-- VELX builder --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LZSS - encoder / decoder This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to --]]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local M = {} local string, table = string, table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local POS_BITS = 12 local LEN_BITS = 16 - POS_BITS local POS_SIZE = 1 << POS_BITS local LEN_SIZE = 1 << LEN_BITS local LEN_MIN = 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function M.compress(input) local offset, output = 1, {} local window = '' local function search() for i = LEN_SIZE + LEN_MIN - 1, LEN_MIN, -1 do local str = string.sub(input, offset, offset + i - 1) local pos = string.find(window, str, 1, true) if pos then return pos, str end end end while offset <= #input do local flags, buffer = 0, {} for i = 0, 7 do if offset <= #input then local pos, str = search() if pos and #str >= LEN_MIN then local tmp = ((pos - 1) << LEN_BITS) | (#str - LEN_MIN) buffer[#buffer + 1] = string.pack('>I2', tmp) else flags = flags | (1 << i) str = string.sub(input, offset, offset) buffer[#buffer + 1] = str end window = string.sub(window .. str, -POS_SIZE) offset = offset + #str else break end end if #buffer > 0 then output[#output + 1] = string.char(flags) output[#output + 1] = table.concat(buffer) end end return table.concat(output) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function M.decompress(input) local offset, output = 1, {} local window = '' while offset <= #input do local flags = string.byte(input, offset) offset = offset + 1 for i = 1, 8 do local str = nil if (flags & 1) ~= 0 then if offset <= #input then str = string.sub(input, offset, offset) offset = offset + 1 end else if offset + 1 <= #input then local tmp = string.unpack('>I2', input, offset) offset = offset + 2 local pos = (tmp >> LEN_BITS) + 1 local len = (tmp & (LEN_SIZE - 1)) + LEN_MIN str = string.sub(window, pos, pos + len - 1) end end flags = flags >> 1 if str then output[#output + 1] = str window = string.sub(window .. str, -POS_SIZE) end end end return table.concat(output) end local function struct(tbl) local pat = tbl.endian or "=" local args = {} for i=1, #tbl do local a, b = pairs(tbl[i]) local k, v = a(b) args[i] = k pat = pat .. v end return setmetatable({}, {__call=function(_, arg) --checkArg(1, arg, "string", "table") if (type(arg) == "string") then local sval = {string.unpack(pat, arg)} local rtn = {} for i=1, #args do rtn[args[i]] = sval[i] end return rtn, sval[#sval] elseif (type(arg) == "table") then local sval = {} for i=1, #args do sval[i] = arg[args[i]] end return string.pack(pat, unpack(sval)) end end, __len=function() return string.packsize(pat) end}) end local velx_spec = struct { endian = "<", {magic="c5"}, {fver="B"}, {compression="B"}, {lver="B"}, {os="B"}, {arctype="c4"}, {psize="I3"}, {lsize="I3"}, {ssize="I3"}, {rsize="I4"} } local function velx_multistep(path, arcpath, args, steps) local shell_args = "" for k, v in pairs(args) do if (k == "PWD") then shell_args = "cd "..v.."; " .. shell_args else shell_args = shell_args .. k .. "=\"".. v .."\" " end end steps.precomp() local h = io.popen(shell_args.."luacomp "..path, "r") local prog = h:read("*a") h:close() prog = steps.postcomp(prog) steps.prearc() local arc = "" if arcpath then h = io.popen("cd "..arcpath.."; find $".."(ls) -depth | tsar -o", "r") arc = h:read("*a") h:close() steps.postarc() end if (not args.noz) then steps.prez() prog = M.compress(prog) steps.postz() end local header = velx_spec({ magic = "\27VelX", compression = (args.noz and 0) or 1, lver = 0x53, fver = 1, os = 0xDA, --da, comrade psize = #prog, lsize=0, ssize=0, rsize=#arc, arctype=(arcpath and "tsar") or "" }) return header .. prog .. arc end local function velx(path, arcpath, args) return velx_multistep(path, arcpath, args, { precomp = function()end, postcomp = function(prog) return prog end, prearc = function()end, postarc = function()end, prez = function()end, postz = function()end, }) end local function velxv2(sections) end