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2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; A dictionary entry has this structure:
; - 7b name (zero-padded)
; - 1b flags (bit 0: IMMEDIATE)
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; - 2b prev pointer
; - 2b code pointer
; - Parameter field (PF)
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; The code pointer point to "word routines". These routines expect to be called
; with IY pointing to the PF. They themselves are expected to end by jumping
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; to the address at the top of the Return Stack. They will usually do so with
; "jp exit".
; Execute a word containing native code at its PF address (PFA)
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
jp (iy)
; Execute a list of atoms, which usually ends with EXIT.
; IY points to that list.
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
push iy \ pop hl
inc hl
inc hl
; HL points to next Interpreter pointer.
call pushRS
ld l, (iy)
ld h, (iy+1)
push hl \ pop iy
; IY points to code link
jp executeCodeLink
; Pushes the PFA directly
push iy
jp exit
; Pushes the address in the first word of the PF
ld l, (iy)
ld h, (iy+1)
push hl
jp exit
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
; The word was spawned from a definition word that has a DOES>. PFA+2 (right
; after the actual cell) is a link to the slot right after that DOES>.
; Therefore, what we need to do push the cell addr like a regular cell, then
; follow the link from the PFA, and then continue as a regular compiledWord.
push iy ; like a regular cell
ld l, (iy+2)
ld h, (iy+3)
push hl \ pop iy
jr compiledWord
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
; The IF word checks the stack for zero. If it's non-zero, it does nothing and
; allow compiledWord to continue.
; If it's zero, it tracksback RS, advance it until it finds a ELSE, a THEN, or
; an EXIT (not supposed to happen unless the IF is misconstructed). Whether
; it's a ELSE or THEN, the same thing happens: we resume execution after the
; ELSE/THEN. If it's a EXIT, we simply execute it.
pop hl
ld a, h
or l
jp nz, exit ; non-zero, continue
; Zero, seek ELSE, THEN or EXIT. Continue to elseWord
; If a ELSE word is executed, it means that the preceding IF had a non-zero
; condition and continued execution. This means that upon encountering an ELSE,
; we must search for a THEN or an EXIT.
; To simplify implementation and share code with ifWord, we also match ELSE,
; which is only possible in malformed construct. Therefore "IF ELSE ELSE" is
; valid and interpreted as "IF ELSE THEN".
; to save processing, we test EXIT, ELSE and THEN in the order they
; appear, address-wise. This way, we don't need to push/pop HL: we can
; SUB the difference between the words and check for zeroes.
call popRS
; We need to save that IP somewhere. Let it be BC
ld b, h
ld c, l
; Whether there's a match or not, we will resume the operation at IP+2,
; which means that we have to increase BC anyways. Let's do it now.
inc bc \ inc bc
call intoHL
or a ; clear carry
ld de, EXIT
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
sbc hl, de
jp z, exit
; Not EXIT, let's continue with ELSE. No carry possible because EXIT
; is first word. No need to clear.
ld de, ELSE-EXIT
sbc hl, de
jr c, .nomatch ; A word between EXIT and ELSE. No match.
jr z, .match ; We have a ELSE
; Let's try with THEN. Again, no carry possible, C cond was handled.
ld de, THEN-ELSE
sbc hl, de
jr z, .match ; We have a THEN
; Nothing matched, which means that we need to continue looking.
; BC is already IP+2
ld h, b
ld l, c
jr .loop
; Matched a ELSE or a THEN, which means we need to continue executing
; word from IP+2, which is already in BC.
push bc \ pop iy
jp compiledWord
; This word does nothing. It's never going to be executed unless the wordlist
; is misconstructed.
jp exit
2020-03-08 11:25:55 +11:00
; This is not a word, but a number literal. This works a bit differently than
; others: PF means nothing and the actual number is placed next to the
; numberWord reference in the compiled word list. What we need to do to fetch
; that number is to play with the Return stack: We pop it, read the number, push
; it to the Parameter stack and then push an increase Interpreter Pointer back
; to RS.
call popRS
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
inc hl
call pushRS
push de
jp exit
.dw numberWord
; Similarly to numberWord, this is not a real word, but a string literal.
; Instead of being followed by a 2 bytes number, it's followed by a
; null-terminated string. This is not expected to be called in a regular
; context. Only words expecting those literals will look for them. This is why
; the litWord triggers abort.
call popRS
call intoHL
call printstr ; let's print the word before abort.
ld hl, .msg
call printstr
jp abort
.db "undefined word", 0
.dw litWord
2020-03-08 11:25:55 +11:00
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; ( R:I -- )
.db ";"
.fill 7
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw 0
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
; When we call the EXIT word, we have to do a "double exit" because our current
; Interpreter pointer is pointing to the word *next* to our EXIT reference when,
; in fact, we want to continue processing the one above it.
call popRS
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
; Before we continue: is SP within bounds?
call chkPS
; we're good
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
call popRS
; We have a pointer to a word
push hl \ pop iy
jp compiledWord
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; ( R:I -- )
.db "QUIT"
.fill 4
.dw EXIT
.dw nativeWord
jp forthRdLine
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
.db "ABORT"
.fill 3
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
.dw QUIT
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
; Reinitialize PS (RS is reinitialized in forthInterpret
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
ld sp, (INITIAL_SP)
jp forthRdLine
.db "BYE"
.fill 5
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
; Goodbye Forth! Before we go, let's restore the stack
ld sp, (INITIAL_SP)
; unwind stack underflow buffer
pop af \ pop af \ pop af
; success
xor a
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; ( c -- )
.db "EMIT"
.fill 4
.dw BYE
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
ld a, l
call stdioPutC
jp exit
; ( addr -- )
.db 0
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw EMIT
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop iy ; is a wordref
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
ld l, (iy)
ld h, (iy+1)
; HL points to code pointer
inc iy
inc iy
; IY points to PFA
jp (hl) ; go!
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
.db ":"
.fill 7
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
call entryhead
ld de, compiledWord
ld (hl), e
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
; At this point, we've processed the name literal following the ':'.
; What's next? We have, in IP, a pointer to words that *have already
; been compiled by INTERPRET*. All those bytes will be copied as-is.
; All we need to do is to know how many bytes to copy. To do so, we
; skip compwords until EXIT is reached.
ld (HERE), hl ; where we write compwords.
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
call HLPointsEXIT
jr z, .loopend
call compSkip
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
jr .loop
; At this point, HL points to EXIT compword. We'll copy it too.
; We'll use LDIR. BC will be RSTOP-OLDRSTOP+2
ld e, (ix)
ld d, (ix+1)
inc hl \ inc hl ; our +2
or a ; clear carry
sbc hl, de
ld b, h
ld c, l
; BC has proper count
ex de, hl ; HL is our source (old RS' TOS)
ld de, (HERE) ; and DE is our dest
ldir ; go!
; HL has our new RS' TOS
ld (ix), l
ld (ix+1), h
ld (HERE), de ; update HERE
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
jp exit
.db "DOES>"
.fill 3
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
; We run this when we're in an entry creation context. Many things we
; need to do.
; 1. Change the code link to doesWord
; 2. Leave 2 bytes for regular cell variable.
; 3. Get the Interpreter pointer from the stack and write this down to
; entry PFA+2.
; 3. exit. Because we've already popped RS, a regular exit will abort
; colon definition, so we're good.
ld iy, (CURRENT)
ld hl, doesWord
call wrCompHL
inc iy \ inc iy ; cell variable space
call popRS
call wrCompHL
ld (HERE), iy
jp exit
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
; ( -- c )
.db "KEY"
.fill 5
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
.dw DOES
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
call stdioGetC
ld h, 0
ld l, a
push hl
jp exit
.db 0
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw KEY
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
ld iy, COMPBUF
call readword
jr nz, .end
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
call compile
jr .loop
ld hl, QUIT
call wrCompHL
ld iy, COMPBUF
2020-03-08 04:13:15 +11:00
jp compiledWord
2020-03-08 04:50:54 +11:00
.db "CREATE"
.fill 2
.dw nativeWord
2020-03-08 10:53:20 +11:00
call entryhead
jp nz, quit
ld de, cellWord
ld (hl), e
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
ld (HERE), hl
jp exit
.db "HERE"
.fill 4
HERE_: ; Caution: conflicts with actual variable name
.dw sysvarWord
.dw HERE
.db 0
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
.dw HERE_
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
.dw sysvarWord
2020-03-08 04:50:54 +11:00
; ( n -- )
.db "."
.fill 7
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
2020-03-08 04:50:54 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop de
2020-03-08 12:20:11 +11:00
; We check PS explicitly because it doesn't look nice to spew gibberish
; before aborting the stack underflow.
call chkPS
2020-03-08 04:50:54 +11:00
call pad
call fmtDecimalS
call printstr
jp exit
; ( n a -- )
.db "!"
.fill 7
.dw DOT
.dw nativeWord
pop iy
pop hl
ld (iy), l
ld (iy+1), h
jp exit
; ( a -- n )
.db "@"
.fill 7
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
call intoHL
push hl
jp exit
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
; ( a b -- b a )
.db "SWAP"
.fill 4
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
ex (sp), hl
push hl
jp exit
; ( a -- a a )
.db "DUP"
.fill 5
.dw SWAP
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
push hl
push hl
jp exit
; ( a b -- a b a )
.db "OVER"
.fill 4
.dw DUP
.dw nativeWord
pop hl ; B
pop de ; A
push de
push hl
push de
jp exit
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
; ( a b -- c ) A + B
.db "+"
.fill 7
.dw OVER
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop hl
pop de
add hl, de
push hl
jp exit
; ( a b -- c ) A - B
.db "-"
.fill 7
.dw PLUS
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop de ; B
pop hl ; A
or a ; reset carry
sbc hl, de
push hl
jp exit
; ( a b -- c ) A * B
.db "*"
.fill 7
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop de
pop bc
call multDEBC
push hl
jp exit
; ( a b -- c ) A / B
.db "/"
.fill 7
.dw MULT
2020-03-08 11:42:07 +11:00
.dw nativeWord
pop de
pop hl
call divide
push bc
jp exit
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
.db "IF"
.fill 6
.dw DIV
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
.dw ifWord
.db "ELSE"
.fill 4
.dw IF
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
.dw elseWord
.db "THEN"
.fill 4
.dw ELSE
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
.dw thenWord
; End of native words
; ( a -- )
; @ .
.db "?"
.fill 7
2020-03-10 05:19:51 +11:00
.dw THEN
.dw compiledWord
.dw DOT
.dw EXIT
; ( n a -- )
.db "+!"
.fill 6
.dw compiledWord
.dw SWAP
.dw OVER
.dw PLUS
.dw SWAP
.dw EXIT
; ( n -- )
; HERE +!
.db "ALLOT"
.fill 3
.dw compiledWord
.dw HERE_
.dw EXIT
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
.db 0
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
.dw compiledWord
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
.dw 2
.dw EXIT
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
; ( n -- )
.db 0
2020-03-08 14:23:08 +11:00
2020-03-08 14:18:14 +11:00
.dw compiledWord
.dw HERE_
.dw DOES
.dw EXIT