local args = {...} local tbl = args[1] local dat = args[2] table.remove(args, 1) table.remove(args, 1) local function getfile(path) for i=1, #tbl do if (tbl[i].name == path) then return dat:sub(tbl[i].pos, tbl[i].pos+tbl[i].filesize-1) end end end local function writefile(p2, dat) local f = io.open(p2, "wb") f:write(dat) f:close() end if (debug.debug) then print("This software cannot be run on a normal computer. This is only for OpenOS.") os.exit(1) end local magic = 0x5f7d local magic_rev = 0x7d5f local header_fmt = "I2I2I2I2I2I6I6" local en = string.unpack("=I2", string.char(0x7d, 0x5f)) == magic -- true = LE, false = BE local function get_end(e) return (e and "<") or ">" end local function read_header(dat) local e = get_end(en) local m = string.unpack(e.."I2", dat) if m ~= magic and m ~= magic_rev then return nil, "bad magic" end if m ~= magic then e = get_end(not en) end local ent = {} ent.magic, ent.namesize, ent.mode, ent.uid, ent.gid, ent.filesize, ent.mtime = string.unpack(e..header_fmt, dat) return ent end local arc = {} function arc:fetch(path) for i=1, #self.tbl do if (self.tbl[i].name == path and self.tbl[i].mode & 32768 > 0) then self.seek(self.tbl[i].pos-self.seek(0)) return self.read(self.tbl[i].filesize), self.tbl[i] end end return nil, "file not found" end function arc:exists(path) for i=1, #self.tbl do if (self.tbl[i].name == path) then return true end end return false end function arc:list(path) if path:sub(#path) ~= "/" then path = path .. "/" end local ent = {} for i=1, #self.tbl do if (self.tbl[i].name:sub(1, #path) == path and not self.tbl[i].name:find("/", #path+1, false)) then ent[#ent+1] = self.tbl[i].name end end return ent end function arc:close() self.close() end local tsar = { read = function(read, seek, close) local tbl = {} local lname = "" while lname ~= "TRAILER!!!" do local dat = read(22) local e = read_header(dat) e.name = read(e.namesize) e.pos = seek(e.namesize & 1) seek(e.filesize + (e.filesize & 1)) lname = e.name if lname ~= "TRAILER!!!" then tbl[#tbl+1] = e end end return setmetatable({tbl = tbl, read = read, seek = seek, close = close}, {__index=arc}) end } local fs = require("filesystem") print("Installing Zorya NEO utils.") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo/mods") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo/lib") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo/config.d") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo/initramfs.d") fs.makeDirectory("/etc/zorya-neo/vbios") print("Installing utils to /usr") fs.makeDirectory("/usr/bin") writefile("/usr/bin/zyneo-gencfg.lua", getfile("OpenOS/zyneo-gencfg.lua")) writefile("/usr/bin/zyvbios-new.lua", getfile("OpenOS/zyvbios-new.lua")) writefile("/usr/bin/zyneo-geninitramfs.lua", getfile("OpenOS/zyneo-geninitramfs.lua")) writefile("/usr/bin/zyneo-update.lua", getfile("OpenOS/zyneo-update.lua")) print("Installing scripts...") for i=1, #tbl do if tbl[i].name:sub(1, 16) == "OpenOS/config.d/" then writefile("/etc/zorya-neo/config.d/"..tbl[i].name:sub(17), getfile(tbl[i].name)) elseif tbl[i].name:sub(1, 19) == "OpenOS/initramfs.d/" then writefile("/etc/zorya-neo/initramfs.d/"..tbl[i].name:sub(20), getfile(tbl[i].name)) end end print("Extracting image.tsar...") local t = io.open("/.zy2/image.tsar", "rb") local arc = tsar.read(function(a) return t:read(a) end, function(a) return t:seek("cur", a) end, function() return t:close() end) local lst = arc:list(".zy2/mods") for i=1, #lst do print(lst[i]) writefile("/etc/zorya-neo/mods/"..lst[i]:sub(10), arc:fetch(lst[i])) end local lst = arc:list(".zy2/lib") for i=1, #lst do print(lst[i]) writefile("/etc/zorya-neo/lib/"..lst[i]:sub(9), arc:fetch(lst[i])) end arc:close() print("Installation complete.")