local args = {...} local function getfile(path) return _ARCHIVE:fetch(path) end if debug.debug then for i=1, #tbl do print(tbl[i].name, tbl[i].filesize) end print("Zorya NEO Installer") print("This was made for OpenComputers, and, as such, is not compatible with your system.") os.exit(0) end function lzss_decompress(a)local b,c,d,e,j,i,h,g=1,'',''while b<=#a do e=c.byte(a,b)b=b+1 for k=0,7 do h=c.sub g=h(a,b,b)if e>>k&1<1 and b<#a then i=c.unpack('>I2',a,b)j=1+(i>>4)g=h(d,j,j+(i&15)+2)b=b+1 end b=b+1 c=c..g d=h(d..g,-4^6)end end return c end local component = component or require("component") local computer = computer or require("computer")