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lib/expr: make EXPR_PARSE "tail" HL

Things are now much simpler.
This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2019-12-30 19:24:53 -05:00
parent 73a5275b1e
commit 7ca54d179d
8 changed files with 159 additions and 151 deletions

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@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ There are decimal, hexadecimal and binary literals. A "straight" number is
parsed as a decimal. Hexadecimal literals must be prefixed with `0x` (`0xf4`).
Binary must be prefixed with `0b` (`0b01100110`).
A decimal literal cannot start with `0`, with the exception of the `0` literal.
Decimals and hexadecimal are "flexible". Whether they're written in a byte or
a word, you don't need to prefix them with zeroes. Watch out for overflow,

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@ -84,15 +84,12 @@ varAssign:
; Check if value at (HL) is a variable. If yes, returns its associated value.
; Otherwise, jump to parseLiteral.
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
dec hl
or a
; if more than one in length, it can't be a variable
jp nz, parseLiteral
call isLiteralPrefix
jp z, parseLiteral
; not a literal, try var
ld a, (hl)
call varChk
jp nz, parseLiteral
ret nz
; It's a variable, resolve!
add a, a ; * 2 because each element is a word
push hl ; --> lvl 1
@ -102,5 +99,6 @@ parseLiteralOrVar:
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
inc hl ; point to char after variable
cp a ; ensure Z

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
; EXPR_PARSE: routine to call to parse literals or symbols that are part of
; the expression. Routine's signature:
; String in (HL), returns its parsed value to DE. Z for success.
; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully
; read char.
; *** Code ***
@ -258,74 +260,8 @@ _parseNumber:
; End of special case 1
; Copy beginning of string to DE, we'll need it later
ld d, h
ld e, l
; Special case 2: we have a char literal. If we have a char literal, we
; don't want to go through the "_isOp" loop below because if that char
; is one of our operators, we're messing up our processing. So, set
; ourselves 3 chars further and continue from there. EXPR_PARSE will
; take care of validating those 3 chars.
cp 0x27 ; apostrophe (') char
jr nz, .skip2
; "'". advance HL by 3
inc hl \ inc hl \ inc hl
; End of special case 2
dec hl ; offset "inc-hl-before" in loop
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
call _isOp
jr nz, .loop
; (HL) and A is an op or a null
push af ; --> lvl 1 save op
push hl ; --> lvl 2 save end of string
; temporarily put a null char instead of the op
xor a
ld (hl), a
ex de, hl ; rewind to beginning of number
call EXPR_PARSE ; --> DE
ex af, af' ; keep result flags away while we restore (HL)
pop hl ; <-- lvl 2, end of string
pop af ; <-- lvl 1, saved op
ld (hl), a
ex af, af' ; restore Z from EXPR_PARSE
ret nz
; HL is currently at the end of the number's string
; On success, have A be the operator char following the number
ex af, af'
; Check if (HL) points to null or op
ld a, (hl)
; Sets Z if A contains a valid operator char or a null char.
or a
ret z
push hl ; --> lvl 1
; Set A' to zero for quick end-of-table checks
ex af, af'
xor a
ex af, af'
ld hl, .exprChars
cp (hl)
jr z, .found
ex af, af'
cp (hl)
jr z, .notFound ; end of table
ex af, af'
inc hl ; next char
jr .loop
ex af, af' ; restore orig A
inc a ; unset Z
; Z already set
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
.db "+-*/%&|^{}", 0

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@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ parseBinaryLiteral:
; Parses the string at (HL) and returns the 16-bit value in DE. The string
; can be a decimal literal (1234), a hexadecimal literal (0x1234) or a char
; literal ('X').
; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully read char.
; As soon as the number doesn't fit 16-bit any more, parsing stops and the
; number is invalid. If the number is valid, Z is set, otherwise, unset.
@ -166,60 +167,57 @@ parseLiteral:
ld a, (hl)
cp 0x27 ; apostrophe
jr z, .char
call isDigit
ret nz
cp '0'
jr z, .hexOrBin
push hl
call parseDecimalC
pop hl
jp nz, parseDecimal
; maybe hex, maybe binary
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
inc hl ; already place it for hex or bin
cp 'x'
jr z, parseHexadecimal
cp 'b'
jr z, parseBinaryLiteral
; nope, just a regular decimal
dec hl \ dec hl
jp parseDecimal
; Parse string at (HL) and, if it is a char literal, sets Z and return
; corresponding value in E. D is always zero.
; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully read char.
; A valid char literal starts with ', ends with ' and has one character in the
; middle. No escape sequence are accepted, but ''' will return the apostrophe
; character.
push hl
inc hl
ld e, (hl) ; our result
inc hl
cp (hl)
jr nz, .charEnd ; not ending with an apostrophe
jr nz, .charError ; not ending with an apostrophe
; good char, advance HL and return
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
or a ; cp 0
jr nz, .charEnd ; string has to end there
; Valid char, good
dec hl
dec hl
ld e, (hl)
cp a ; ensure Z
pop hl
; Z already set
; In all error conditions, HL is advanced by 2. Rewind.
dec hl \ dec hl
; NZ already set
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
inc hl ; already place it for hex or bin
cp 'x'
jr z, .hex
cp 'b'
jr z, .bin
; special case: single '0'. set Z if we hit have null terminating.
or a
dec hl \ dec hl ; replace HL
ret ; Z already set
push hl
call parseHexadecimal
pop hl
jr .hexOrBinEnd
; Returns whether A is a literal prefix, that is, a digit or an apostrophe.
cp 0x27 ; apostrophe
ret z
; continue to isDigit
push hl
call parseBinaryLiteral
pop hl
jr .hexOrBinEnd
; Returns whether A is a digit
cp '0'
jp c, unsetZ
cp '9'+1
jp nc, unsetZ
cp a ; ensure Z

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@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
; Parse string in (HL) and return its numerical value whether its a number
; literal or a symbol. Returns value in DE.
; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully read char.
; Sets Z if number or symbol is valid, unset otherwise.
call parseLiteral
ret z
; Not a number.
; Is str a single char? If yes, maybe it's a special symbol.
call strIs1L
jr nz, .symbol ; nope
call isLiteralPrefix
jp z, parseLiteral
; Not a number. try symbol
ld a, (hl)
cp '$'
jr z, .returnPC
jr z, .PC
cp '@'
jr nz, .symbol
; last val
jr z, .lastVal
call symParse
ret nz
; HL at end of symbol name, DE at tmp null-terminated symname.
push hl ; --> lvl 1
ex de, hl
call symFindVal ; --> DE
jr nz, .notfound
; If not found, check if we're in first pass. If we are, it doesn't
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
ret z
; not found
; When not found, check if we're in first pass. If we are, it doesn't
; matter that we didn't find our symbol. Return success anyhow.
; Otherwise return error. Z is already unset, so in fact, this is the
; same as jumping to zasmIsFirstPass
@ -30,9 +29,17 @@ parseNumberOrSymbol:
ld de, 0
jp zasmIsFirstPass
push hl
call zasmGetPC
ex de, hl
call zasmGetPC ; --> HL
ex de, hl ; result in DE
pop hl
inc hl ; char after last read
; Z already set from cp '$'
; last val
inc hl ; char after last read
; Z already set from cp '@'

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@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
; first pass" whenever we encounter a new context. That is, we wipe the local
; registry, parse the code until the next global symbol (or EOF), then rewind
; and continue second pass as usual.
; What is a symbol name? The accepted characters for a symbol are A-Z, a-z, 0-9
; dot (.) and underscore (_).
; This unit doesn't disallow symbols starting with a digit, but in effect, they
; aren't going to work because parseLiteral is going to get that digit first.
; So, make your symbols start with a letter or dot or underscore.
; *** Constants ***
; Size of each record in registry
@ -18,6 +24,9 @@
; Maximum name length for a symbol
; *** Variables ***
; A registry has three parts: record count (byte) record list and names pool.
; A record is a 3 bytes structure:
@ -34,9 +43,11 @@
; Global labels registry
; Area where we parse symbol names into
; *** Registries ***
; A symbol registry is a 5 bytes record with points to the name pool then the
@ -267,3 +278,63 @@ _symIsFull:
pop hl
; Parse string (HL) as far as it can for a valid symbol name (see definition in
; comment at top) for a maximum of SYM_NAME_MAXLEN characters. Puts the parsed
; symbol, null-terminated, in SYM_TMPNAME. Make DE point to SYM_TMPNAME.
; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully read char.
; Z for success.
; Error conditions:
; 1 - No character parsed.
; 2 - name too long.
push bc
; +1 because we want to loop one extra time to see if the char is good
; or bad. If it's bad, then fine, proceed as normal. If it's good, then
; its going to go through djnz and we can return an error then.
ld a, (hl)
; Set it directly, even if we don't know yet if it's good
ld (de), a
or a ; end of string?
jr z, .end ; easy ending, Z set, HL set
; Check special symbols first
cp '.'
jr z, .good
cp '_'
jr z, .good
; lowercase
or 0x20
cp '0'
jr c, .bad
cp '9'+1
jr c, .good
cp 'a'
jr c, .bad
cp 'z'+1
jr nc, .bad
; character is valid, continue!
inc hl
inc de
djnz .loop
; error: string too long
; NZ is already set from cp 'z'+1
; HL is one char too far
dec hl
jr .end
; invalid char, stop where we are.
; In all cases, we want to null-terminate that string
xor a
ld (de), a
; HL is good. Now, did we succeed? to know, let's see where B is.
ld a, b
; Our result is the invert of Z
call toggleZ
pop bc

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@ -30,16 +30,6 @@ toggleZ:
cp a
; Sets Z if string at (HL) is one character long
xor a
cp (hl)
jp z, unsetZ ; empty string
inc hl
cp (hl) ; Z has proper value
dec hl ; doesn't touch Z
; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE up to A count of characters in a
; case-insensitive manner.
; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset.

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@ -128,9 +128,19 @@ testParseExpr:
.dw 0x4080
.db "FOO+BAR*4", 0
; "0" is a special case, let's test it
.dw 0
.db "0", 0
; Another one that caused troubles
.dw 123
.db "0+123", 0
.dw .t1, .t2, .t3, .t4, .t5, .t6, .t7, .t8, .t9, .t10, .t11, .t12
.dw .t13, .t14, .t15, 0
.dw .t13, .t14, .t15, .t16, .t17, 0
; Ensure that stack is balanced on failure