-- This our custom machine.lua local utils = krequire("utils") local computer = computer xpcall(function() utils.debug_log("Copying env...") local env = utils.deepcopy(_G) utils.debug_log("Coppied env.") env._G = env env._ENV = env env.krequire = nil env._BIOS = nil env._ZVSTR = nil env._ZVER = nil env._ZPAT = nil env._ZGIT = nil vdev.install(env) local _oldlist = env.component.list local thdid = string.format("%.4x", math.random(0, 2^16-1)) function env.component.list(...) local ol = _oldlist(...) local tcall = function() local a, t = ol() if (a ~= "vdev-ZY_VBIOS" and t == "eeprom") then a, t = ol() end return a, t end for k, v in pairs(ol) do if (k ~= "vdev-ZY_VBIOS" and v == "eeprom") then ol[k] = nil end end return setmetatable({}, {__index=ol, __call=tcall}) end function env.load(code, name, mode, e, ...) local e = e or env return load(code, name, mode, e, ...) end local ded = false function env.computer.returnToBios() local thds = thd.get_threads() local vbname = "vbios$"..tbl.getLabel().."#"..thdid for i=1, #thds do if (thds[i][1] == vbname) then thds[i][6] = true end end ded = true utils.debug_log("Returning to BIOS...") end utils.debug_log("Loading vBIOS...") thd.add("vbios$"..tbl.getLabel().."#"..thdid, function() xpcall(function() utils.debug_log("Starting BIOS.") assert(load(tbl.get(), "=vbios", "t", env))() end, function(err) utils.debug_log("ERROR", "vBIOS error!") utils.debug_log(err, debug.traceback()) end) utils.debug_log("Sending signal.") computer.pushSignal("vbios_dead") end) while true do if computer.pullSignal() == "vbios_dead" then utils.debug_log("Got signal.") break end end utils.debug_log("Dead.") end, function(err) utils.debug_log("ERROR", "vBIOS error!") utils.debug_log(err, debug.traceback()) end)