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zasm: add support for variable arguments

This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2019-04-17 08:23:01 -04:00
parent 38e40bfc16
commit a7538473e4

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@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
#include "user.inc"
; *** Consts ***
; Number of rows in the "single" argspec string
; Number of rows in the argspec table
; Number of rows in the primary instructions table
; size in bytes of each row in the primary instructions table
; *** Code ***
@ -12,6 +17,24 @@ ld b, 0
ld c, a ; written bytes
push bc
ld b, a
inc b
cp b
pop bc
; run RLA the number of times specified in B
; first, see if B == 0 to see if we need to bail out
dec b
ret c ; C flag means we went negative. nothing to do
inc b
.loop: rla
djnz .loop
; Sets Z is A is ';', CR, LF, or null.
cp ';'
@ -95,7 +118,7 @@ readArg:
call readWord
push hl
ld hl, tmpVal
call matchArg
call parseArg
pop hl
pop de
ld (de), a
@ -144,9 +167,10 @@ strlen:
; find argspec for string at (HL). Returns matching argspec in A.
; Return value 1 holds a special meaning: arg is not empty, but doesn't match
; any argspec (A == 0 means arg is empty). A return value of 1 means an error.
; Return value 0xff holds a special meaning: arg is not empty, but doesn't match
; any argspec (A == 0 means arg is empty). A return value of 0xff means an
; error.
call strlen
cp 0
ret z ; empty string? A already has our result: 0
@ -174,7 +198,7 @@ matchArg:
djnz .loop1
; exhausted? we have a problem os specifying a wrong argspec. This is
; an internal consistency error.
ld a, 1
ld a, 0xff
jr .end
; found the matching argspec row. Our result is one byte left of DE.
@ -194,7 +218,7 @@ matchArg:
jr .loop2
; something's wrong. error
ld a, 1
ld a, 0xff
jr .end
@ -203,6 +227,83 @@ matchArg:
pop bc
; Returns, with Z, whether A is a groupId
cp 0xc ; max group id + 1
jr nc, .notgroup ; >= 0xc? not a group
cp 0
jr z, .notgroup ; 0? not supposed to happen. something's wrong.
; A is a group. ensure Z is set
cp a
call unsetZ
; Find argspec A in group id H.
; Set Z according to whether we found the argspec
; If found, the value in A is the argspec value in the group (it's index).
push bc
push hl
cp 0 ; is our arg empty? If yes, we have nothing to do
jr z, .notfound
push de
ld de, argGrpTbl
; group ids start at 1. decrease it, then multiply by two to have a
; proper offset in argGrpTbl
dec h
push af
ld a, h
add a, a
call JUMP_ADDDE ; At this point, DE points to our group
pop af
ex hl, de
pop de
ld bc, 4
jr z, .found
jp po, .notfound
jr .loop
; we found our result! Now, what we want to put in A is the index of
; the found argspec. We have this in C (4 - C + 1). The +1 is because
; cpi always decreases BC, whether we match or not.
ld a, 3 ; 4 - 1
sub c
cp a ; ensure Z is set
jr .end
call unsetZ
pop hl
pop bc
; Compare argspec from instruction table in A with argument in (HL).
; For constant args, it's easy: if A == (HL), it's a success.
; If A is a group ID, we do something else: we check that (HL) exists in the
; groupspec (argGrpTbl)
cp a, (hl)
ret z
; A bit of a delicate situation here: we want A to go in H but also
; (HL) to go in A. If not careful, we overwrite each other. EXX is
; necessary to avoid invoving other registers.
push hl
ld h, a
push hl
ld a, (hl)
pop hl
call findInGroup
pop hl
; Compare primary row at (DE) with string at curWord. Sets Z flag if there's a
; match, reset if not.
@ -215,11 +316,13 @@ matchPrimaryRow:
; name matches, let's see the rest
ld ixh, d
ld ixl, e
ld a, (curArg1)
cp (ix+4)
ld hl, curArg1
ld a, (ix+4)
call matchArg
jr nz, .end
ld a, (curArg2)
cp (ix+5)
ld hl, curArg2
ld a, (ix+5)
call matchArg
pop ix
pop hl
@ -230,13 +333,13 @@ matchPrimaryRow:
call readLine
push de
ld de, instrTBlPrimaryC
ld de, instrTBlPrimary
ld a, (de)
call matchPrimaryRow
jr z, .match
ld a, 7
djnz .loop
; no match
@ -244,9 +347,46 @@ parseLine:
pop de
ld a, 6 ; upcode is on 7th byte
ld a, (de)
; We have our matching instruction row. We're getting pretty near our
; goal here!
; First, let's go in IX mode. It's easier to deal with offsets here.
push ix
ld ixh, d
ld ixl, e
; First, let's see if we're dealing with a group here
ld a, (ix+4) ; first argspec
call isGroupId
jr nz, .notgroup
; A is a group, good, now let's get its value
push hl
ld h, a
ld a, (curArg1)
call findInGroup ; we don't check for match, it's supposed to
; always match. Something is very wrong if it
; doesn't
; Now, we have our arg "group value" in A. Were going to need to
; displace it left by the number of steps specified in the table.
push bc
push af
ld a, (ix+6) ; displacement bit
ld b, a
pop af
call rlaX
pop bc
; At this point, we have a properly displaced value in A. We'll want
; to OR it with the opcode.
or (ix+7) ; upcode
pop hl
; Success!
jr .end
; not a group? easy as pie: we return the opcode directly.
ld a, (ix+7) ; upcode is on 8th byte
; At the end, we have our final opcode in A!
pop ix
pop de
ld (de), a
ld a, 1
@ -256,6 +396,10 @@ parseLine:
; char mnemonic that is called "argspec". This is the table of correspondance.
; Single letters are represented by themselves, so we don't need as much
; metadata.
; Special meaning:
; 0 : no arg
; 1-10 : group id (see Groups section)
; 0xff: error
@ -274,6 +418,35 @@ argspecTbl:
.db 'y', "(IY)"
.db 's', "SP", 0, 0
.db 'p', "(SP)"
; we also need argspecs for the condition flags
.db 'Z', "Z", 0, 0, 0
.db 'z', "NZ", 0, 0
.db '^', "C", 0, 0, 0
.db '=', "NC", 0, 0
.db '+', "P", 0, 0, 0
.db '-', "M", 0, 0, 0
.db '1', "PO", 0, 0
.db '2', "PE", 0, 0
; argspecs not in the list:
; N -> NN
; n -> (NN)
; Groups
; Groups are specified by strings of argspecs. To facilitate jumping to them,
; we have a fixed-sized table. Because most of them are 2 or 4 bytes long, we
; have a table that is 4 in size to minimize consumed space. We treat the two
; groups that take 8 bytes in a special way.
; The table below is in order, starting with group 0x01
.db "bdha" ; 0x01
.db "Zz^=" ; 0x02
.db "Zz^=+-12" ; 0xa
.db "BCDEHL_A" ; 0xb
; This is a list of primary instructions (single upcode) that lead to a
; constant (no group code to insert). Format:
@ -281,33 +454,40 @@ argspecTbl:
; 4 bytes for the name (fill with zero)
; 1 byte for arg constant
; 1 byte for 2nd arg constant
; 1 byte displacement for group arguments
; 1 byte for upcode
.db "ADD", 0, 'A', 'h', 0x86 ; ADD A, HL
.db "CCF", 0, 0, 0, 0x3f ; CCF
.db "CPL", 0, 0, 0, 0x2f ; CPL
.db "DAA", 0, 0, 0, 0x27 ; DAA
.db "DI",0,0, 0, 0, 0xf3 ; DI
.db "EI",0,0, 0, 0, 0xfb ; EI
.db "EX",0,0, 'p', 'h', 0xe3 ; EX (SP), HL
.db "EX",0,0, 'a', 'f', 0x08 ; EX AF, AF'
.db "EX",0,0, 'd', 'h', 0xeb ; EX DE, HL
.db "EXX", 0, 0, 0, 0xd9 ; EXX
.db "HALT", 0, 0, 0x76 ; HALT
.db "INC", 0, 'l', 0, 0x34 ; INC (HL)
.db "JP",0,0, 'l', 0, 0xe9 ; JP (HL)
.db "LD",0,0, 'c', 'A', 0x02 ; LD (BC), A
.db "LD",0,0, 'e', 'A', 0x12 ; LD (DE), A
.db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'c', 0x0a ; LD A, (BC)
.db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'e', 0x0a ; LD A, (DE)
.db "LD",0,0, 's', 'h', 0x0a ; LD SP, HL
.db "NOP", 0, 0, 0, 0x00 ; NOP
.db "RET", 0, 0, 0, 0xc9 ; RET
.db "RLA", 0, 0, 0, 0x17 ; RLA
.db "RLCA", 0, 0, 0x07 ; RLCA
.db "RRA", 0, 0, 0, 0x1f ; RRA
.db "RRCA", 0, 0, 0x0f ; RRCA
.db "SCF", 0, 0, 0, 0x37 ; SCF
.db "ADD", 0, 'A', 'h', 0, 0x86 ; ADD A, HL
.db "AND", 0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xa6 ; AND (HL)
.db "AND", 0, 0xa, 0, 0, 0b10100000 ; AND r
.db "CCF", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x3f ; CCF
.db "CPL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2f ; CPL
.db "DAA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x27 ; DAA
.db "DI",0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf3 ; DI
.db "EI",0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0xfb ; EI
.db "EX",0,0, 'p', 'h', 0, 0xe3 ; EX (SP), HL
.db "EX",0,0, 'a', 'f', 0, 0x08 ; EX AF, AF'
.db "EX",0,0, 'd', 'h', 0, 0xeb ; EX DE, HL
.db "EXX", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xd9 ; EXX
.db "HALT", 0, 0, 0, 0x76 ; HALT
.db "INC", 0, 'l', 0, 0, 0x34 ; INC (HL)
.db "JP",0,0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xe9 ; JP (HL)
.db "LD",0,0, 'c', 'A', 0, 0x02 ; LD (BC), A
.db "LD",0,0, 'e', 'A', 0, 0x12 ; LD (DE), A
.db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'c', 0, 0x0a ; LD A, (BC)
.db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'e', 0, 0x0a ; LD A, (DE)
.db "LD",0,0, 's', 'h', 0, 0x0a ; LD SP, HL
.db "NOP", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00 ; NOP
.db "OR",0,0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xb6 ; OR (HL)
.db "POP", 0, 0x1, 0, 4, 0b11000001 ; POP qq
.db "RET", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc9 ; RET
.db "RET", 0, 0xb, 0, 3, 0b11000000 ; RET cc
.db "RLA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x17 ; RLA
.db "RLCA", 0, 0, 0, 0x07 ; RLCA
.db "RRA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1f ; RRA
.db "RRCA", 0, 0, 0, 0x0f ; RRCA
.db "SCF", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x37 ; SCF
; *** Variables ***
; enough space for 4 chars and a null