mirror of https://github.com/aidygus/LinVAM.git synced 2025-03-14 13:28:39 +11:00

1247 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-04-09 00:20:07 +10:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
except NameError:
basestring = str
import platform
# Defaults to Windows canonical names (platform-specific overrides below)
canonical_names = {
'escape': 'esc',
'return': 'enter',
'del': 'delete',
'control': 'ctrl',
'left arrow': 'left',
'up arrow': 'up',
'down arrow': 'down',
'right arrow': 'right',
' ': 'space', # Prefer to spell out keys that would be hard to read.
'\x1b': 'esc',
'\x08': 'backspace',
'\n': 'enter',
'\t': 'tab',
'\r': 'enter',
'scrlk': 'scroll lock',
'prtscn': 'print screen',
'prnt scrn': 'print screen',
'snapshot': 'print screen',
'ins': 'insert',
'pause break': 'pause',
'ctrll lock': 'caps lock',
'capslock': 'caps lock',
'number lock': 'num lock',
'numlock': 'num lock',
'space bar': 'space',
'spacebar': 'space',
'linefeed': 'enter',
'win': 'windows',
# Mac keys
'command': 'windows',
'cmd': 'windows',
'control': 'ctrl',
'option': 'alt',
'app': 'menu',
'apps': 'menu',
'application': 'menu',
'applications': 'menu',
'pagedown': 'page down',
'pageup': 'page up',
'pgdown': 'page down',
'pgup': 'page up',
'play/pause': 'play/pause media',
'num multiply': '*',
'num divide': '/',
'num add': '+',
'num plus': '+',
'num minus': '-',
'num sub': '-',
'num enter': 'enter',
'num 0': '0',
'num 1': '1',
'num 2': '2',
'num 3': '3',
'num 4': '4',
'num 5': '5',
'num 6': '6',
'num 7': '7',
'num 8': '8',
'num 9': '9',
'left win': 'left windows',
'right win': 'right windows',
'left control': 'left ctrl',
'right control': 'right ctrl',
'left menu': 'left alt', # Windows...
'altgr': 'alt gr',
# https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/libX11/Compose/en_US.UTF-8.html
# https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/commons/tags/commons-1_0/src/java/org/apache/xmlgraphics/fonts/Glyphs.java
# Note this list has plenty of uppercase letters that are not being used
# at the moment, as normalization forces names to be lowercase.
"Aacute": "Á",
"aacute": "á",
"Aacutesmall": "",
"abovedot": "˙",
"Abreve": "Ă",
"abreve": "ă",
"Abreveacute": "",
"abreveacute": "",
"Abrevebelowdot": "",
"abrevebelowdot": "",
"Abrevegrave": "",
"abrevegrave": "",
"Abrevehook": "",
"abrevehook": "",
"Abrevetilde": "",
"abrevetilde": "",
"Acircumflex": "Â",
"acircumflex": "â",
"Acircumflexacute": "",
"acircumflexacute": "",
"Acircumflexbelowdot": "",
"acircumflexbelowdot": "",
"Acircumflexgrave": "",
"acircumflexgrave": "",
"Acircumflexhook": "",
"acircumflexhook": "",
"Acircumflexsmall": "",
"Acircumflextilde": "",
"acircumflextilde": "",
"acute": "´",
"Acute": "",
"acutecomb": "́",
"Acutesmall": "",
"add": "+",
"Adiaeresis": "Ä",
"adiaeresis": "ä",
"Adieresis": "Ä",
"adieresis": "ä",
"Adieresissmall": "",
"ae": "æ",
"AE": "Æ",
"AEacute": "Ǽ",
"aeacute": "ǽ",
"AEsmall": "",
"afii00208": "",
"afii10017": "А",
"afii10018": "Б",
"afii10019": "В",
"afii10020": "Г",
"afii10021": "Д",
"afii10022": "Е",
"afii10023": "Ё",
"afii10024": "Ж",
"afii10025": "З",
"afii10026": "И",
"afii10027": "Й",
"afii10028": "К",
"afii10029": "Л",
"afii10030": "М",
"afii10031": "Н",
"afii10032": "О",
"afii10033": "П",
"afii10034": "Р",
"afii10035": "С",
"afii10036": "Т",
"afii10037": "У",
"afii10038": "Ф",
"afii10039": "Х",
"afii10040": "Ц",
"afii10041": "Ч",
"afii10042": "Ш",
"afii10043": "Щ",
"afii10044": "Ъ",
"afii10045": "Ы",
"afii10046": "Ь",
"afii10047": "Э",
"afii10048": "Ю",
"afii10049": "Я",
"afii10050": "Ґ",
"afii10051": "Ђ",
"afii10052": "Ѓ",
"afii10053": "Є",
"afii10054": "Ѕ",
"afii10055": "І",
"afii10056": "Ї",
"afii10057": "Ј",
"afii10058": "Љ",
"afii10059": "Њ",
"afii10060": "Ћ",
"afii10061": "Ќ",
"afii10062": "Ў",
"afii10063": "",
"afii10064": "",
"afii10065": "а",
"afii10066": "б",
"afii10067": "в",
"afii10068": "г",
"afii10069": "д",
"afii10070": "е",
"afii10071": "ё",
"afii10072": "ж",
"afii10073": "з",
"afii10074": "и",
"afii10075": "й",
"afii10076": "к",
"afii10077": "л",
"afii10078": "м",
"afii10079": "н",
"afii10080": "о",
"afii10081": "п",
"afii10082": "р",
"afii10083": "с",
"afii10084": "т",
"afii10085": "у",
"afii10086": "ф",
"afii10087": "х",
"afii10088": "ц",
"afii10089": "ч",
"afii10090": "ш",
"afii10091": "щ",
"afii10092": "ъ",
"afii10093": "ы",
"afii10094": "ь",
"afii10095": "э",
"afii10096": "ю",
"afii10097": "я",
"afii10098": "ґ",
"afii10099": "ђ",
"afii10100": "ѓ",
"afii10101": "є",
"afii10102": "ѕ",
"afii10103": "і",
"afii10104": "ї",
"afii10105": "ј",
"afii10106": "љ",
"afii10107": "њ",
"afii10108": "ћ",
"afii10109": "ќ",
"afii10110": "ў",
"afii10145": "Џ",
"afii10146": "Ѣ",
"afii10147": "Ѳ",
"afii10148": "Ѵ",
"afii10192": "",
"afii10193": "џ",
"afii10194": "ѣ",
"afii10195": "ѳ",
"afii10196": "ѵ",
"afii10831": "",
"afii10832": "",
"afii10846": "ә",
"afii299": "",
"afii300": "",
"afii301": "",
"afii57381": "٪",
"afii57388": "،",
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"afii57393": "١",
"afii57394": "٢",
"afii57395": "٣",
"afii57396": "٤",
"afii57397": "٥",
"afii57398": "٦",
"afii57399": "٧",
"afii57400": "٨",
"afii57401": "٩",
"afii57403": "؛",
"afii57407": "؟",
"afii57409": "ء",
"afii57410": "آ",
"afii57411": "أ",
"afii57412": "ؤ",
"afii57413": "إ",
"afii57414": "ئ",
"afii57415": "ا",
"afii57416": "ب",
"afii57417": "ة",
"afii57418": "ت",
"afii57419": "ث",
"afii57420": "ج",
"afii57421": "ح",
"afii57422": "خ",
"afii57423": "د",
"afii57424": "ذ",
"afii57425": "ر",
"afii57426": "ز",
"afii57427": "س",
"afii57428": "ش",
"afii57429": "ص",
"afii57430": "ض",
"afii57431": "ط",
"afii57432": "ظ",
"afii57433": "ع",
"afii57434": "غ",
"afii57440": "ـ",
"afii57441": "ف",
"afii57442": "ق",
"afii57443": "ك",
"afii57444": "ل",
"afii57445": "م",
"afii57446": "ن",
"afii57448": "و",
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"afii57509": "گ",
"afii57511": "ٹ",
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"Agravesmall": "",
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"Itilde": "Ĩ",
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"kcommaaccent": "ķ",
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"Odieresis": "Ö",
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"Odieresissmall": "",
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"OE": "Œ",
"OEsmall": "",
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"Ogoneksmall": "",
"Ograve": "Ò",
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"Ogravesmall": "",
"Ohorn": "Ơ",
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"ohornbelowdot": "",
"Ohorngrave": "",
"ohorngrave": "",
"Ohornhook": "",
"ohornhook": "",
"Ohorntilde": "",
"ohorntilde": "",
"Ohungarumlaut": "Ő",
"ohungarumlaut": "ő",
"Omacron": "Ō",
"omacron": "ō",
"Omega": "Ω",
"omega": "ω",
"omega1": "ϖ",
"Omegatonos": "Ώ",
"omegatonos": "ώ",
"Omicron": "Ο",
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"Omicrontonos": "Ό",
"omicrontonos": "ό",
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"onequarter": "¼",
"onesubscript": "",
"onesuperior": "¹",
"onethird": "",
"openbullet": "",
"ordfeminine": "ª",
"ordmasculine": "º",
"orthogonal": "",
"Oslash": "Ø",
"oslash": "ø",
"Oslashacute": "Ǿ",
"oslashacute": "ǿ",
"Oslashsmall": "",
"Osmall": "",
"osuperior": "",
"Otilde": "Õ",
"otilde": "õ",
"Otildesmall": "",
"paragraph": "",
"parenleft": "(",
"parenleftbt": "",
"parenleftex": "",
"parenleftinferior": "",
"parenleftsuperior": "",
"parenlefttp": "",
"parenright": ")",
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"parenrightex": "",
"parenrightinferior": "",
"parenrightsuperior": "",
"parenrighttp": "",
"partialdiff": "",
"percent": "%",
"period": ".",
"periodcentered": "·",
"periodcentered": "",
"periodinferior": "",
"periodsuperior": "",
"perpendicular": "",
"perthousand": "",
"peseta": "",
"PesetaSign": "",
"Phi": "Φ",
"phi": "φ",
"phi1": "ϕ",
"Pi": "Π",
"pi": "π",
"plus": "+",
"plusminus": "±",
"pound": "£",
"prescription": "",
"product": "",
"propersubset": "",
"propersuperset": "",
"proportional": "",
"Psi": "Ψ",
"psi": "ψ",
"Psmall": "",
"Qsmall": "",
"question": "?",
"questiondown": "¿",
"questiondownsmall": "",
"questionsmall": "",
"quotedbl": "\"",
"quotedblbase": "",
"quotedblleft": "",
"quotedblright": "",
"quoteleft": "",
"quotereversed": "",
"quoteright": "",
"quotesinglbase": "",
"quotesingle": "'",
"Racute": "Ŕ",
"racute": "ŕ",
"radical": "",
"radicalex": "",
"Rcaron": "Ř",
"rcaron": "ř",
"Rcommaaccent": "Ŗ",
"rcommaaccent": "ŗ",
"reflexsubset": "",
"reflexsuperset": "",
"registered": "®",
"registersans": "",
"registerserif": "",
"revlogicalnot": "",
"Rfraktur": "",
"Rho": "Ρ",
"rho": "ρ",
"ring": "˚",
"Ringsmall": "",
"Rsmall": "",
"rsuperior": "",
"rtblock": "",
"RupeeSign": "",
"rupiah": "",
"Sacute": "Ś",
"sacute": "ś",
"Scaron": "Š",
"scaron": "š",
"Scaronsmall": "",
"Scedilla": "",
"scedilla": "",
"Scircumflex": "Ŝ",
"scircumflex": "ŝ",
"Scommaaccent": "Ș",
"scommaaccent": "ș",
"second": "",
"section": "§",
"semicolon": ";",
"seven": "7",
"seveneighths": "",
"seveninferior": "",
"sevenoldstyle": "",
"sevensubscript": "",
"sevensuperior": "",
"SF010000": "",
"SF020000": "",
"SF030000": "",
"SF040000": "",
"SF050000": "",
"SF060000": "",
"SF070000": "",
"SF080000": "",
"SF090000": "",
"SF100000": "",
"SF110000": "",
"SF190000": "",
"SF200000": "",
"SF210000": "",
"SF220000": "",
"SF230000": "",
"SF240000": "",
"SF250000": "",
"SF260000": "",
"SF270000": "",
"SF280000": "",
"SF360000": "",
"SF370000": "",
"SF380000": "",
"SF390000": "",
"SF400000": "",
"SF410000": "",
"SF420000": "",
"SF430000": "",
"SF440000": "",
"SF450000": "",
"SF460000": "",
"SF470000": "",
"SF480000": "",
"SF490000": "",
"SF500000": "",
"SF510000": "",
"SF520000": "",
"SF530000": "",
"SF540000": "",
"shade": "",
"Sigma": "Σ",
"sigma": "σ",
"sigma1": "ς",
"similar": "",
"similarequal": "",
"six": "6",
"sixinferior": "",
"sixoldstyle": "",
"sixsubscript": "",
"sixsuperior": "",
"slash": "/",
"smileface": "",
"spade": "",
"ssharp": "§",
"ssharp": "ß",
"Ssharp": "",
"Ssmall": "",
"ssuperior": "",
"sterling": "£",
"subtract": "-",
"suchthat": "",
"summation": "",
"sun": "",
"Tau": "Τ",
"tau": "τ",
"Tbar": "Ŧ",
"tbar": "ŧ",
"Tcaron": "Ť",
"tcaron": "ť",
"Tcommaaccent": "Ț",
"tcommaaccent": "ț",
"Thai_baht": "฿",
"therefore": "",
"Theta": "Θ",
"theta": "θ",
"theta1": "ϑ",
"THORN": "Þ",
"thorn": "þ",
"Thorn": "Þ",
"Thornsmall": "",
"three": "3",
"threeeighths": "",
"threeinferior": "",
"threeoldstyle": "",
"threequarters": "¾",
"threequartersemdash": "",
"threesubscript": "",
"threesuperior": "³",
"til": "~",
"tilde": "~",
"tilde": "˜",
"tildecomb": "̃",
"Tildesmall": "",
"tonos": "΄",
"trademark": "",
"trademarksans": "",
"trademarkserif": "",
"triagdn": "",
"triaglf": "",
"triagrt": "",
"triagup": "",
"Tsmall": "",
"tsuperior": "",
"two": "2",
"twodotenleader": "",
"twoinferior": "",
"twooldstyle": "",
"twosubscript": "",
"twosuperior": "²",
"twothirds": "",
"Uacute": "Ú",
"uacute": "ú",
"Uacutesmall": "",
"Ubreve": "Ŭ",
"ubreve": "ŭ",
"Ucircumflex": "Û",
"ucircumflex": "û",
"Ucircumflexsmall": "",
"Udiaeresis": "Ü",
"udiaeresis": "ü",
"Udieresis": "Ü",
"udieresis": "ü",
"Udieresissmall": "",
"Ugrave": "Ù",
"ugrave": "ù",
"Ugravesmall": "",
"Uhorn": "Ư",
"uhorn": "ư",
"Uhornacute": "",
"uhornacute": "",
"Uhornbelowdot": "",
"uhornbelowdot": "",
"Uhorngrave": "",
"uhorngrave": "",
"Uhornhook": "",
"uhornhook": "",
"Uhorntilde": "",
"uhorntilde": "",
"Uhungarumlaut": "Ű",
"uhungarumlaut": "ű",
"Umacron": "Ū",
"umacron": "ū",
"underscore": "_",
"underscoredbl": "",
"union": "",
"universal": "",
"Uogonek": "Ų",
"uogonek": "ų",
"upblock": "",
"Upsilon": "Υ",
"upsilon": "υ",
"Upsilon1": "ϒ",
"Upsilondieresis": "Ϋ",
"upsilondieresis": "ϋ",
"upsilondieresistonos": "ΰ",
"Upsilontonos": "Ύ",
"upsilontonos": "ύ",
"Uring": "Ů",
"uring": "ů",
"Usmall": "",
"Utilde": "Ũ",
"utilde": "ũ",
"Vsmall": "",
"Wacute": "",
"wacute": "",
"Wcircumflex": "Ŵ",
"wcircumflex": "ŵ",
"Wdieresis": "",
"wdieresis": "",
"weierstrass": "",
"Wgrave": "",
"wgrave": "",
"WonSign": "",
"Wsmall": "",
"Xi": "Ξ",
"xi": "ξ",
"Xsmall": "",
"Yacute": "Ý",
"yacute": "ý",
"Yacutesmall": "",
"Ycircumflex": "Ŷ",
"ycircumflex": "ŷ",
"ydiaeresis": "ÿ",
"Ydieresis": "Ÿ",
"ydieresis": "ÿ",
"Ydieresissmall": "",
"yen": "¥",
"Ygrave": "",
"ygrave": "",
"Ysmall": "",
"Zacute": "Ź",
"zacute": "ź",
"Zcaron": "Ž",
"zcaron": "ž",
"Zcaronsmall": "",
"Zdotaccent": "Ż",
"zdotaccent": "ż",
"zero": "0",
"zeroinferior": "",
"zerooldstyle": "",
"zerosubscript": "",
"zerosuperior": "",
"zeta": "ζ",
"Zeta": "Ζ",
"Zsmall": "",
sided_modifiers = {'ctrl', 'alt', 'shift', 'windows'}
all_modifiers = {'alt', 'alt gr', 'ctrl', 'shift', 'windows'} | set('left ' + n for n in sided_modifiers) | set('right ' + n for n in sided_modifiers)
# Platform-specific canonical overrides
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
"command": "command",
"windows": "command",
"cmd": "command",
"win": "command",
"backspace": "delete",
'alt gr': 'alt' # Issue #117
all_modifiers = {'alt', 'ctrl', 'shift', 'windows'}
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
"select": "end",
"find": "home",
'next': 'page down',
'prior': 'page up',
def normalize_name(name):
Given a key name (e.g. "LEFT CONTROL"), clean up the string and convert to
the canonical representation (e.g. "left ctrl") if one is known.
if not name or not isinstance(name, basestring):
raise ValueError('Can only normalize non-empty string names. Unexpected '+ repr(name))
if len(name) > 1:
name = name.lower()
if name != '_' and '_' in name:
name = name.replace('_', ' ')
return canonical_names.get(name, name)