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Virgil Dupras 5eca14d49a fs: implement fsNext
This allows more than one file to be allocated. `fls` properly lists
multiple files.
2019-04-23 12:04:09 -04:00

416 lines
10 KiB

; fs
; Collapse OS filesystem (CFS) is not made to be convenient, but to be simple.
; This is little more than "named storage blocks". Characteristics:
; * a filesystem sits upon a blockdev. It needs GetC, PutC, Seek.
; * No directory. Use filename prefix to group.
; * First block of each file has metadata. Others are raw data.
; * No FAT. Files are a chain of blocks of a predefined size. To enumerate
; files, you go through metadata blocks.
; * Fixed allocation. File size is determined at allocation time and cannot be
; grown, only shrunk.
; * New allocations try to find spots to fit in, but go at the end if no spot is
; large enough.
; * Block size is 0x100, max block count per file is 8bit, that means that max
; file size: 64k - metadata overhead.
; *** Selecting a "source" blockdev
; This unit exposes "fson" shell command to "mount" CFS upon the currently
; selected device, at the point where its seekptr currently sits. This checks
; if we have a valid first block and spits an error otherwise.
; "fson" takes an optional argument which is a number. If non-zero, we don't
; error out if there's no metadata: we create a new CFS fs with an empty block.
; The can only be one "mounted" fs at once. Selecting another blockdev through
; "bsel" foesn't affect the currently mounted fs, which can still be interacted
; with (which is important if we want to move data around).
; *** Block metadata
; At the beginning of the first block of each file, there is this data
; structure:
; 3b: Magic number "CFS"
; 1b: Allocated block count, including the first one. Except for the "ending"
; block, this is never zero.
; 2b: Size of file in bytes (actually written). Little endian.
; 26b: file name, null terminated. last byte must be null.
; That gives us 32 bytes of metadata for first first block, leaving a maximum
; file size of 0xffe0.
; *** Last block of the chain
; The last block of the chain is either a block that has no valid block next to
; it or a block that reports a 0 allocated block count.
; *** Deleted files
; When a file is deleted, its name is set to null. This indicates that the
; allocated space is up for grabs.
; *** File "handles"
; Programs will not typically open files themselves. How it works with CFS is
; that it exposes an API to plug target files in a blockdev ID. This all
; depends on how you glue parts together, but ideally, you'll have two
; fs-related blockdev IDs: one for reading, one for writing.
; Being plugged into the blockdev system, programs will access the files as they
; would with any other block device.
; *** Creating a new FS
; A valid Collapse OS filesystem is nothing more than the 3 bytes 'C', 'F', 'S'
; next to each other. Placing them at the right place is all you have to do to
; create your FS.
; *** DEFINES ***
; Number of handles we want to support
; *** CONSTS ***
FS_MAX_NAME_SIZE .equ 0x1a
FS_BLOCKSIZE .equ 0x100
; Size in bytes of a FS handle:
; * 2 bytes for starting offset
; * 2 bytes for file size (we could fetch it from metadata all the time, but it
; could be time consuming depending on the underlying device).
; * 2 bytes for current position.
; Starting offset is the *metadata* offset. We need, when we write to a handle,
; to change the size of the file.
FS_ERR_NO_FS .equ 0x5
; *** VARIABLES ***
; A copy of BLOCKDEV_SEL when the FS was mounted. 0 if no FS is mounted.
; Offset at which our FS start on mounted device
; Offset at which we are currently pointing to with regards to our routines
; below, which all assume this offset as a context. This offset is not relative
; to FS_START. It can be used directly with blkSeek.
; This variable below contain the metadata of the last block FS_PTR was moved
; to. We read this data in memory to avoid constant seek+read operations.
; *** DATA ***
.db "CFS", 0
; *** CODE ***
; *** Navigation ***
; Resets FS_PTR to the beginning. Errors out if no FS is mounted.
; Sets Z if success, unset if error
push hl
ld hl, (FS_START)
ld (FS_PTR), hl
pop hl
call fsReadMeta
call fsIsValid ; sets Z
; Change current position to the next block with metadata. If it can't (if this
; is the last valid block), doesn't move.
; Sets Z according to whether we moved.
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a, (FS_META+3)
cp 0
jr z, .error ; if our block allocates 0 blocks, this is the
; end of the line.
call fsPlace
ld b, a ; we will seek A times
call blkSeek
djnz .loop
; Good, were here. We're going to read meta from our current position.
; But before we do, let's keep a copy of FS_PTR around. We might need
; to go back.
ld de, (FS_PTR)
call blkTell ; --> HL
ld (FS_PTR), hl
call fsReadMeta
jr nz, .goback ; error! let's bail out
call fsIsValid
jr nz, .goback ; error! let's bail out
; We're good! We have a valid FS block and FS_PTR is already updated.
; Meta is already read. Nothing to do!
cp a ; ensure Z
jr .end
ld (FS_PTR), de
call fsReadMeta
call unsetZ
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Reads metadata at current FS_PTR and place it in FS_META.
; Returns Z according to whether the blkRead operation succeeded.
call fsPlace
push bc
push hl
ld b, 0x20
ld hl, FS_META
call blkRead ; Sets Z
pop hl
pop bc
; Writes metadata in FS_META at current FS_PTR.
; Returns Z according to whether the blkWrite operation succeeded.
call fsPlace
push bc
push hl
ld b, 0x20
ld hl, FS_META
call blkWrite ; Sets Z
pop hl
pop bc
; Initializes FS_META with "CFS" followed by zeroes
push af
push de
push hl
ld hl, P_FS_MAGIC
ld de, FS_META
ld bc, 3
xor a
ld b, 0x20-3
ld (hl), a
inc hl
djnz .loop
pop hl
pop de
pop af
; Make sure that our underlying blockdev is correcly placed.
push af
push hl
xor a
ld hl, (FS_PTR)
call blkSeek
pop hl
pop af
; Create a new file with A blocks allocated to it and with its new name at
; (HL).
; Before doing so, enumerate all blocks in search of a deleted file with
; allocated space big enough. If it does, it will either take the whole space
; if the allocated space asked is exactly the same, or of it isn't, split the
; free space in 2 and create a new deleted metadata block next to the newly
; created block.
; Places FS_PTR to the newly allocated block. You have to write the new
; filename yourself.
push bc
push de
push hl ; keep HL for later
push af ; keep A for later
; First step: find last block
call fsBegin
ret nz ; not a valid block? hum, something's wrong
call fsNext
jr z, .loop1
call fsPlace ; Make sure that our block device points to
; the beginning of our FS block
; We've reached last block. Two situations are possible at this point:
; 1 - the block is unallocated (0 alloc size)
; 2 - the block is allocated, but there are no next block
; So, what we need to do is check our allocation size
call fsAllocatedBlocks
cp 0
jr z, .proceed ; 0 allocated blocks? this is our block
; > 0 allocated blocks. We need to allocate further
ld b, a ; we will seek A times
call blkSeek
djnz .loop2
; At this point, the blockdev is placed right where we want to allocate
; But first, let's prepare the FS_META we're going to write
call fsInitMeta
pop af ; now we want our A arg
ld a, 1
ld (FS_META+3), a
pop hl ; now we want our HL arg
ld de, FS_META+6
; Good, FS_META ready. Now, let's update FS_PTR because it hasn't been
; changed yet.
call blkTell
ld (FS_PTR), hl
; Ok, now we can write our metadata
call fsWriteMeta
pop de
pop bc
; *** Metadata ***
; Sets Z according to whether the current block in FS_META is valid.
; Don't call other FS routines without checking block validity first: other
; routines don't do checks.
push hl
push de
ld a, 3
ld hl, FS_META
ld de, P_FS_MAGIC
call strncmp
; The result of Z is our result.
pop de
pop hl
; Return, in A, the number of allocated blocks at current position.
ld a, (FS_META+3)
; Return, in HL, the file size at current position.
ld hl, (FS_META+4)
; Return HL, which points to a null-terminated string which contains the
; filename at current position.
ld hl, FS_META+6
; Change name of current file to name in (HL)
push af
push hl ; save filename for later
call fsPlace
ld hl, 6
call blkSeek
pop hl ; now we need the filename
push hl ; ... but let's preserve it for the caller
ld a, (hl)
cp 0
jr z, .end
call blkPutC
inc hl
jr .loop
pop hl
pop af
; *** Handling ***
; Open file at current position into handle at (HL)
; Ensures that file size in metadata corresponds to file size in handle as (HL).
; Read a byte in handle at (HL), put it into A and advance the handle's
; position.
; Z is set on success, unset if handle is at the end of the file.
; Write byte A in handle at (HL) and advance the handle's position.
; Z is set on success, unset if handle is at the end of the allocated space.
; Sets position of handle (HL) to DE. This position does *not* include metadata.
; It is an offset that starts at actual data.
; Sets Z if offset is within bounds, unsets Z if it isn't.
; Mount the fs subsystem upon the currently selected blockdev at current offset.
; Verify is block is valid and error out if its not, mounting nothing.
; Upon mounting, copy currently selected device in FS_BLKSEL.
.db "fson", 0, 0, 0
push hl
call blkTell
ld (FS_PTR), hl
call fsReadMeta
jr nz, .error
call fsIsValid
jr nz, .error
; success
ld (FS_START), hl
xor a
jr .end
ld a, FS_ERR_NO_FS
pop hl
; Lists filenames in currently active FS
.db "fls", 0, 0, 0, 0
call fsBegin
jr nz, .error
call fsFileName
call printstr
call printcrlf
call fsNext
jr z, .loop ; Z set? fsNext was successfull
xor a
jr .end
ld a, FS_ERR_NO_FS
; Takes one byte block number to allocate as well we one string arg filename
; and allocates a new file in the current fs.
.db "fnew", 0b001, 0b1001, 0b001
push hl
push de
ld a, (hl)
ex de, hl
inc de
call intoDE
ex de, hl
call fsAlloc
pop de
pop hl
xor a