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synced 2025-02-19 08:56:00 +11:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "f5b04fc02fc90c9e143201a3ef57c140fa980080" and "019d05f64c34dce9190b1aa3a624d614307bce3e" have entirely different histories.
@ -32,25 +32,6 @@ Thus, code that glue parts together could look like:
#include "mod2.asm"
#include "mod2.asm"
## Register protection
As a general rule, all routines systematically protect registers they use,
including input parameters. This allows us to stop worrying, each time we call
a routine, whether our registers are all messed up.
Some routines stray from that rule, but the fact that they destroy a particular
register is documented. An undocumented register change is considered a bug.
Clean up after yourself, you nasty routine!
Another exception to this rule are "top-level" routines, that is, routines that
aren't designed to be called from other parts of Collapse OS. Those are
generally routines close to an application's main loop.
It is important to note, however, that shadow registers aren't preserved.
Therefore, shadow registers should only be used in code that doesn't call
routines or that call a routine that explicitly states that it preserves
shadow registers.
## Stack management
## Stack management
Keeping the stack "balanced" is a big challenge when writing assembler code.
Keeping the stack "balanced" is a big challenge when writing assembler code.
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
This file describe tricks and conventions that are used throughout the code and
This file describe tricks and conventions that are used throughout the code and
might need explanation.
might need explanation.
*** Quickies
or a: Equivalent to "cp 0", but results in a shorter opcode.
or a: Equivalent to "cp 0", but results in a shorter opcode.
xor a: sets A to 0 more efficiently than ld a, 0
xor a: sets A to 0 more efficiently than ld a, 0
@ -10,16 +8,12 @@ xor a: sets A to 0 more efficiently than ld a, 0
and 0xbf: Given a letter in the a-z range, changes it to its uppercase value
and 0xbf: Given a letter in the a-z range, changes it to its uppercase value
if it's already uppercased, then it stays that way.
if it's already uppercased, then it stays that way.
*** Z flag for results
Z if almost always used as a success indicator for routines. Set for success,
Z if almost always used as a success indicator for routines. Set for success,
Reset for failure. "xor a" (destroys A) and "cp a" (preserves A) are used to
Reset for failure. "xor a" (destroys A) and "cp a" (preserves A) are used to
ensure Z is set. To ensure that it is reset, it's a bit more complicated and
ensure Z is set. To ensure that it is reset, it's a bit more complicated and
"unsetZ" routine exists for that, although that in certain circumstances,
"unsetZ" routine exists for that, although that in certain circumstances,
"inc a \ dec a" or "or a" can work.
"inc a \ dec a" or "or a" can work.
*** Little endian
z80 is little endian in its 16-bit loading operations. For example, "ld hl, (0)"
z80 is little endian in its 16-bit loading operations. For example, "ld hl, (0)"
will load the contents of memory address 0 in L and memory address 1 in H. This
will load the contents of memory address 0 in L and memory address 1 in H. This
little-endianess is followed by Collapse OS in most situations. When it's not,
little-endianess is followed by Collapse OS in most situations. When it's not,
@ -31,21 +25,3 @@ are stored as "big endian pair of little endian 16-bit numbers". For example,
if "ld dehl, (0)" existed and if the first 4 bytes of memory were 0x01, 0x02,
if "ld dehl, (0)" existed and if the first 4 bytes of memory were 0x01, 0x02,
0x03 and 0x04, then DE (being the "high" word) would be 0x0201 and HL would be
0x03 and 0x04, then DE (being the "high" word) would be 0x0201 and HL would be
*** DAA
When it comes to dealing with decimals, the DAA instruction, which look a bit
obscur, can be very useful. It transforms the result of a previous arithmetic
operation involving two BCD (binary coded decimal, one digit in high nibble,
the other digit in low nibble. For example, 0x99 represents 99) into a valid
BCD. For example, 0x12+0x19=0x2b, but after calling DAA, it will be 0x31.
To clear misunderstanding: this does **not** transform an arbitrary value into
BCD. For example, "ld a, 0xff \ daa" isn't going to magically give you a binary
coded 255 (how could it?). This is designed to be ran after an arithmetic
A common trick to transform an arbitrary number to BCD is to loop 8 times over
your bitstream, SLA your bits out of your binary value and then run
"adc a, a \ daa" over it (with provisions for carries if you expect numbers
over 99).
@ -11,12 +11,7 @@
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "lib/ari.asm"
.inc "lib/parse.asm"
.inc "lib/parse.asm"
.inc "lib/fmt.asm"
.equ EXPR_PARSE parseLiteral
.inc "lib/expr.asm"
.inc "basic/tok.asm"
.inc "basic/main.asm"
.inc "basic/main.asm"
@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
; *** Constants ***
; *** Variables ***
; *** Variables ***
; Value of `SP` when basic was first invoked. This is where SP is going back to
; Value of `SP` when basic was first invoked. This is where SP is going back to
; on restarts.
; on restarts.
; **Pointer** to current line number
; **Pointer** to current line number
.equ BAS_PCURLN @+2
.equ BAS_PCURLN @+2
.equ BAS_RAMEND @+2
; *** Code ***
; *** Code ***
@ -42,37 +39,24 @@ basPrompt:
.db "> ", 0
.db "> ", 0
; First, get cmd length
call fnWSIdx
cp 7
jr nc, .unknown ; Too long, can't possibly fit anything.
; A contains whitespace IDX, save it in B
ld b, a
ex de, hl
ex de, hl
ld hl, basCmds1+2
ld hl, basCmds1
ld a, b ; whitespace IDX
ld a, 4
call strncmp
call strncmp
jr z, .found
jr z, .found
ld a, 8
ld a, 6
call addHL
call addHL
ld a, (hl)
ld a, (hl)
cp 0xff
cp 0xff
jr nz, .loop
jr nz, .loop
ld hl, .sUnknown
ld hl, .sUnknown
jr basPrintLn
jr basPrintLn
dec hl \ dec hl
inc hl \ inc hl \ inc hl \ inc hl
call intoHL
call intoHL
push hl \ pop ix
jp (hl)
; Bring back command string from DE to HL
ex de, hl
ld a, b ; cmd's length
call addHL
call rdWS
jp (ix)
.db "Unknown command", 0
.db "Unknown command", 0
@ -82,17 +66,7 @@ basPrintLn:
call printstr
call printstr
jp printcrlf
jp printcrlf
ld hl, .sErr
jr basPrintLn
.db "ERR", 0
; *** Commands ***
; *** Commands ***
; A command receives its argument through (HL), which is already placed to
; either:
; 1 - the end of the string if the command has no arg.
; 2 - the beginning of the arg, with whitespace properly skipped.
ld hl, .sBye
ld hl, .sBye
call basPrintLn
call basPrintLn
@ -104,20 +78,10 @@ basBYE:
.db "Goodbye!", 0
.db "Goodbye!", 0
call parseExpr
jp nz, basERR
push ix \ pop de
call fmtDecimal
jp basPrintLn
; direct only
; direct only
.db "bye", 0
.dw basBYE
.dw basBYE
.db "bye", 0, 0, 0
; statements
; statements
.dw basPRINT
.db 0xff ; end of table
.db "print", 0
.db 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ; end of table
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
; Expect at least one whitespace (0x20, 0x09) at (HL), and then advance HL
; until a non-whitespace character is met.
; HL is advanced to the first non-whitespace char.
; Sets Z on success, unset on failure.
; Failure is either not having a first whitespace or reaching the end of the
; string.
; Sets Z if we found a non-whitespace char, unset if we found the end of string.
ld a, (hl)
call isSep
ret nz ; failure
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
call isSep
jr z, .loop
or a ; cp 0
jp z, .fail
cp a ; ensure Z
; A is zero at this point
inc a ; unset Z
; Find the first whitespace in (HL) and returns its index in A
; Sets Z if whitespace is found, unset if end of string was found.
; In the case where no whitespace was found, A returns the length of the string.
push hl
push bc
ld b, 0
ld a, (hl)
call isSep
jr z, .found
or a
jr z, .eos
inc hl
inc b
jr .loop
inc a ; unset Z
.found: ; Z already set from isSep
ld a, b
pop bc
pop hl
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
; Borrowed from Tasty Basic by Dimitri Theulings (GPL).
; Divide HL by DE, placing the result in BC and the remainder in HL.
push hl ; --> lvl 1
ld l, h ; divide h by de
ld h, 0
call .dv1
ld b, c ; save result in b
ld a, l ; (remainder + l) / de
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
ld h, a
ld c, 0xff ; result in c
inc c ; dumb routine
call .subde ; divide using subtract and count
jr nc, .dv2
add hl, de
ld a, l
sub e ; subtract de from hl
ld l, a
ld a, h
sbc a, d
ld h, a
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
; Format the number in DE into the string at (HL) in a decimal form.
; Null-terminated. DE is considered an unsigned number.
push ix
push hl
push de
push af
push hl \ pop ix
ex de, hl ; orig number now in HL
ld e, 0
call .div10
push hl ; push remainder. --> lvl E
inc e
ld a, b ; result 0?
or c
push bc \ pop hl
jr nz, .loop1 ; not zero, continue
; We now have C digits to print in the stack.
; Spit them!
push ix \ pop hl ; restore orig HL.
ld b, e
pop de ; <-- lvl E
ld a, '0'
add a, e
ld (hl), a
inc hl
djnz .loop2
; null terminate
xor a
ld (hl), a
pop af
pop de
pop hl
pop ix
push de
ld de, 0x000a
call divide
pop de
@ -136,168 +136,3 @@ parseDecimal:
pop hl
pop hl
jp unsetZ
jp unsetZ
; Parse string at (HL) as a hexadecimal value and return value in IX under the
; same conditions as parseLiteral.
call hasHexPrefix
ret nz
push hl
push de
ld d, 0
inc hl ; get rid of "0x"
inc hl
call strlen
cp 3
jr c, .single
cp 4
jr c, .doubleShort ; 0x123
cp 5
jr c, .double ; 0x1234
; too long, error
jr .error
call parseHexPair
jr c, .error
inc hl ; now HL is on first char of next pair
ld d, a
jr .single
ld a, (hl)
call parseHex
jr c, .error
inc hl ; now HL is on first char of next pair
ld d, a
call parseHexPair
jr c, .error
ld e, a
cp a ; ensure Z
jr .end
call unsetZ
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
; Sets Z if (HL) has a '0x' prefix.
ld a, (hl)
cp '0'
ret nz
push hl
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp 'x'
pop hl
; Parse string at (HL) as a binary value (0b010101) and return value in IX.
; High IX byte is always clear.
; Sets Z on success.
call hasBinPrefix
ret nz
push bc
push hl
push de
ld d, 0
inc hl ; get rid of "0b"
inc hl
call strlen
or a
jr z, .error ; empty, error
cp 9
jr nc, .error ; >= 9, too long
; We have a string of 8 or less chars. What we'll do is that for each
; char, we rotate left and set the LSB according to whether we have '0'
; or '1'. Error out on anything else. C is our stored result.
ld b, a ; we loop for "strlen" times
ld c, 0 ; our stored result
rlc c
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp '0'
jr z, .nobit ; no bit to set
cp '1'
jr nz, .error ; not 0 or 1
; We have a bit to set
inc c
djnz .loop
ld e, c
cp a ; ensure Z
jr .end
call unsetZ
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
pop bc
; Sets Z if (HL) has a '0b' prefix.
ld a, (hl)
cp '0'
ret nz
push hl
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp 'b'
pop hl
; Parse string at (HL) and, if it is a char literal, sets Z and return
; corresponding value in IX. High IX byte is always clear.
; A valid char literal starts with ', ends with ' and has one character in the
; middle. No escape sequence are accepted, but ''' will return the apostrophe
; character.
ld a, 0x27 ; apostrophe (') char
cp (hl)
ret nz
push hl
push de
inc hl
inc hl
cp (hl)
jr nz, .end ; not ending with an apostrophe
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
or a ; cp 0
jr nz, .end ; string has to end there
; Valid char, good
ld d, a ; A is zero, take advantage of that
dec hl
dec hl
ld a, (hl)
ld e, a
cp a ; ensure Z
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
; Parses the string at (HL) and returns the 16-bit value in IX. The string
; can be a decimal literal (1234), a hexadecimal literal (0x1234) or a char
; literal ('X').
; As soon as the number doesn't fit 16-bit any more, parsing stops and the
; number is invalid. If the number is valid, Z is set, otherwise, unset.
call parseCharLiteral
ret z
call parseHexadecimal
ret z
call parseBinaryLiteral
ret z
jp parseDecimal
@ -26,67 +26,3 @@ strcpy:
pop hl
pop hl
; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE until one of them hits its null char.
; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset.
push hl
push de
ld a, (de)
cp (hl)
jr nz, .end ; not equal? break early. NZ is carried out
; to the called
or a ; If our chars are null, stop the cmp
jr z, .end ; The positive result will be carried to the
; caller
inc hl
inc de
jr .loop
pop de
pop hl
; Because we don't call anything else than CP that modify the Z flag,
; our Z value will be that of the last cp (reset if we broke the loop
; early, set otherwise)
; Returns length of string at (HL) in A.
; Doesn't include null termination.
push bc
push hl
ld bc, 0
xor a ; look for null char
jp z, .found
jr .loop
; How many char do we have? the (NEG BC)-1, which started at 0 and
; decreased at each CPI call. In this routine, we stay in the 8-bit
; realm, so C only.
ld a, c
dec a
pop hl
pop bc
; DE * BC -> DE (high) and HL (low)
ld hl, 0
ld a, 0x10
add hl, hl
rl e
rl d
jr nc, .noinc
add hl, bc
jr nc, .noinc
inc de
dec a
jr nz, .loop
@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
; *** Requirements ***
; findchar
; multDEBC
; *** Defines ***
; EXPR_PARSE: routine to call to parse literals or symbols that are part of
; the expression. Routine's signature:
; String in (HL), returns its parsed value to IX. Z for success.
; *** Code ***
; Parse expression in string at (HL) and returns the result in IX.
; Parse expression in string at (HL) and returns the result in IX.
; We expect (HL) to be disposable: we mutate it to avoid having to make a copy.
; We expect (HL) to be disposable: we mutate it to avoid having to make a copy.
; Sets Z on success, unset on error.
; Sets Z on success, unset on error.
@ -31,7 +19,7 @@ _parseExpr:
ld a, '*'
ld a, '*'
call _findAndSplit
call _findAndSplit
jp z, _applyMult
jp z, _applyMult
jp parseNumberOrSymbol
; Given a string in (HL) and a separator char in A, return a splitted string,
; Given a string in (HL) and a separator char in A, return a splitted string,
; that is, the same (HL) string but with the found A char replaced by a null
; that is, the same (HL) string but with the found A char replaced by a null
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
; _blkSeek
; _blkSeek
; _blkTell
; _blkTell
; printstr
; printstr
.inc "user.h"
.inc "user.h"
@ -78,8 +80,7 @@ jp zasmMain
.inc "zasm/directive.asm"
.inc "zasm/directive.asm"
.inc "zasm/parse.asm"
.inc "zasm/parse.asm"
.equ EXPR_PARSE parseNumberOrSymbol
.inc "zasm/expr.asm"
.inc "lib/expr.asm"
.inc "zasm/symbol.asm"
.inc "zasm/symbol.asm"
@ -1,3 +1,167 @@
; Parse string at (HL) as a hexadecimal value and return value in IX under the
; same conditions as parseLiteral.
call hasHexPrefix
ret nz
push hl
push de
ld d, 0
inc hl ; get rid of "0x"
inc hl
call strlen
cp 3
jr c, .single
cp 4
jr c, .doubleShort ; 0x123
cp 5
jr c, .double ; 0x1234
; too long, error
jr .error
call parseHexPair
jr c, .error
inc hl ; now HL is on first char of next pair
ld d, a
jr .single
ld a, (hl)
call parseHex
jr c, .error
inc hl ; now HL is on first char of next pair
ld d, a
call parseHexPair
jr c, .error
ld e, a
cp a ; ensure Z
jr .end
call unsetZ
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
; Sets Z if (HL) has a '0x' prefix.
ld a, (hl)
cp '0'
ret nz
push hl
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp 'x'
pop hl
; Parse string at (HL) as a binary value (0b010101) and return value in IX.
; High IX byte is always clear.
; Sets Z on success.
call hasBinPrefix
ret nz
push bc
push hl
push de
ld d, 0
inc hl ; get rid of "0b"
inc hl
call strlen
or a
jr z, .error ; empty, error
cp 9
jr nc, .error ; >= 9, too long
; We have a string of 8 or less chars. What we'll do is that for each
; char, we rotate left and set the LSB according to whether we have '0'
; or '1'. Error out on anything else. C is our stored result.
ld b, a ; we loop for "strlen" times
ld c, 0 ; our stored result
rlc c
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp '0'
jr z, .nobit ; no bit to set
cp '1'
jr nz, .error ; not 0 or 1
; We have a bit to set
inc c
djnz .loop
ld e, c
cp a ; ensure Z
jr .end
call unsetZ
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
pop bc
; Sets Z if (HL) has a '0b' prefix.
ld a, (hl)
cp '0'
ret nz
push hl
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp 'b'
pop hl
; Parse string at (HL) and, if it is a char literal, sets Z and return
; corresponding value in IX. High IX byte is always clear.
; A valid char literal starts with ', ends with ' and has one character in the
; middle. No escape sequence are accepted, but ''' will return the apostrophe
; character.
ld a, 0x27 ; apostrophe (') char
cp (hl)
ret nz
push hl
push de
inc hl
inc hl
cp (hl)
jr nz, .end ; not ending with an apostrophe
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
or a ; cp 0
jr nz, .end ; string has to end there
; Valid char, good
ld d, a ; A is zero, take advantage of that
dec hl
dec hl
ld a, (hl)
ld e, a
cp a ; ensure Z
push de \ pop ix
pop de
pop hl
; Parses the string at (HL) and returns the 16-bit value in IX. The string
; can be a decimal literal (1234), a hexadecimal literal (0x1234) or a char
; literal ('X').
; As soon as the number doesn't fit 16-bit any more, parsing stops and the
; number is invalid. If the number is valid, Z is set, otherwise, unset.
call parseCharLiteral
ret z
call parseHexadecimal
ret z
call parseBinaryLiteral
ret z
jp parseDecimal
; Parse string in (HL) and return its numerical value whether its a number
; Parse string in (HL) and return its numerical value whether its a number
; literal or a symbol. Returns value in IX.
; literal or a symbol. Returns value in IX.
; Sets Z if number or symbol is valid, unset otherwise.
; Sets Z if number or symbol is valid, unset otherwise.
@ -30,6 +30,28 @@ toggleZ:
cp a
cp a
; Returns length of string at (HL) in A.
; Doesn't include null termination.
push bc
push hl
ld bc, 0
ld a, 0 ; look for null char
jp z, .found
jr .loop
; How many char do we have? the (NEG BC)-1, which started at 0 and
; decreased at each CPI call. In this routine, we stay in the 8-bit
; realm, so C only.
ld a, c
dec a
pop hl
pop bc
; Sets Z if string at (HL) is one character long
; Sets Z if string at (HL) is one character long
xor a
xor a
@ -76,6 +98,32 @@ strncmpI:
; early, set otherwise)
; early, set otherwise)
; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE until one of them hits its null char.
; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset.
push hl
push de
ld a, (de)
cp (hl)
jr nz, .end ; not equal? break early. NZ is carried out
; to the called
cp 0 ; If our chars are null, stop the cmp
jr z, .end ; The positive result will be carried to the
; caller
inc hl
inc de
jr .loop
pop de
pop hl
; Because we don't call anything else than CP that modify the Z flag,
; our Z value will be that of the last cp (reset if we broke the loop
; early, set otherwise)
; If string at (HL) starts with ( and ends with ), "enter" into the parens
; If string at (HL) starts with ( and ends with ), "enter" into the parens
; (advance HL and put a null char at the end of the string) and set Z.
; (advance HL and put a null char at the end of the string) and set Z.
; Otherwise, do nothing and reset Z.
; Otherwise, do nothing and reset Z.
@ -171,3 +219,19 @@ findStringInList:
; DE * BC -> DE (high) and HL (low)
ld hl, 0
ld a, 0x10
add hl, hl
rl e
rl d
jr nc, .noinc
add hl, bc
jr nc, .noinc
inc de
dec a
jr nz, .loop
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ jp test
.inc "zasm/parse.asm"
.inc "zasm/parse.asm"
.inc "zasm/symbol.asm"
.inc "zasm/symbol.asm"
.equ EXPR_PARSE parseNumberOrSymbol
.inc "zasm/expr.asm"
.inc "lib/expr.asm"
; Pretend that we aren't in first pass
; Pretend that we aren't in first pass
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
jp test
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "lib/ari.asm"
.inc "lib/fmt.asm"
testNum: .db 1
ld sp, 0xffff
call testFmtDecimal
; success
xor a
ld ix, .t1
call .test
ld ix, .t2
call .test
ld ix, .t3
call .test
ld ix, .t4
call .test
ld ix, .t5
call .test
ld e, (ix)
ld d, (ix+1)
ld hl, sandbox
call fmtDecimal
ld hl, sandbox
push ix \ pop de
inc de \ inc de
call strcmp
jp nz, fail
jp nexttest
.dw 1234
.db "1234", 0
.dw 9999
.db "9999", 0
.dw 0
.db "0", 0
.dw 0x7fff
.db "32767", 0
.dw 0xffff
.db "65535", 0
ld a, (testNum)
inc a
ld (testNum), a
ld a, (testNum)
; used as RAM
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ jp test
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "str.asm"
.inc "str.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "zasm/util.asm"
.inc "zasm/util.asm"
testNum: .db 1
testNum: .db 1
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ jp runTests
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "zasm/util.asm"
.inc "zasm/util.asm"
.inc "lib/parse.asm"
.inc "lib/parse.asm"
.equ EXPR_PARSE parseLiteral
.inc "zasm/parse.asm"
.inc "lib/expr.asm"
.inc "zasm/expr.asm"
.inc "zasm/instr.asm"
.inc "zasm/instr.asm"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user