local thd = {} local threads = {} local idx = 1 local computer = computer local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local coroutine = coroutine local c_create = coroutine.create local c_yield = coroutine.yield local c_resume = coroutine.resume local c_status = coroutine.status function thd.add(name, func) local t = assert(c_create(func)) --component.proxy(component.list("sandbox")()).debug_log(name, t, func) threads[#threads+1] = {name, t, {}, 0, ".+"} threads[t] = threads[#threads] end local sigs = {} local ps = computer.pullSignal function thd.autosleep() local msleep = math.huge for i=1, #threads do if (threads[i][4] and threads[i][4] < msleep) then msleep = threads[i][4] end end local rsleep = msleep-computer.uptime() if (rsleep < 0 or #sigs > 0) then rsleep = 0 end local sig = {ps(rsleep)} if (#sigs > 0) then if (#sig > 0) then sigs[#sigs+1] = sig end sig = sigs[1] table.remove(sigs, 1) end return sig end local last_sig = {} function thd.run() last_sig = thd.autosleep() for i=1, #threads do if (threads[i][4] <= computer.uptime() or #last_sig > 0) then if (c_status(threads[i][2]) ~= "running") then local er, dl = c_resume(threads[i][2], unpack(last_sig)) if (not er) then error(threads[i][1]..": "..dl) end if (dl == "k") then threads[i][6] = true end dl = computer.uptime() + (dl or math.huge) threads[i][4] = dl sigs[#sigs+1] = {ps(0)} end end end local t = {} for i=1, #threads do local v = threads[i] if (c_status(v[2]) ~= "dead" and not v[6]) then t[#t+1] = v t[v[2]] = v end end threads = t return #threads > 0 end function thd.kill(i) threads[i][6] = true end function thd.sched_end() return #threads == idx end function thd.get_threads() return threads end function computer.pullSignal(t) return c_yield(t) end return thd