@[[if not svar.get("CRESCENT_KARGS") then svar.set("CRESCENT_KARGS", "") end]] local version = "1.0" local gpu = component.list("gpu")() local w, h local screen = component.list('screen')() for address in component.list('screen') do if #component.invoke(address, 'getKeyboards') > 0 then screen = address end end local cls = function()end if gpu and screen then component.invoke(gpu, "bind", screen) w, h = component.invoke(gpu, "getResolution") component.invoke(gpu, "setResolution", w, h) component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x000000) component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFFFFFF) component.invoke(gpu, "fill", 1, 1, w, h, " ") cls = function()component.invoke(gpu,"fill", 1, 1, w, h, " ")end end local y = 1 local function status(msg) if gpu and screen then component.invoke(gpu, "set", 1, y, msg) if y == h then component.invoke(gpu, "copy", 1, 2, w, h - 1, 0, -1) component.invoke(gpu, "fill", 1, h, w, 1, " ") else y = y + 1 end end end local loadspin = 1 local spins = { "-", "\\", "|", "/" } local function lsc() loadspin = (loadspin % 4) + 1 return spins[loadspin] end --#include "crescent/velx.lua" --#include "crescent/tsar.lua" --#include "crescent/loader.lua" status("crescent loader v"..version) boot_kernel("--root=$ --security=none"..$(CRESCENT_KARGS))