-- P A I N local flag_crit = 1 << 5 local flag_required = 1 << 6 local flag_ext = 1 << 7 local function read_ali(fs, h) local tmp = 0 local ctr = 0 while true do local b = fs.read(h, 1):byte() tmp = tmp | ((b & 0x7F) << (ctr*7)) if (b & 0x80 > 0) then break end end return tmp end local function read_int(fs, h, count) local tmp = 0 for i=0, count-1 do tmp = tmp | (fs.read(h, 1):byte() << (count*8)) end return tmp end local function read_string(fs, h) local len = read_ali(fs, h) return fs.read(h, len) end local xdec = { ["NAME"] = function(fs, h) return read_string(fs, h) end, ["PERM"] = function(fs, h) return read_int(fs, h, 2) end, ["W32P"] = function(fs, h) return fs.read(h, 1):byte() end, ["OTIM"] = function(fs, h) return read_int(fs, h, 8) end, ["MTIM"] = function(fs, h) return read_int(fs, h, 8) end, ["CTIM"] = function(fs, h) return read_int(fs, h, 8) end, ["ATIM"] = function(fs, h) return read_int(fs, h, 8) end, ["SCOS"] = function(fs, h) return read_string(fs, h) end } local decode = { ["X"] = function(fs, h, size) local oid = read_ali(fs, h) local xtype = fs.read(h, 4) return { type = "meta", id = oid, key = xtype, value = xdec[xtype](fs, h) } end, ["F"] = function(fs, h, size) return { type="file", name = read_string(fs, h), offset = read_ali(fs, h), size = read_ali(fs, h), id = read_ali(fs, h), pid = read_ali(fs, h) } end, ["D"] = function(fs, h, size) return { type="dir", name = read_string(fs, h), id = read_ali(fs, h), pid = read_ali(fs, h) } end, ["Z"] = function(fs, h, size) return { type="eoh", size = read_ali(fs, h) } end } local function read_entrydat(fs, h) local etype = fs.read(h, 1) local ebyte = etype:byte() local size = read_ali(fs, h) if (ebyte & flag_crit > 0 and not decode[etype]) then error("Unknown critical entry.") end if (ebyte & flag_required == 0) then error("Required flag not set.") end if (decode[etype]) then return decode[etype](fs, h, size) end return {type="unknown"} end local function get_offset(fs, h) fs.seek(h, "set", 9) local ent = {} while ent.type ~= "eoh" do ent = read_entrydat(fs, h) end return fs.seek(h, "cur", 0), ent.size end local function path_part_iter(path) path = path:gsub("/+", "/"):gsub("^/", ""):gsub("/$", "") local lpos = 1 return function() if not lpos then return nil end local s, e = path:find("(.-)/", lpos) if not s then local lp = lpos lpos = nil return path:sub(lp) end local rtn = path:sub(s, e-1) lpos = e+1 return rtn end end local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local function sfpcall(a, func, ...) local ptr = a.fs.seek(a.h, "cur", 0) local rv = {func(...)} a.fs.seek(a.h, "set", ptr) return unpack(rv) end local function cache_obj(a, objdat) a.cache = a.cache or {} a.cache[#a.cache+1] = objdat end local function get_obj_prop(a, obj, name) name = name:upper() if (a.cache) then for i=1, #a.cache do if (a.cache[i].type=="meta" and a.cache[i].id==obj and a.cache[i].key == name) then return a.cache[i].value end end end fs.seek(h, "set", 9) local ent = {} while ent.type ~= "eoh" do ent = read_entrydat(fs, h) if (ent.type=="meta" and ent.id==obj and ent.key == name) then cache_obj(a, ent) return ent.value end end end local function path_to_obj(a, path) if (path == "/" or path == "") then return { type = "dir", name = "/root\\", id = 0, pid = 0 } end local tbl = {} for p in path_part_iter(path) do tbl[#tbl+1] = p end local part = 1 local pid = 0 --search cache if (a.cache) then local i = 0 while i < #a.cache do i = i+1 if (a.cache[i].type == "file" or a.cache[i].type == "dir") then if (a.cache[i].pid == pid and (a.cache[i].name == tbl[part] or get_obj_prop(a, a.cache[i].id, "NAME") == tbl[part])) then part = part+1 pid = a.cache[i].id i=0 if (part == #tbl) then return a.cache[i], pid end end end end end -- Now we search the hard way, then cache along the way. fs.seek(h, "set", 9) local ent = {} while ent.type ~= "eoh" do ent = read_entrydat(fs, h) if (ent.type == "file" or ent.type=="dir") then if (ent.name == tbl[part] or sfpcall(get_obj_prop, a, ent.id, "NAME") == tbl[part]) then pid = ent.id cache_obj(a, ent) part = part + 1 end if (part == #tbl) then break end end end return ent, pid end local function get_by_id(a, id) if (a.cache) then for i=1, #a.cache do if ((a.cache[i].type=="file" or a.cache[i].type=="dir") and a.cache[i].id==id) then return a.cache[i] end end end fs.seek(h, "set", 9) local ent = {} while ent.type ~= "eoh" do ent = read_entrydat(fs, h) if ((ent.type=="file" or ent.type=="dir") and ent.id==id) then cache_obj(a, ent) return ent end end end local function id_to_path(a, id) local ne = get_by_id(a, id) if not ne then return nil, "not found" end local path = get_obj_prop(a, id, "NAME") or ne.name path = "/" .. path while ne and ne.pid > 0 do ne = get_by_id(a, ne.pid) if not ne then return nil, "not found" end path = "/" .. (get_obj_prop(a, ne.id, "NAME") or ne.name) .. path end return path end local urf = {} function urf.open(drive, path) local fs = component.proxy(drive) local hand = fs.open(path) if fs.read(hand, 8) ~= "URF\x11\1\1\x12\0" then return nil, "bad signature" end local e, z = get_offset(fs, hand) return setmetatable({ fs = fs, h = hand, cache = {}, epos = e, bsize = z }, {__index=arc}) end local arc = {} function arc:fetch(path) local obj = path_to_obj(self, path) if (obj.type ~= "file") then return nil, "not a file" end self.fs.seek(self.h, "set", self.epos+obj.offset) return self.fs.read(self.h, obj.size) end function arc:exists(path) local obj = path_to_obj(path) return obj.type ~= "eoh" end function arc:close() self.cache = nil self.fs.close(self.h) self.fs = nil end function arc:list_dir(path) local obj = path_to_obj(self, path) if (obj.type ~= "dir") then return nil, "not a dir" end local objects = {} for i=1, self.cache do if (self.cache[i].pid == obj.id) then objects[#objects+1] = (get_obj_prop(self, self.cache[i].id, "NAME") or self.cache[i].name) end end self.fs.seek(self.h, "set", 9) local ent = {} while ent.type ~= "eoh" do ent = read_entrydat(self.fs, self.h) if ((ent.type=="file" or ent.type=="dir") and ent.pid==obj.id) then cache_obj(self, ent) objects[#objects+1] = sfpcall(get_obj_prop, self, ent.id, "NAME") or ent.name end end return objects end return urf