local arg = arg or {...} local string, table = string, table local POS_BITS = 12 local LEN_BITS = 16 - POS_BITS local POS_SIZE = 1 << POS_BITS local LEN_SIZE = 1 << LEN_BITS local LEN_MIN = 3 function lzss_decompress(input) local offset, output = 1, {} local window = '' while offset <= #input do local flags = string.byte(input, offset) offset = offset + 1 for i = 1, 8 do local str = nil if (flags & 1) ~= 0 then if offset <= #input then str = string.sub(input, offset, offset) offset = offset + 1 end else if offset + 1 <= #input then local tmp = string.unpack('>I2', input, offset) offset = offset + 2 local pos = (tmp >> LEN_BITS) + 1 local len = (tmp & (LEN_SIZE - 1)) + LEN_MIN str = string.sub(window, pos, pos + len - 1) end end flags = flags >> 1 if str then output[#output + 1] = str window = string.sub(window .. str, -POS_SIZE) end end end return table.concat(output) end print("Decompressing CPIO...") local code = lzss_decompress(@[{io.stdin:read("*a")}]) local dat = code local tbl = {} local pos = 1 local function read(n) local d = dat:sub(pos, pos+n) pos = pos + n return d end local function readint(amt, rev) local tmp = 0 for i=(rev and amt) or 1, (rev and 1) or amt, (rev and -1) or 1 do tmp = tmp | (read(1):byte() << ((i-1)*8)) end return tmp end while true do local dent = {} dent.magic = readint(2) local rev = false if (dent.magic ~= tonumber("070707", 8)) then rev = true end dent.dev = readint(2) dent.ino = readint(2) dent.mode = readint(2) dent.uid = readint(2) dent.gid = readint(2) dent.nlink = readint(2) dent.rdev = readint(2) dent.mtime = (readint(2) << 16) | readint(2) dent.namesize = readint(2) dent.filesize = (readint(2) << 16) | readint(2) local name = read(dent.namesize):sub(1, dent.namesize-1) if (name == "TRAILER!!!") then break end --for k, v in pairs(dent) do -- print(k, v) --end dent.name = name if (dent.namesize % 2 ~= 0) then pos = pos + 1 end if (dent.mode & 32768 ~= 0) then --fwrite() end dent.pos = pos pos = pos + dent.filesize if (dent.filesize % 2 ~= 0) then pos = pos + 1 end tbl[#tbl+1] = dent end local unpack = unpack or table.unpack for i=1, #tbl do if (tbl[i].name == "init.lua") then load(dat:sub(tbl[i].pos, tbl[i].pos+tbl[i].filesize-1))(tbl, dat, unpack(arg)) end end