local args = {...} local tbl = args[1] local dat = args[2] table.remove(args, 1) table.remove(args, 1) function getfile(path) for i=1, #tbl do if (tbl[i].name == path) then return dat:sub(tbl[i].pos, tbl[i].pos+tbl[i].filesize-1) end end end if debug.debug then for i=1, #tbl do print(tbl[i].name, tbl[i].filesize) end print("Zorya NEO Installer") print("This was made for OpenComputers, and, as such, is not compatible with your system.") os.exit(0) end local comp = component or require("component") local computer = computer or require("computer") --[[local baddr = computer.getBootAddress() local c = comp.proxy(baddr) print("Making directories...") c.makeDirectory(".zy2") c.makeDirectory(".zy2/mods") c.makeDirectory(".zy2/lib") print("Copying files...") for i=1, #tbl do if (tbl[i].name:sub(1, 13) ~= "installer_dat" and tbl[i].name:sub(1, 4) ~= "bios" and tbl[i].mode & 32768 ~= 0) then local h = c.open(".zy2/"..tbl[i].name, "w") c.write(h, getfile(tbl[i].name)) c.close(h) end end computer.pullSignal(0) print("Flashing BIOS...") local eeprom = comp.proxy(comp.list("eeprom")()) eeprom.set(getfile("bios/managed.bios")) eeprom.setData(baddr)]] --pastebin installer: HW3rz1gt local characters = { "╔", "╗", "═", "║", "╚", "╝" } local computer = computer or require("computer") local fsaddr = args[1] or computer.getBootAddress() --print(fsaddr) local component = component or require("component") local proxy, list = component.proxy, component.list local gpu = proxy(list("gpu")()) if (not gpu.getScreen()) then gpu.bind(list("screen")()) end --Load palette gpu.setPaletteColor(0, 0x000000) gpu.setPaletteColor(1, 0xFFFFFF) gpu.setPaletteColor(2, 0x4444FF) gpu.setPaletteColor(3, 0xFF7F44) gpu.setPaletteColor(4, 0x00007F) gpu.setPaletteColor(5, 0x7F00FF) gpu.setPaletteColor(6, 0x595959) gpu.setBackground(0, true) local w, h = gpu.getViewport() gpu.fill(1, 2, w, h-1, " ") gpu.setBackground(5, true) gpu.fill(1, 1, w, 1, " ") local title = "Zorya NEO Installer v2.0" local spos = (w/2)-(#title/2) gpu.setForeground(1, true) gpu.set(spos, 1, title) gpu.setForeground(1, true) gpu.setBackground(5, true) gpu.fill(6,6,w-12,h-12, " ") gpu.set(6,6,characters[1]) gpu.set(w-6,6,characters[2]) gpu.set(6,h-6,characters[5]) gpu.set(w-6,h-6,characters[6]) gpu.fill(7,6,w-13,1,characters[3]) gpu.fill(7,h-6,w-13,1,characters[3]) gpu.fill(6,7,1,h-13,characters[4]) gpu.fill(w-6,7,1,h-13,characters[4]) function setStatus(stat) gpu.setBackground(5, true) gpu.setForeground(1, true) gpu.fill(7,(h/2)-3, w-13, 1, " ") gpu.set((w/2)-(#stat/2), (h/2)-3, stat) end function setBar(pos) gpu.setBackground(6, true) gpu.fill(8, (h/2)+1, w-16, 1, " ") gpu.setBackground(2, true) gpu.fill(8, (h/2)+1, ((w-16)/100)*pos, 1, " ") computer.pullSignal(0) end function mkdir(fs, path) fs.makeDirectory(path) end setStatus("Setting up directories...") setBar(100) local fs = proxy(fsaddr) fs.makeDirectory(".zy2") fs.makeDirectory(".zy2/mods") fs.makeDirectory(".zy2/lib") local romfs = fs.open(".zy2/image.tsar", "w") --fs.write(romfs, "romfs\1\0") local modes = { ["fifo"] = 1, ["char device"] = 2, ["directory"] = 4, ["block device"] = 6, ["file"] = 8, ["link"] = 0xA, ["socket"] = 0xC } local function getperm(ftype, perm) local md = 0 for i=1, 9 do if (perm:sub(i,i) ~= "-") then md = md | (1 << (i-1)) end end return md | (modes[ftype] << 12) end function makeDirectory(path) local ent = { name = path, namesize = #path, magic = 0x5f7d, mode = getperm("directory", "r-xr-xr-x"), uid = 0, gid = 0, filesize = 0, mtime = os.time() } fs.write(romfs, string.pack("=I2I2I2I2I2I6I6", ent.magic, ent.namesize, ent.mode, ent.uid, ent.gid, ent.filesize, ent.mtime)) fs.write(romfs, path) end makeDirectory(".zy2") makeDirectory(".zy2/mods") makeDirectory(".zy2/lib") function writeFile(path, data) --local hand = fs.open(path, "w") --fs.write(hand, data) --fs.close(hand) --fs.write(romfs, string.char(#path)..path) --local ext = path:sub(#path-2) --fs.write(romfs, string.pack(" 0 then io.stdout:write("\0") end fs.write(romfs, data) if ent.filesize & 1 > 0 then io.stdout:write("\0") size = size+1 end end setStatus("Getting file list...") setBar(0) local bios_files = load("return "..getfile("installer_dat/bios_list.lua"))() setBar(33) local pkg_files = load("return "..getfile("installer_dat/package_list.lua"))() setBar(67) local lang = load("return "..getfile("installer_dat/lang/en_US.lua"))() setBar(100) setStatus("Extracting files...") setBar(0) for i=1, #pkg_files do setStatus("Extracting "..(lang["mod_"..pkg_files[i].cat.."_"..pkg_files[i].name.."_name"] or "#mod_"..pkg_files[i].cat.."_"..pkg_files[i].name.."_name").."... ("..i.." of "..#pkg_files..")") setBar(100*(i/#pkg_files)) writeFile(".zy2/"..pkg_files[i].path, getfile(pkg_files[i].path)) end writeFile("TRAILER!!!", [[{os="Zorya NEO",version="2.0"}]]) setStatus("Extracting EEPROM...") setBar(0) local bios = getfile(bios_files[1].path) setStatus("Flashing EEPROM...") setBar(33) local eeprom = proxy(list("eeprom")()) eeprom.set(bios) setStatus("Writing configuration data...") setBar(66) function hexid_to_binid(addr) addr=addr:gsub("%-", "") local baddr = "" for i=1, #addr, 2 do baddr = baddr .. string.char(tonumber(addr:sub(i, i+1), 16)) end return baddr end eeprom.setData(fs.address) eeprom.setLabel("Zorya NEO BIOS v2.0") setBar(100) setStatus("Rebooting in 5 seconds...") if not fs.exists(".zy2/cfg.lua") then local hand = fs.open(".zy2/cfg.lua", "w") fs.write(hand, string.format([[local menu = loadmod("menu_classic") menu.add("OpenOS on %s", function() return loadmod("loader_openos")("%s") end) menu.draw()]], fsaddr:sub(1, 3), fsaddr)) fs.close(hand) end computer = computer or require("computer") local stime = computer.uptime() while true do setStatus("Rebooting in "..math.ceil(5-(computer.uptime()-stime)).." seconds...") if (computer.uptime()-stime > 5) then computer.shutdown(true) end computer.pullSignal(0.01) setBar((computer.uptime()-stime)*20) end