mirror of https://github.com/XeonSquared/OC-Copper.git synced 2024-10-03 09:00:56 +10:00
gamemanj 47ec74bc89 Lowered protocol packet size limit and changed how it's calculated, also changed testcase to be slightly less worst-case.
The previous testcase was "all nodes communicating randomly", basically a worst-case.
This testcase is somewhat more realistic, a set of nodes communicating between each other via other
 nodes, a given TO node recurring once every 5 seconds (approximately).
Notably, the 'packet transfer total' figure should be halved, as in the testcase pings and responses
 are used, but only responses are counted.
2017-03-18 12:28:46 +00:00

171 lines
4.7 KiB

-- 'Copper' networking test implementation.
-- This is meant as a portable (even into OC) library for networking.
-- This 'outer function' is the instantiator.
-- Note that it is probably possible to cause this code to run out of
-- memory in several hilarious ways.
-- Interfaces have no meaning, since addresses are names.
-- Which "side" a system is on is irrelevant.
-- For sending, the following function is used:
-- transmit(nodeId, message)
-- The nodeId is a string or number that has been given via culib.input,
-- or nil for broadcast.
-- It's more of a suggestion than a requirement to check nodeId.
-- The message is always a string.
-- This mirrors the message format usable by sendPacket and onReceive.
-- "onReceive" is a function which is called when a packet is decoded.
-- onReceive(namefrom, nameto, data)
-- "time" is a function which returns the real time, in seconds.
-- It need not be precise.
-- (This is used for caches.)
return function (hostname, transmit, onReceive, time)
-- How many packets need to be stored in seenBefore's keyspace
-- before 'panic' is the best response?
local tuningMaxSeenBeforeCountBeforeEmergencyFlush = 0x300
-- Expect a response by this many seconds,
-- or else clear the known receivers cache and resend.
local tuningExpectResponse = 120
-- Flush the loop detector every so often.
-- This is not a complete clear.
local tuningFlushLoopDetector = 120
-- Do not change this value unless protocol has changed accordingly.
local tuningAutorejectLen = 1506
local loopDetectorNext = time() + tuningFlushLoopDetector
-- Packets that have been seen before.
-- The values are the amount of times a packet has been seen.
-- This is flushed every tuningFlushLoopDetector seconds -
-- the flushing decrements the value until it reaches 0,
-- so packets which have looped before get a longer timeout.
local seenBefore = {}
local seenBeforeCount = 0
-- [address] = {
-- node,
-- expiry,
-- broadcastOnExpire
-- }
local lastKnownReceiver = {}
local function refresh()
local t = time()
if t >= loopDetectorNext then
for k, v in pairs(seenBefore) do
local n = v - 1
if n > 0 then
seenBefore[k] = n
seenBefore[k] = nil
seenBeforeCount = seenBeforeCount - 1
loopDetectorNext = t + tuningFlushLoopDetector
for k, v in pairs(lastKnownReceiver) do
if t >= v[2] then
print("It was decided LKV[" .. k .. "] was out of date @ " .. v[2])
lastKnownReceiver[k] = nil
for _, m in ipairs(v[3]) do
transmit(nil, m)
local culib = {}
-- Can be changed.
culib.hostname = hostname
culib.input = function (node, message)
local t = time()
-- Eliminate the hops value first of all.
local hops = message:byte(1)
message = message:sub(2)
if seenBefore[message] then
seenBefore[message] = seenBefore[message] + 1
seenBefore[message] = 2
seenBeforeCount = seenBeforeCount + 1
if seenBeforeCount > tuningMaxSeenBeforeCountBeforeEmergencyFlush then
-- Panic
seenBeforeCount = 0
seenBefore = {}
-- Begin parsing.
local rawmessage = message
if message:len() < 2 then return end
local nlen = message:byte(1) + 1
local fnam = message:sub(2, nlen + 1)
message = message:sub(nlen + 2)
if message:len() < 2 then return end
local nlen = message:byte(1) + 1
local tnam = message:sub(2, nlen + 1)
message = message:sub(nlen + 2)
if message:len() > tuningAutorejectLen then
local restart = true
if lastKnownReceiver[fnam] then
if lastKnownReceiver[fnam][1] == node then
restart = false
-- allow frequently-used links to last longer
lastKnownReceiver[fnam][2] = lastKnownReceiver[fnam][2] + tuningExpectResponse
lastKnownReceiver[fnam][3] = {}
if restart then
lastKnownReceiver[fnam] = {node, t + tuningExpectResponse, {}}
onReceive(fnam, tnam, message)
if culib.hostname == tnam then return end
-- Redistribution of messages not aimed here
if hops == 255 then
rawmessage = string.char(hops + 1) .. rawmessage
local lkr = lastKnownReceiver[tnam]
if lkr then
transmit(lkr[1], rawmessage)
table.insert(lkr[3], rawmessage)
transmit(nil, rawmessage)
local function encodeName(name)
if name:len() > 256 then error("Bad name (l>256)") end
if name == "" then error("No name") end
return string.char(name:len() - 1) .. name
culib.refresh = refresh
culib.output = function (fnam, tnam, message)
onReceive(fnam, tnam, message)
if tnam == culib.hostname then return end
local m = "\x00" .. encodeName(fnam) .. encodeName(tnam) .. message
transmit(nil, m)
return culib