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; Manages both constants and labels within a same namespace and registry.
; Local Labels
; Local labels during the "official" first pass are ignored. To register them
; in the global registry during that pass would be wasteful in terms of memory.
; What we don instead is set up a separate register for them and have a "second
; first pass" whenever we encounter a new context. That is, we wipe the local
; registry, parse the code until the next global symbol (or EOF), then rewind
; and continue second pass as usual.
; *** Constants ***
; Maximum number of symbols we can have in the global registry
.equ SYM_MAXCOUNT 0x200
; Maximum number of symbols we can have in the local registry
; Size of the symbol name buffer size. This is a pool. There is no maximum name
; length for a single symbol, just a maximum size for the whole pool.
.equ SYM_BUFSIZE 0x2000
; Size of the names buffer for the local context registry
.equ SYM_LOC_BUFSIZE 0x200
; *** Variables ***
; Each symbol is mapped to a word value saved here.
; A list of symbol names separated by null characters. When we encounter a
; symbol name and want to get its value, we search the name here, retrieve the
; index of the name, then go get the value at that index in SYM_VALUES.
; Registry for local labels. Wiped out after each context change.
; Pointer, in the value list, to the result of the last _symFind
; *** Registries ***
; A symbol registry is a 6 bytes record with points to names and values of
; one of the register.
; It's 3 pointers: names, names end, values
; *** Code ***
; Assuming that HL points in to a symbol name list, advance HL to the beginning
; of the next symbol name except if (HL) is already zero, meaning we're at the
; end of the chain. In this case, do nothing.
; Sets Z if it succeeded, unset it if there is no next.
xor a
cp (hl)
jr nz, .do ; (HL) is not zero? we can advance.
; (HL) is zero? we're at the end of the chain.
call unsetZ
; A is already 0
call findchar ; find next null char
; go to the char after it.
inc hl
cp a ; ensure Z
xor a
ld (SYM_NAMES), a
; Continue to symSelectGlobalRegistry
; Sets Z according to whether label in (HL) is local (starts with a dot)
ld a, '.'
cp (hl)
; Given a registry in (IX), place HL at the end of its names that is, at the
; point where we have two consecutive null chars and DE at the corresponding
; position in its values.
; If we're within bounds, Z is set, otherwise unset.
push iy
push bc
; IY --> values
ld l, (ix+4)
ld h, (ix+5)
push hl \ pop iy
; HL --> names
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
; DE --> names end
ld e, (ix+2)
ld d, (ix+3)
call _symNext
jr nz, .success ; We've reached the end of the chain.
inc iy
inc iy
; Are we out of bounds name-wise?
call cpHLDE
jr nc, .outOfBounds ; HL >= DE
; are we out of bounds value-wise? check if IY == (IX)'s names
; Is is assumed that values are placed right before names
push hl
push iy \ pop bc
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
sbc hl, bc
pop hl
jr z, .outOfBounds ; IY == (IX)'s names
jr .loop
call unsetZ
jr .end
push iy \ pop de ; our values pos goes in DE
cp a ; ensure Z
pop bc
pop iy
push ix
call symRegister
pop ix
push ix
call symRegister
pop ix
; Register label in (HL) (minus the ending ":") into the symbol registry and
; set its value in that registry to DE.
; If successful, Z is set and A is the symbol index. Otherwise, Z is unset and
; A is an error code (ERR_*).
call _symFind
jr z, .alreadyThere
push hl ; --> lvl 1. it's the symbol to add
push de ; --> lvl 2. it's our value.
; First, let's get our strlen
call strlen
ld c, a ; save that strlen for later
call _symNamesEnd
jr nz, .outOfMemory
; Is our new name going to make us go out of bounds?
push hl ; --> lvl 3
push de ; --> lvl 4
ld e, (ix+2)
ld d, (ix+3)
; DE --> names end
ld a, c
call addHL
call cpHLDE
pop de ; <-- lvl 4
pop hl ; <-- lvl 3
jr nc, .outOfMemory ; HL >= DE
; Success. At this point, we have:
; HL -> where we want to add the string
; DE -> where the value goes
; SP -> value to register
; SP+2 -> string to register
; Let's start with the value.
push hl \ pop ix ; save HL for later
pop hl ; <-- lvl 2. value to register
call writeHLinDE ; write value where it goes.
; Good! now, the string.
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1. string to register
push ix \ pop de ; string destination
; Copy HL into DE until we reach null char
call strcpyM
; We need to add a second null char to indicate the end of the name
; list. DE is already correctly placed, A is already zero
ld (de), a
cp a ; ensure Z
ld a, ERR_OOM
call unsetZ
pop de ; <-- lvl 2
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
; We are in a tricky situation with regards to our handling of the
; duplicate symbol error. Normally, it should be straightforward: We
; only register labels during first pass and evaluate constants during
; the second. Easy.
; We can *almost* do that... but we have ".org". .org affects label
; values and supports expressions, which means that we have to evaluate
; constants during first pass. But because we can possibly have forward
; references in ".equ", some constants are going to have a bad value.
; Therefore, we really can't evaluate all constants during the first
; pass.
; With this situation, how do you manage detection of duplicate symbols?
; By limiting the "duplicate error" condition to the first pass. During,
; first pass, sure, we don't have our proper values, but we have all our
; symbol names. So, if we end up in .alreadyThere during first pass,
; then it's an error condition. If it's not first pass, then we need
; to update our value.
call zasmIsFirstPass
jr z, .duplicateError
; Second pass. Don't error out, just update value
push hl ; --> lvl 1
ld hl, (SYM_CTX_PTR)
ex de, hl
call writeHLinDE
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
cp a ; ensure Z
jp unsetZ ; return
; Assuming that IX points to a register context, find name HL in its names and
; make the context pointer point to the corresponding entry in its values.
; If we find something, Z is set, otherwise unset.
push iy
push hl
push de
ex de, hl ; it's easier if HL is haystack and DE is
; needle.
; IY --> values
ld l, (ix+4)
ld h, (ix+5)
push hl \ pop iy
; HL --> names
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
call strcmp
jr z, .match
; ok, next!
call _symNext
jr nz, .nomatch ; end of the chain, nothing found
inc iy
inc iy
jr .loop
call unsetZ
jr .end
push iy \ pop hl
ld (SYM_CTX_PTR), hl
cp a ; ensure Z
pop de
pop hl
pop iy
; For a given symbol name in (HL), find it in the appropriate symbol register
; and return its value in DE. If (HL) is a local label, the local register is
; searched. Otherwise, the global one. It is assumed that this routine is
; always called when the global registry is selected. Therefore, we always
; reselect it afterwards.
push ix
call symIsLabelLocal
jp nz, .notLocal
call _symFind
jr nz, .end
; Found! let's fetch value
; Return value that (SYM_CTX_PTR) is pointing at in DE.
ld de, (SYM_CTX_PTR)
call intoDE
pop ix