mirror of https://github.com/hsoft/collapseos.git synced 2025-03-26 14:18:39 +11:00

Add "avr/" includes folder

Also, add a "real world" example in AVRA tests, a blink program on
a ATtiny45. Some instructions are commented out because they aren't
implemented yet, but not many.

The output of the program has been verified against AVRA's own
This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2019-12-15 09:38:01 -05:00
parent 64935d8b40
commit aa8df95f7d
11 changed files with 191 additions and 6 deletions

avr/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# AVR include files
This folder contains header files that can be included in AVR assembly code.
These definitions are organized in a manner that is very similar to other
modern AVR assemblers, but most bits definitions (`PINB4`, `WGM01`, etc.) are
absent. This is because there's a lot of them, each symbol takes memory during
assembly and machines doing the assembling might be tight in memory. AVR code
post collapse will have to take the habit of using numerical masks accompanied
by comments describing associated symbols.
To avoid repeats, those includes are organized in 3 levels. First, there's the
`avr.h` file containing definitions common to all AVR models. Then, there's the
"family" file containing definitions common to a "family" (for example, the
ATtiny 25/45/85). Those definitions are the beefiests. Then, there's the exact
model file, which will typically contain RAM and Flash boundaries.

avr/avr.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
; *** CPU registers aliases ***
.equ XH 27
.equ XL 26
.equ YH 29
.equ YL 28
.equ ZH 31
.equ ZL 30
.equ SREG_C 0 ; Carry Flag
.equ SREG_Z 1 ; Zero Flag
.equ SREG_N 2 ; Negative Flag
.equ SREG_V 3 ; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
.equ SREG_S 4 ; Sign Bit
.equ SREG_H 5 ; Half Carry Flag
.equ SREG_T 6 ; Bit Copy Storage
.equ SREG_I 7 ; Global Interrupt Enable

avr/tn25.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.equ FLASHEND 0x03ff ; Note: Word address
.equ IOEND 0x003f
.equ SRAM_START 0x0060
.equ SRAM_SIZE 128
.equ RAMEND 0x00df
.equ XRAMEND 0x0000
.equ E2END 0x007f
.equ EEPROMEND 0x007f

avr/tn254585.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
; *** Registers ***
.equ SREG 0x3f
.equ SPH 0x3e
.equ SPL 0x3d
.equ GIMSK 0x3b
.equ GIFR 0x3a
.equ TIMSK 0x39
.equ TIFR 0x38
.equ SPMCSR 0x37
.equ MCUCR 0x35
.equ MCUSR 0x34
.equ TCCR0B 0x33
.equ TCNT0 0x32
.equ OSCCAL 0x31
.equ TCCR1 0x30
.equ TCNT1 0x2f
.equ OCR1A 0x2e
.equ OCR1C 0x2d
.equ GTCCR 0x2c
.equ OCR1B 0x2b
.equ TCCR0A 0x2a
.equ OCR0A 0x29
.equ OCR0B 0x28
.equ PLLCSR 0x27
.equ CLKPR 0x26
.equ DT1A 0x25
.equ DT1B 0x24
.equ DTPS 0x23
.equ DWDR 0x22
.equ WDTCR 0x21
.equ PRR 0x20
.equ EEARH 0x1f
.equ EEARL 0x1e
.equ EEDR 0x1d
.equ EECR 0x1c
.equ PORTB 0x18
.equ DDRB 0x17
.equ PINB 0x16
.equ PCMSK 0x15
.equ DIDR0 0x14
.equ GPIOR2 0x13
.equ GPIOR1 0x12
.equ GPIOR0 0x11
.equ USIBR 0x10
.equ USIDR 0x0f
.equ USISR 0x0e
.equ USICR 0x0d
.equ ACSR 0x08
.equ ADMUX 0x07
.equ ADCSRA 0x06
.equ ADCH 0x05
.equ ADCL 0x04
.equ ADCSRB 0x03
; *** Interrupt vectors ***
.equ INT0addr 0x0001 ; External Interrupt 0
.equ PCI0addr 0x0002 ; Pin change Interrupt Request 0
.equ OC1Aaddr 0x0003 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match 1A
.equ OVF1addr 0x0004 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow
.equ OVF0addr 0x0005 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
.equ ERDYaddr 0x0006 ; EEPROM Ready
.equ ACIaddr 0x0007 ; Analog comparator
.equ ADCCaddr 0x0008 ; ADC Conversion ready
.equ OC1Baddr 0x0009 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
.equ OC0Aaddr 0x000a ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A
.equ OC0Baddr 0x000b ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B
.equ WDTaddr 0x000c ; Watchdog Time-out
.equ USI_STARTaddr 0x000d ; USI START
.equ USI_OVFaddr 0x000e ; USI Overflow
.equ INT_VECTORS_SIZE 15 ; size in words

avr/tn45.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.equ FLASHEND 0x07ff ; Note: Word address
.equ IOEND 0x003f
.equ SRAM_START 0x0060
.equ SRAM_SIZE 256
.equ RAMEND 0x015f
.equ XRAMEND 0x0000
.equ E2END 0x00ff
.equ EEPROMEND 0x00ff

avr/tn85.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.equ FLASHEND 0x0fff ; Note: Word address
.equ IOEND 0x003f
.equ SRAM_START 0x0060
.equ SRAM_SIZE 512
.equ RAMEND 0x025f
.equ XRAMEND 0x0000
.equ E2END 0x01ff
.equ EEPROMEND 0x01ff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
; TODO: implement instructions that are commented out
; R1: overflow counter
; R16: tmp stuff
.inc "avr.h"
.inc "tn254585.h"
.inc "tn45.h"
ldi r16, RAMEND&0xff
out SPL, r16
ldi r16, RAMEND}8
out SPH, r16
;sbi DDRB, 0
;cbi PORTB, 0
; To have a blinking delay that's visible, we have to prescale a lot.
; The maximum prescaler is 1024, which makes our TCNT0 increase
; 976 times per second, which means that it overflows 4 times per
; second.
in r16, TCCR0B
ori r16, 0x05 ; CS00 + CS02 = 1024 prescaler
out TCCR0B, r16
;clr r1
in r16, TIFR ; TIFR0
sbrc r16, 1 ; is TOV0 flag clear?
rcall toggle
rjmp loop
ldi r16, 0b00000010 ; TOV0
out TIFR, R16
inc r1
;cbi PORTB, 0
sbrs r1, 1 ; if LED is on
;sbi PORTB, 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
å ¿à¿·`¿·ýÐüÏà¿þ

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
cmpas() {
EXPECTED=$(xxd ${FN%.*}.expected)
ACTUAL=$(cat ${FN} | $AVRA | xxd)
ACTUAL=$(cat ${FN} | "${ZASM}" -a "${AVRINC}" | xxd)
if [ "$ACTUAL" = "$EXPECTED" ]; then
echo ok

View File

@ -6,15 +6,22 @@
# binary. For example, "zasm.sh -o 4f < foo.asm" assembles foo.asm as if it
# started with the line ".org 0x4f00".
# The -a flag makes us switch to the AVR assembler
# readlink -f doesn't work with macOS's implementation
# so, if we can't get readlink -f to work, try python with a realpath implementation
ABS_PATH=$(readlink -f "$0" || python -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath('$0'))")
DIR=$(dirname "${ABS_PATH}")
usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-o <hexorg>] <paths-to-include>..." 1>&2; exit 1; }
usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-a] [-o <hexorg>] <paths-to-include>..." 1>&2; exit 1; }
while getopts ":o:" opt; do
while getopts ":ao:" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
@ -26,8 +33,6 @@ done
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# wrapper around ./emul/zasm/zasm that prepares includes CFS prior to call
DIR=$(dirname "${ABS_PATH}")