local component = component local computer = computer local _component = {} local proxylist = {} local proxyobjs = {} local typelist = {} local doclist = {} local oproxy = component.proxy function _component.proxy(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if proxyobjs[address] ~= nil then return proxyobjs[address] end return oproxy(address) end local olist = component.list function _component.list(filter, exact) checkArg(1,filter,"string","nil") local result = {} local data = {} for k,v in olist(filter, exact) do data[#data + 1] = k data[#data + 1] = v result[k] = v end for k,v in pairs(typelist) do if filter == nil or (exact and v == filter) or (not exact and v:find(filter, nil, true)) then data[#data + 1] = k data[#data + 1] = v result[k] = v end end local place = 1 return setmetatable(result, {__call=function() local addr,type = data[place], data[place + 1] place = place + 2 return addr, type end} ) end local otype = component.type function _component.type(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if typelist[address] ~= nil then return typelist[address] end return otype(address) end local odoc = component.doc function _component.doc(address, method) checkArg(1,address,"string") checkArg(2,method,"string") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then if proxylist[address][method] == nil then error("no such method",2) end if doclist[address] ~= nil then return doclist[address][method] end return nil end return odoc(address, method) end local oslot = component.slot function _component.slot(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then return -1 -- vcomponents do not exist in a slot end return oslot(address) end local omethods = component.methods function _component.methods(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then local methods = {} for k,v in pairs(proxylist[address]) do if type(v) == "function" then methods[k] = true -- All vcomponent methods are direct end end return methods end return omethods(address) end local oinvoke = component.invoke function _component.invoke(address, method, ...) checkArg(1,address,"string") checkArg(2,method,"string") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then if proxylist[address][method] == nil then error("no such method",2) end return proxylist[address][method](...) end return oinvoke(address, method, ...) end local ofields = component.fields function _component.fields(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then return {} -- What even is this? end return ofields(address) end local componentCallback = { __call = function(self, ...) return proxylist[self.address][self.name](...) end, __tostring = function(self) return (doclist[self.address] ~= nil and doclist[self.address][self.name] ~= nil) and doclist[self.address][self.name] or "function" end } local vcomponent = {} function vcomponent.register(address, ctype, proxy, doc) checkArg(1,address,"string") checkArg(2,ctype,"string") checkArg(3,proxy,"table") if proxylist[address] ~= nil then return nil, "component already at address" elseif component.type(address) ~= nil then return nil, "cannot register over real component" end proxy.address = address proxy.type = ctype local proxyobj = {} for k,v in pairs(proxy) do if type(v) == "function" then proxyobj[k] = setmetatable({name=k,address=address},componentCallback) else proxyobj[k] = v end end proxylist[address] = proxy proxyobjs[address] = proxyobj typelist[address] = ctype doclist[address] = doc computer.pushSignal("component_added",address,ctype) return true end function vcomponent.unregister(address) checkArg(1,address,"string") if proxylist[address] == nil then if component.type(address) ~= nil then return nil, "cannot unregister real component" else return nil, "no component at address" end end local thetype = typelist[address] proxylist[address] = nil proxyobjs[address] = nil typelist[address] = nil doclist[address] = nil computer.pushSignal("component_removed",address,thetype) return true end function vcomponent.list() local list = {} for k,v in pairs(proxylist) do list[#list + 1] = {k,typelist[k],v} end return list end function vcomponent.resolve(address, componentType) checkArg(1, address, "string") checkArg(2, componentType, "string", "nil") for k,v in pairs(typelist) do if componentType == nil or v == componentType then if k:sub(1, #address) == address then return k end end end return nil, "no such component" end local r = math.random function vcomponent.uuid() return string.format("%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255), r(0,255),r(0,255), r(64,79),r(0,255), r(128,191),r(0,255), r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255),r(0,255)) end function vcomponent.install(env) env.component = {} for k, v in pairs(_component) do env.component[k] = v end end function vcomponent.global() for k, v in pairs(_component) do component[k] = v end end return vcomponent