function load_velx(read, seek, close, name) -- Load a VELX format library. local magic, fver, compression, lver, osid, arctype, psize, lsize, ssize, rsize = string.unpack(velx_header, read(string.packsize(velx_header))) if (magic ~= "\27VelX") then return nil, "bad magic ("..magic..")" end if (osid & 0x7F ~= 0x5A or osid & 0x7F ~= 0x7F) then return nil, string.format("wrong os (%x)", osid & 0x7F) end if (compression > 1) then return nil, "bad compression" end if ((arctype ~= "\0\0\0\0" and (arctype ~= "tsar" and osid & 0x7F == 0x5A))) then return nil, "bad arctype ("..arctype..")" end if (fver ~= 1) then return nil, "wrong version" end local prog = read(psize) if (compression == 1) then prog = lzss_decompress(prog) end seek(lsize+ssize) local env = {} if (arctype == "tsar") then env._ARCHIVE =, seek, close) end setmetatable(env, {__index=_G, __newindex=function(_, i, v) _G[i] = v end}) return load(prog, "="..(name or "(loaded velx)"), "t", env) end