local zy = krequire("zorya") local vdev = zy.loadmod("util_vdev") vdev.register_type("zybios", { methods = { get_threads_info = function() local threads = {} for i=1, zy.lkthdn() do local info = zy.lkthdi(i) threads[i] = { name = info[1], deadline = info[6] } end return threads end, get_version = function() return string.format("%f.%d", _ZVER, _ZPAT) end, get_git_revision = function() return _ZGIT end }, docs = { get_threads_info = "get_threads_info():table -- Returns the BIOS thread information.", get_version = "get_version():string -- Returns the Zorya NEO version.", get_git_revision = "get_git_revision():string -- Returns the git revision of the build." } }) vdev.add_device("ZORYA_BIOS", "zybios") return true