local actions = {} local function list(dir) local h = io.popen("ls \""..dir.."\"", "r") local ents = {} for l in h:lines() do ents[#ents+1] = l end h:close() return ents end local function find(dir, pattern, inverse, ctype) local h = io.popen("find \""..dir.."\" "..(((inverse) and "-not ") or "")..(((ctype) and "-type "..ctype.." ") or "").."-name \""..pattern.."\"", "r") local ents = {} for l in h:lines() do ents[#ents+1] = l end h:close() return ents end local function lastmod(file) local h = io.popen("stat -c %Y \""..file.."\"") local num = tonumber(h:read("*a")) h:close() return num end @[[local h = io.popen("ls .buildactions", "r") for line in h:lines() do]] --#include @[{".buildactions/"..line}] @[[end]] function actions.all() for i=1, #actions do actions[actions[i]]() end end if not arg[1] then arg[1] = "all" end actions[arg[1]]() print("Build complete.")