local utils = krequire("utils") --#include "tty.lua" --#include "velx.lua" --#include "load.lua" function _runcmd(cmd) local rcmd = cmd:sub(1, (cmd:find(" ") or (#cmd+1))-1) local script = _ARCHIVE:fetch("bin/"..rcmd..".lua") load(script, "=bin/"..rcmd..".lua", "t", _G)(cmd:sub(#rcmd+1):gsub("^%s+", "")) end return function(autorun) local keys = { lcontrol = 0x1D, back = 0x0E, -- backspace delete = 0xD3, down = 0xD0, enter = 0x1C, home = 0xC7, left = 0xCB, lshift = 0x2A, pageDown = 0xD1, rcontrol = 0x9D, right = 0xCD, rmenu = 0xB8, -- right Alt rshift = 0x36, space = 0x39, tab = 0x0F, up = 0xC8, ["end"] = 0xCF, tab = 0x0F, numpadenter = 0x9C, } tty.clear() tty.utf() tty.setcursor(1, 1) tty.update() tty.setcolor(0xF) tty.print("Zorya NEO Lua Terminal") tty.print("Zorya NEO ".._ZVSTR.." ".._ZGIT) local buffer = "" function print(...) tty.print(...) end function exit() exit = nil print = nil end if (autorun) then local c = load(autorun) if c then pcall(c) end end tty.print("") tty.setcolor(2) tty.write("boot> ") tty.setcolor(0xF0) tty.write(" ") tty.setcolor(0xF) while exit do local sig = {computer.pullSignal()} if (sig[1] == "key_down") then if (sig[3] > 31 and sig[3] ~= 127) then local x, y = tty.getcursor() tty.setcursor(x-1, y) tty.setcolor(0xF) tty.write(utf8.char(sig[3])) tty.setcolor(0xF0) tty.write(" ") buffer = buffer .. utf8.char(sig[3]) elseif (sig[4] == keys.back) then if (#buffer > 0) then local x, y = tty.getcursor() tty.setcursor(x-2, y) tty.setcolor(0xF0) tty.write(" ") tty.setcolor(0xF) tty.write(" ") tty.setcursor(x-1, y) buffer = buffer:sub(1, #buffer-1) end elseif (sig[4] == keys.enter) then if (buffer:sub(1,1) == "=") then buffer = "return "..buffer:sub(2) elseif (buffer:sub(1,1) == "$") then buffer = "return _runcmd(\""..buffer:sub(2).."\")" end local s, e = load(buffer) local x, y = tty.getcursor() tty.setcursor(x-1, y) tty.setcolor(0xF) tty.write(" ") tty.print(" ") buffer = "" if not s then tty.setcolor(0x4) tty.print(e) tty.setcolor(0xf) else tty.setcolor(0xf) xpcall(function() tty.print(s()) end, function(e) tty.setcolor(0x4) tty.print(debug.traceback(e):gsub("\t", " "):gsub("\r", "\n")) end) end tty.setcolor(2) tty.write(((_DRIVE and _DRIVE:sub(1, 4)) or "boot").."> ") tty.setcolor(0xF0) tty.write(" ") tty.setcolor(0xF) end end end end