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synced 2025-02-21 06:16:02 +11:00
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No commits in common. "c968995ec0814d9893a98226bd408e011df2c0e3" and "2652c815190da91606660f9632a27ecdbec72299" have entirely different histories.
@ -36,49 +36,54 @@ instrNames:
.db "ADC", 0
.db "ADD", 0
.db "AND", 0
.db "ASR", 0
.db "CLR", 0
.db "CP", 0
.db "CPC", 0
.db "CPSE", 0
.db "EOR", 0
.db "MOV", 0
.db "MUL", 0
.db "OR", 0
.db "SBC", 0
.db "SUB", 0
.equ I_ANDI 31
.db "ANDI", 0
.db "CPI", 0
.db "LDI", 0
.db "ORI", 0
.db "SBCI", 0
.db "SBR", 0
.db "SUBI", 0
.equ I_BLD 38
.db "BLD", 0
.db "BREAK", 0
.db "BST", 0
.db "SBRC", 0
.db "SBRS", 0
.equ I_RCALL 42
.db "RCALL", 0
.db "RJMP", 0
.equ I_IN 44
.db "IN", 0
.equ I_OUT 45
.db "OUT", 0
; no arg (from here, instrTbl16)
.equ I_BREAK 46
.db "BREAK", 0
.db "CLC", 0
.db "CLH", 0
.db "CLI", 0
.db "CLN", 0
.db "CLR", 0
.db "CLS", 0
.db "CLT", 0
.db "CLV", 0
.db "CLZ", 0
.db "COM", 0
.db "CP", 0
.db "CPC", 0
.db "CPSE", 0
.db "DEC", 0
.db "EICALL", 0
.db "EIJMP", 0
.db "EOR", 0
.db "ICALL", 0
.db "IJMP", 0
.db "IN", 0
.db "INC", 0
.db "LAC", 0
.db "LAS", 0
.db "LAT", 0
.db "LSR", 0
.db "MOV", 0
.db "MUL", 0
.db "NEG", 0
.db "NOP", 0
.db "OR", 0
.db "OUT", 0
.db "POP", 0
.db "PUSH", 0
.db "RET", 0
.db "RETI", 0
.db "ROR", 0
.db "SBC", 0
.db "SBRC", 0
.db "SBRS", 0
.db "SEC", 0
.db "SEH", 0
.db "SEI", 0
@ -88,24 +93,23 @@ instrNames:
.db "SEV", 0
.db "SEZ", 0
.db "SLEEP", 0
.db "SUB", 0
.db "SWAP", 0
.db "WDR", 0
; Rd(5)
.equ I_ASR 72
.db "ASR", 0
.db "COM", 0
.db "DEC", 0
.db "INC", 0
.db "LAC", 0
.db "LAS", 0
.db "LAT", 0
.db "LSR", 0
.db "NEG", 0
.db "POP", 0
.db "PUSH", 0
.db "ROR", 0
.db "SWAP", 0
.db "XCH", 0
.equ I_ANDI 77
.db "ANDI", 0
.db "CPI", 0
.db "LDI", 0
.db "ORI", 0
.db "SBCI", 0
.db "SBR", 0
.db "SUBI", 0
.equ I_RCALL 84
.db "RCALL", 0
.db "RJMP", 0
.equ I_CBI 86
.db "CBI", 0
.db "SBI", 0
.db 0xff
; Instruction table
@ -130,55 +134,57 @@ instrNames:
; In the same order as in instrNames
; Regular processing: Rd with second arg having its 4 low bits placed in C's
; 3:0 bits and the 4 high bits being place in B's 4:1 bits
; No args are also there.
.db 0x02, 0b00011100, 0x00 ; ADC Rd, Rr
.db 0x02, 0b00001100, 0x00 ; ADD Rd, Rr
.db 0x02, 0b00100000, 0x00 ; AND Rd, Rr
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000101 ; ASR Rd
.db 0x05, 0b11111000, 0x00 ; BLD Rd, b
; Rd(5) + Rd(5): XXXXXXrd ddddrrrr
.db 0x02, 0b00011100, 0x00 ; ADC
.db 0x02, 0b00001100, 0x00 ; ADD
.db 0x02, 0b00100000, 0x00 ; AND
.db 0x41, 0b00100100, 0x00 ; CLR (Rr copies Rd)
.db 0x02, 0b00010100, 0x00 ; CP
.db 0x02, 0b00000100, 0x00 ; CPC
.db 0x02, 0b00010000, 0x00 ; CPSE
.db 0x02, 0b00100100, 0x00 ; EOR
.db 0x02, 0b00101100, 0x00 ; MOV
.db 0x02, 0b10011100, 0x00 ; MUL
.db 0x02, 0b00101000, 0x00 ; OR
.db 0x02, 0b00001000, 0x00 ; SBC
.db 0x02, 0b00011000, 0x00 ; SUB
; Rd(4) + K(8): XXXXKKKK ddddKKKK
.db 0x04, 0b01110000, 0x00 ; ANDI
.db 0x04, 0b00110000, 0x00 ; CPI
.db 0x04, 0b11100000, 0x00 ; LDI
.db 0x04, 0b01100000, 0x00 ; ORI
.db 0x04, 0b01000000, 0x00 ; SBCI
.db 0x04, 0b01100000, 0x00 ; SBR
.db 0x04, 0b01010000, 0x00 ; SUBI
; Rd(5) + bit: XXXXXXXd ddddXbbb: lonely bit in LSB is 0 in all cases, so we
; ignore it.
.db 0x05, 0b11111000, 0x00 ; BLD
.db 0x05, 0b11111010, 0x00 ; BST
.db 0x05, 0b11111100, 0x00 ; SBRC
.db 0x05, 0b11111110, 0x00 ; SBRS
; k(12): XXXXkkkk kkkkkkkk
.db 0x00, 0b11010000, 0x00 ; RCALL
.db 0x00, 0b11000000, 0x00 ; RJMP
; IN and OUT
.db 0x07, 0b10110000, 0x00 ; IN
.db 0x87, 0b10111000, 0x00 ; OUT (args reversed)
; no arg
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b10011000 ; BREAK
.db 0x05, 0b11111010, 0x00 ; BST Rd, b
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b10001000 ; CLC
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b11011000 ; CLH
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b11111000 ; CLI
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b10101000 ; CLN
.db 0x41, 0b00100100, 0x00 ; CLR Rd (Bit 6)
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b11001000 ; CLS
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b11101000 ; CLT
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b10111000 ; CLV
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b10011000 ; CLZ
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000000 ; COM Rd
.db 0x02, 0b00010100, 0x00 ; CP Rd, Rr
.db 0x02, 0b00000100, 0x00 ; CPC Rd, Rr
.db 0x02, 0b00010000, 0x00 ; CPSE Rd, Rr
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00001010 ; DEC Rd
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b00011001 ; EICALL
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b00011001 ; EIJMP
.db 0x02, 0b00100100, 0x00 ; EOR Rd, Rr
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b00001001 ; ICALL
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b00001001 ; IJMP
.db 0x07, 0b10110000, 0x00 ; IN Rd, A
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000011 ; INC Rd
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000110 ; LAC Rd
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000101 ; LAS Rd
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000111 ; LAT Rd
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000110 ; LSR Rd
.db 0x00, 0b00000000, 0b00000000 ; NOP
.db 0x02, 0b00101100, 0x00 ; MOV Rd, Rr
.db 0x02, 0b10011100, 0x00 ; MUL Rd, Rr
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000001 ; NEG Rd
.db 0x02, 0b00101000, 0x00 ; OR Rd, Rr
.db 0x87, 0b10111000, 0x00 ; OUT A, Rr (Bit 7)
.db 0x01, 0b10010000, 0b00001111 ; POP Rd
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00001111 ; PUSH Rd
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b00001000 ; RET
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b00011000 ; RETI
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000111 ; ROR Rd
.db 0x02, 0b00001000, 0x00 ; SBC Rd, Rr
.db 0x05, 0b11111100, 0x00 ; SBRC Rd, b
.db 0x05, 0b11111110, 0x00 ; SBRS Rd, b
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b00001000 ; SEC
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b01011000 ; SEH
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b01111000 ; SEI
@ -188,24 +194,22 @@ instrTbl:
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b00111000 ; SEV
.db 0x00, 0b10010100, 0b00011000 ; SEZ
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b10001000 ; SLEEP
.db 0x02, 0b00011000, 0x00 ; SUB Rd, Rr
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000010 ; SWAP Rd
.db 0x00, 0b10010101, 0b10101000 ; WDR
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000100 ; XCH Rd
; Rd(4) + K(8): XXXXKKKK ddddKKKK
.db 0x04, 0b01110000, 0x00 ; ANDI
.db 0x04, 0b00110000, 0x00 ; CPI
.db 0x04, 0b11100000, 0x00 ; LDI
.db 0x04, 0b01100000, 0x00 ; ORI
.db 0x04, 0b01000000, 0x00 ; SBCI
.db 0x04, 0b01100000, 0x00 ; SBR
.db 0x04, 0b01010000, 0x00 ; SUBI
; k(12): XXXXkkkk kkkkkkkk
.db 0x08, 0b11010000, 0x00 ; RCALL k
.db 0x08, 0b11000000, 0x00 ; RJMP k
; A(5) + bit: XXXXXXXX AAAAAbbb
.db 0x09, 0b10011000, 0x00 ; CBI A, b
.db 0x09, 0b10011010, 0x00 ; SBI A, b
; Rd(5): XXXXXXXd ddddXXXX
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000101 ; ASR
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000000 ; COM
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00001010 ; DEC
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000011 ; INC
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000110 ; LAC
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000101 ; LAS
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000111 ; LAT
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000110 ; LSR
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000001 ; NEG
.db 0x01, 0b10010000, 0b00001111 ; POP
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00001111 ; PUSH
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000111 ; ROR
.db 0x01, 0b10010100, 0b00000010 ; SWAP
.db 0x01, 0b10010010, 0b00000100 ; XCH
; Same signature as getInstID in instr.asm
; Reads string in (HL) and returns the corresponding ID (I_*) in A. Sets Z if
@ -267,7 +271,7 @@ parseInstruction:
push hl \ pop ix ; IX is now our tblrow
ld hl, 0
or a
jr z, .spit ; No arg? spit right away
jr z, .noarg
and 0xf ; lower nibble
dec a ; argspec index is 1-based
ld hl, argSpecs
@ -282,6 +286,7 @@ parseInstruction:
call nz, .swapHL ; Bit 7 set, swap H and L
call _parseArgs
ret nz
; *** Step 3: place arguments in binary upcode and spit.
; (IX) is table row
; Parse arg values now in H and L
@ -292,32 +297,69 @@ parseInstruction:
call nz, .cpHintoL ; Bit 6 set, copy H into L
ld a, e ; InstrID
jr c, .spitRegular
jr c, .spitRd5Rr5
cp I_BLD
jr c, .spitRdK8
cp I_CBI
jr c, .spitk12
; spit A(5) + bit
jr c, .spitRdBit
cp I_IN
jr c, .spitK12
jp c, .spitINOUT
cp I_ASR
jp c, .spit ; no arg
; spitRd5
ld a, h
rla \ rla \ rla
or l
ld c, a
jr .spit
; Regular process which places H and L, ORring it with upcode. Works
; in most cases.
call .placeRd
call .placeRr
jr .spit
jp .spit
ld a, h
call .placeRd
ld a, l
; let's start with the 4 lower bits
and 0xf
or c
; We now have our LSB in A. Let's spit it now.
call ioPutB
ld a, l
; and now that last high bit, currently bit 4, which must become bit 1
and 0b00010000
rra \ rra \ rra
or b
ld b, a
jp .spitMSB
ld a, h ; Rd
call .placeRd
call .placeRr
rr b ; K(8) start at B's 1st bit, not 2nd
jr .spit
ld a, l ; K
; let's start with the 4 lower bits
and 0xf
or c
; We now have our LSB in A. Let's spit it now.
call ioPutB
ld a, l
; and now those high 4 bits
and 0xf0
rra \ rra \ rra \ rra
ld b, a
jp .spitMSB
; k(12) in HL
ld a, h
call .placeRd
or l
; LSB is in A and is ready to go
call ioPutB
jr .spitMSB
; Let's deal with the upcode constant before we destroy IX below
ld b, (ix+1)
call readWord
call parseExpr
ret nz
push ix \ pop hl
; We're doing the same dance as in _readk7. See comments there.
ld de, 0xfff
add hl, de
@ -333,13 +375,29 @@ parseInstruction:
; We're within bounds! Now, divide by 2
ld a, l
rr h \ rra
; LSB in A
ld c, a
; LSB in A, spit
call ioPutB
ld a, h
and 0xf
ld b, a
jr .spit
or b
jp ioPutB
; Rd in H, A in L
ld a, h
call .placeRd
ld a, l
and 0xf
or c
; LSB ready
call ioPutB
; The two high bits of A go in bits 3:1 of MSB
ld a, l
rra \ rra \ rra
and 0b110
or b
ld b, a
jr .spitMSB
; LSB is spit *before* MSB
ld a, (ix+2)
@ -406,29 +464,12 @@ parseInstruction:
jr .spitBR2
; local routines
; place number in H in BC at position .......d dddd....
; place number in A in BC at position .......d dddd....
; BC is assumed to be 0
sla h \ rl h \ rl h \ rl h ; last RL H might set carry
sla a \ rla \ rla \ rla ; last RLA might set carry
rl b
ld c, h
; place number in L in BC at position ...rrrr. ....rrrr
; BC is assumed to be either 0 or to be set by .placeRd, that is, that the
; high 4 bits of C and lowest bit of B will be preserved.
; let's start with the 4 lower bits
ld a, l
and 0x0f
or c
ld c, a
ld a, l
; and now those high 4 bits which go in B.
and 0xf0
rra \ rra \ rra
or b
ld b, a
@ -450,7 +491,6 @@ parseInstruction:
; 'a' - A 5-bit I/O port value
; 'A' - A 6-bit I/O port value
; 'b' - a 0-7 bit value
; 'D' - A double-length number which will fill whole HL.
; 'R' - an r5 value: r0-r31
; 'r' - an r4 value: r16-r31
@ -466,8 +506,6 @@ argSpecs:
.db 'R', 'b' ; Rd(5) + bit
.db 'b', 7 ; bit + k(7)
.db 'R', 'A' ; Rd(5) + A(6)
.db 'D', 0 ; K(12)
.db 'a', 'b' ; A(5) + bit
; Parse arguments from I/O according to specs in HL
; H for first spec, L for second spec
@ -477,18 +515,16 @@ argSpecs:
; and thus parse their args themselves.
; Z for success.
; For the duration of the routine, argspec is in DE and final MSB is
; in BC. We place result in HL at the end.
; For the duration of the routine, our final value will be in DE, and
; then placed in HL at the end.
push de
push bc
ld bc, 0
ex de, hl ; argspecs now in DE
call readWord
jr nz, .end
ld a, d
call .parse
jr nz, .end
ld b, a
ld d, a
ld a, e
or a
jr z, .end ; no arg
@ -500,12 +536,10 @@ _parseArgs:
call .parse
jr nz, .end
; we're done with (HL) now
ld c, a
ld l, a
cp a ; ensure Z
ld h, b
ld l, c
pop bc
ld h, d
pop de
@ -520,43 +554,42 @@ _parseArgs:
jr z, _readBit
cp 'A'
jr z, _readA6
cp 'a'
jr z, _readA5
cp 7
jr z, _readk7
cp 8
jr z, _readK8
cp 'D'
jr z, _readDouble
ret ; something's wrong
; Read expr and return success only if result in under number given in A
; Z for success
push ix
push bc
ld b, a
call parseExpr
jr nz, .end
ld a, b
call _IX2A
jr nz, .end
or c
ld c, a
cp a ; ensure Z
pop bc
pop ix
ld a, 7
jr _readExpr
ld a, 0x3f
jr _readExpr
ld a, 0x1f
jr _readExpr
ld a, 0xff
jr _readExpr
push ix
call parseExpr
jr nz, .end
push ix \ pop bc
; BC is already set. For good measure, let's set A to BC's MSB
ld a, b
pop ix
push hl
push de
@ -578,7 +611,7 @@ _readk7:
inc hl \ inc hl
ex de, hl
sbc hl, de
jr c, .err ; Carry? error
jp c, .err ; Carry? error
ld de, 0x7f
sbc hl, de
; We're within bounds! However, our value in L is the number of
@ -634,23 +667,4 @@ _IX2A:
; Z set from "or a"
; Read expr and return success only if result in under number given in A
; Z for success
push ix
push bc
ld b, a
call parseExpr
jr nz, .end
ld a, b
call _IX2A
jr nz, .end
or c
ld c, a
cp a ; ensure Z
pop bc
pop ix
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ main:
ldi r16, RAMEND}8
out SPH, r16
sbi DDRB, 0
cbi PORTB, 0
;sbi DDRB, 0
;cbi PORTB, 0
; To have a blinking delay that's visible, we have to prescale a lot.
; The maximum prescaler is 1024, which makes our TCNT0 increase
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ toggle:
ldi r16, 0b00000010 ; TOV0
out TIFR, R16
inc r1
cbi PORTB, 0
;cbi PORTB, 0
sbrs r1, 1 ; if LED is on
sbi PORTB, 0
;sbi PORTB, 0
@ -1 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user