-- Super basic TTY driver. Supports unicode if enabled with tty.utf. tty = {} do local gpu = component.proxy(component.list("gpu")()) if not gpu.getScreen() then local saddr = component.list("screen")() gpu.bind(saddr) end local gfg = -1 local gbg = -1 local ttyc = 12 local ttyx, ttyy = 1, 1 local w, h = gpu.maxResolution() local depth = gpu.maxDepth() gpu.setResolution(w, h) gpu.setDepth(depth) if (depth == 4) then --pregen color for i=0, 15 do local hi = i >> 3 local r = (i >> 2) & 1 local g = (i >> 1) & 1 local b = i & 1 local fr = (r * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) local fg = (g * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) local fb = (b * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) gpu.setPaletteColor(i, (fr << 16) | (fg << 8) | fb) end end function colors(i) if (i < 0) then i = 0 elseif (i > 15) then i = 15 end if (depth == 1) then return ((i > 0) and 0xFFFFFF) or 0 elseif (depth == 4) then return i, true else -- e x p a n d local hi = i >> 3 local r = (i >> 2) & 1 local g = (i >> 1) & 1 local b = i & 1 local fr = (r * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) local fg = (g * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) local fb = (b * 0x7F) | (hi << 7) return (fr << 16) | (fg << 8) | fb end end local buffer = string.char(0xF, 32):rep(w*h) local cwidth = 1 local function get_segments(spos, max) spos = spos or 1 if spos < 1 then spos = 1 end max = max or #buffer//(1+cwidth) local cur_color = -1 local segments = {} local _buffer = "" local cpos = spos-1 --((spos-1)*(1+cwidth)) local start_pos = cpos for i=((spos-1)*(1+cwidth))+1, max*(1+cwidth), 1+cwidth do local c, code = string.unpack("BI"..cwidth, buffer:sub(i, i+cwidth)) -- buffer:sub(i,i), buffer:sub(i+1, i+cwidth) if (c ~= cur_color or cpos%w == 0) then if (buffer ~= "") then segments[#segments+1] = {(start_pos//w)+1, (start_pos%w)+1, cur_color, _buffer} end cur_color = c start_pos = cpos _buffer = "" end cpos = cpos + 1 _buffer = _buffer .. utf8.char(code) end if (buffer ~= "") then segments[#segments+1] = {((start_pos)//w)+1, ((start_pos)%w)+1, cur_color, _buffer} end return segments end local function draw_segments(segs) for i=1, #segs do local fg, bg = segs[i][3] & 0xF, segs[i][3] >> 4 if (fg ~= gfg) then gpu.setForeground(colors(fg)) end if (bg ~= gbg) then gpu.setBackground(colors(bg)) end gpu.set(segs[i][2], segs[i][1], segs[i][4]) end end function tty.setcolor(c) ttyc = c end function tty.utf() -- Cannot be undone cleanly! if cwidth == 3 then return end local newbuf = "" for i=1, #buffer, 2 do local a, b = string.unpack("BB", buffer:sub(i, i+1)) newbuf = newbuf .. string.pack("BI3", a, b) end buffer = newbuf cwidth = 3 end function tty.moveup() gpu.copy(1, 2, w, h-1, 0, -1) buffer = buffer:sub((w*(1+cwidth))+1)..(string.rep(string.pack("BI"..cwidth, 0xF, 32), w)) gpu.fill(1, h, w, 1, " ") end function tty.clear() x = 1 y = 1 buffer = string.rep("\x0F"..string.pack("I"..cwidth, 32), w*h) end function tty.setcursor(x, y) ttyx = x or 1 ttyy = y or 1 end function tty.getcursor() return ttyx, ttyy end function tty.write(s) -- Convert to color/codepoint local charmask = string.unpack("I"..cwidth, string.rep("\xFF", cwidth)) local _buffer = "" for i=1, utf8.len(s) do _buffer = _buffer .. string.pack("BI"..cwidth, ttyc, utf8.codepoint(s, i) & charmask) end local bpos = (((ttyx-1)+((ttyy-1)*w))*(1+cwidth))+1 local b1, b2 = buffer:sub(1, bpos-1), buffer:sub(bpos+#_buffer) buffer = b1 .. _buffer .. b2 local mod = 0 if (#buffer > w*h*(1+cwidth)) then -- Scroll smoothly buffer = buffer .. string.rep("\x0F"..string.pack("I"..cwidth, 32), w-((#buffer/(1+cwidth)) % w)) buffer = buffer:sub(#buffer-(w*h*(1+cwidth))+1) tty.update() mod = -w else -- Update what changed here. draw_segments(get_segments((ttyx-1)+((ttyy-1)*w)+1, ((ttyx-1)+((ttyy-1)*w))+utf8.len(s))) end local pz = (((ttyx-1)+((ttyy-1)*w)) + utf8.len(s)) + mod ttyx = (pz % w)+1 ttyy = (pz // w)+1 end function tty.print(...) local args = {...} for i=1, #args do args[i] = tostring(args[i]) end local str = table.concat(args, " ").."\n" -- ugly hack for m in str:gmatch("(.-)\n") do tty.write(m) local x, y = tty.getcursor() if (x ~= 1) then ttyy = y + 1 ttyx = 1 if (ttyy > h) then tty.moveup() ttyy = h end end end end function tty.update() draw_segments(get_segments()) end end