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synced 2025-03-14 12:48:39 +11:00
lib/args: remove
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
; *** Requirements ***
; lib/parse
; *** Consts ***
; maximum number of bytes to receive as args in all commands. Determines the
; size of the args variable.
; *** Code ***
; Parse arguments at (HL) with specifiers at (DE) into (IX).
; Args specifiers are a series of flag for each arg:
; Bit 0 - arg present: if unset, we stop parsing there
; Bit 1 - is word: this arg is a word rather than a byte. Because our
; destination are bytes anyway, this doesn't change much except
; for whether we expect a space between the hex pairs. If set,
; you still need to have a specifier for the second part of
; the multibyte.
; Bit 2 - optional: If set and not present during parsing, we don't error out
; and write zero
; Bit 3 - String argument: If set, this argument is a string. A pointer to the
; read string, null terminated (max 0x20 chars) will
; be placed in the next two bytes. This has to be the
; last argument of the list and it stops parsing.
; Sets A to nonzero if there was an error during parsing, zero otherwise.
push bc
push de
push hl
push ix
; init the arg value to a default 0
xor a
ld (ix), a
ld (ix+1), a
ld (ix+2), a
ld a, (hl)
; is this the end of the line?
or a ; cp 0
jr z, .endofargs
; Get the specs
ld a, (de)
bit 0, a ; do we have an arg?
jr z, .error ; not set? then we have too many args
ld c, a ; save the specs for multibyte check later
bit 3, a ; is our arg a string?
jr z, .notAString
; our arg is a string. Let's place HL in our next two bytes and call
; it a day. Little endian, remember
ld (ix), l
ld (ix+1), h
jr .success ; directly to success: skip endofargs checks
call parseHexPair
jr c, .error
; we have a good arg and we need to write A in (IX).
ld (ix), a
; Good! increase counters
inc de
inc ix
inc hl ; get to following char (generally a space)
; Our arg is parsed, our pointers are increased. Normally, HL should
; point to a space *unless* our argspec indicates a multibyte arg.
bit 1, c
jr nz, .nospacecheck ; bit set? no space check
; do we have a proper space char (or null char)?
ld a, (hl)
or a
jr z, .endofargs
cp ' '
jr nz, .error
inc hl
djnz .loop
; If we get here, it means that our next char *has* to be a null char
ld a, (hl)
or a ; cp 0
jr z, .success ; zero? great!
jr .error
; We encountered our null char. Let's verify that we either have no
; more args or that they are optional
ld a, (de)
or a
jr z, .success ; no arg? success
bit 2, a
jr z, .error ; if unset, arg is not optional. error
; success
xor a
jr .end
inc a
pop ix
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ jp test
.inc "core.asm"
.inc "lib/util.asm"
.inc "lib/parse.asm"
.inc "lib/args.asm"
@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ zasmGetPC:
testNum: .db 1
ld hl, 0xffff
ld sp, hl
ld sp, 0xffff
call testParseHex
call testParseHexPair
call testParseArgs
; success
xor a
@ -68,60 +65,6 @@ testParseHexPair:
.saB: .db "aB", 0
.s99: .db "99", 0
ld hl, .t1+6
ld de, .t1
ld iy, .t1+3
call .testargs
ld hl, .t2+6
ld de, .t2
ld iy, .t2+3
call .testargs
ld hl, .t3+6
ld de, .t3
ld iy, .t3+3
call .testargs
; HL and DE must be set, and IY must point to expected results in IX
ld ix, sandbox
call parseArgs
jp nz, fail
ld a, (ix)
cp (iy)
jp nz, fail
ld a, (ix+1)
cp (iy+1)
jp nz, fail
ld a, (ix+2)
cp (iy+2)
jp nz, fail
jp nexttest
; Test data format: 3 bytes specs, 3 bytes expected (IX), then the arg string.
; Empty args with empty specs
.db 0b0000, 0b0000, 0b0000
.db 0, 0, 0
.db 0
; One arg, one byte spec
.db 0b0001, 0b0000, 0b0000
.db 0xe4, 0, 0
.db "e4", 0
; 3 args, 3 bytes spec
.db 0b0001, 0b0001, 0b0001
.db 0xe4, 0xab, 0x99
.db "e4 ab 99", 0
ld a, (testNum)
inc a
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