journey.
- -- When I look back, the guesses - mine and others - as to what they will do next have been delayed,
- --  but they are occurring, along with new horrors that I did not expect,
- --  like the commercialization of that offered by mods for free here on the "Java Edition".
- -- You can argue all you like about how they put work into that stuff,
- --  fact is, Bedrock is a downgrade.
- -- You could argue about performance, but - Mods fix the performance issues,
- --  and they aren't exactly hard to install. Download Forge installer. Run Forge installer.
- -- Copy one file. Done.
- -- You cannot argue about playerbase - people are left behind, unable to go to Bedrock.
- -- Even if you claim it's their fault for using Windows 10, how much have you somehow missed
- --  about Windows 10's various nastiness? There's a laptop basically unusable for anything real-time here
- --  on Windows 10 because of an update that screwed it over, and no, a reset did not fix it. Nothing did.
- -- Except moving it to another OS, but of course, that wouldn't work so well if Bedrock was a concern.
- -- Moddability has been, and probably always will be, destroyed on Bedrock.
- -- Sure, you'll eventually get some more and more access,
- --  but there's a reason the way Minecraft modding went
- --  lead to the inventive and amazing mods out there,
- --  and it certainly wasn't a bunch of "behavior packs"!

- -- To those who wonder what the hell this is doing here,
- -- I don't care. Feel free to remove the file from your local machines,
- --  but if you send a PR asking for its removal, I *will* reject it instantly.

- -- -20kdc
