#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 --[[ init.lua - Main file of LuaComp Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local function _sv(k, v) _G[k] = v --os.setenv(k, tostring(v)) end _sv("LUACOMP_V_MAJ", 1) _sv("LUACOMP_V_MIN", 0) _sv("LUACOMP_V_PAT", 0) _sv("LUACOMP_VERSION", LUACOMP_V_MAJ.."."..LUACOMP_V_MIN.."."..LUACOMP_V_PAT) _sv("LUACOMP_NAME", "LuaComp") --[[ ast.lua - Generates a structure for use in preprocessing. Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local function nextc(f, c) c = c or 1 return f:read(c) end local function peek(f, c) c = c or 1 local z = f:read(c) f:seek("cur", -c) return z end local function skip(f, c) c = c or 1 return f:seek("cur", c) end local ws = { ["\t"] = true, [" "] = true } local function parse_hex(f) local lc = " " local hex = "" while (48 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 57) or (97 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 102) or (65 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 70) do lc = nextc(f) if (48 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte()) <= 57 or (97 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 102) or (65 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 70) then hex = hex .. lc end end return tonumber(hex, 16) end local function parse_number(f, c) local lc = " " local num = c while 48 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 57 do lc = nextc(f) if (48 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 57) then num = num .. lc end end return tonumber(hex, 10) end local esct = { ["t"] = "\t", ["n"] = "\n", ["r"] = "\r", ["\\"] = "\\\\" } for i=0, 9 do esct[tostring(i)] = string.char(i) end local function parse_dblquote(f) local val = "" while peek(f) ~= "\"" do local c = nextc(f) if (peek(f) == "\n" or peek(f) == "\r") then return nil, "Unexpected end of line" end if (c == "\\") then if (esct[peek(f)]) then c = esct[peek(f)] skip(f) else c = nextc(f) end end val = val .. c end skip(f) return val end local function parse_snglquote(f) local val = "" while peek(f) ~= "\'" do local c = nextc(f) if (peek(f) == "\n" or peek(f) == "\r") then return nil, "Unexpected end of line" end if (c == "\\") then if (esct[peek(f)]) then c = esct[peek(f)] skip(f) else c = nextc(f) end end val = val .. c end skip(f) return val end local function parse_envarg(f) local val = "" while peek(f) ~= ")" do if (peek(f) == "\n" or peek(f) == "\r") then return nil, "Unexpected end of line" end val = val .. nextc(f) end skip(f) return val end local function parse_directive(f) local lc = "_" local name = "" local args = {} local carg = "" while not ws[lc] do lc = nextc(f) if (lc == "\n" or lc == "\r") then if (lc == "\r" and peek(f) == "\n") then skip(f) end return {type="directive", name=name} elseif not ws[lc] then name = name .. lc end end while true do lc = nextc(f) if (lc == "\n" or lc == "\r") then if (lc == "\r" and peek(f) == "\n") then skip(f) end return {type="directive", name=name, args=args} elseif lc == "0" and peek(f) == "x" then skip(f) local val = parse_hex(f) args[#args+1] = val elseif 48 <= lc:byte() and lc:byte() <= 57 then local val = parse_number(f, lc) args[#args+1] = val elseif lc == "\"" then local val, e = parse_dblquote(f) if not val then return val, e end args[#args+1] = val elseif lc == "\'" then local val, e = parse_snglquote(f) if not val then return val, e end args[#args+1] = val elseif lc == "$" and peek(f) == "(" then skip(f) local val = parse_envarg(f) if not os.getenv(val) then return nil, "Enviroment variable `"..val.."' does not exist." end args[#args+1] = os.getenv(val) elseif not ws[lc] then return nil, "Syntax error" end end end local function mkast(f, n) io.stderr:write("PROC\t",n,"\n") local lc = " " local lpos = 1 local ilpos = 1 local tree = {} local code = "" local branches = {} local function add_code() tree[#tree+1] = {type="code", data=code, file=n, line=lpos} code = "" end local function parse_error(e) io.stderr:write("ERROR:"..n..":"..lpos..": "..e.."\n") os.exit(1) end while lc and lc ~= "" do lc = nextc(f) if (lc == "-" and ilpos == 1) then if (peek(f, 2) == "-#") then --Directive add_code() skip(f, 2) local d, r = parse_directive(f) if not d then parse_error(r) end d.line = lpos d.file = n lpos = lpos+1 tree[#tree+1] = d else code = code .. lc ilpos = ilpos+1 end elseif (lc == "$" and peek(f) == "(") then add_code() skip(f) local val, e = parse_envarg(f) if not val then parse_error(e) end tree[#tree+1] = {type="envvar", var=val, file=n, line=lpos} elseif (lc == "@" and peek(f, 2) == "[[") then add_code() skip(f, 2) local val = "" while peek(f, 2) ~= "]]" do val = val .. nextc(f) end tree[#tree+1] = {type="lua", code=val, file=n, line=lpos} skip(f, 2) elseif (lc == "@" and peek(f, 2) == "[{") then add_code() skip(f, 2) local val = "" while peek(f, 2) ~= "}]" do val = val .. nextc(f) end tree[#tree+1] = {type="lua_r", code=val, file=n, line=lpos} skip(f, 2) elseif (lc == "\r" or lc == "\n") then if (lc == "\r" and peek(f) == "\n") then skip(f) end lpos = lpos+1 ilpos = 1 code = code .. "\n" else code = code .. (lc or "") ilpos = ilpos+1 end end add_code() return tree end --[[ generator.lua - Generates the code. Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local function lua_escape(code) return code:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\"", "\\\""):gsub("\n", "\\n") end local directives = {} local function generate(ast) local lua_code = "" for i=1, #ast do local leaf = ast[i] if (leaf.type == "lua") then lua_code = lua_code .. leaf.code elseif (leaf.type == "directive") then local stargs = {} for i=1, #leaf.args do local arg = leaf.args[i] if (type(arg) == "string") then stargs[i] = "\""..lua_escape(arg).."\"" elseif (type(arg) == "number") then stargs[i] = tostring(arg) end end lua_code = lua_code .. "call_directive(\""..leaf.file..":"..tostring(leaf.line).."\",\""..leaf.name.."\","..table.concat(stargs, ",")..")" elseif (leaf.type == "envvar") then lua_code = lua_code .. "put_env(\""..leaf.file..":"..tostring(leaf.line).."\",\""..leaf.var.."\")" elseif (leaf.type == "code") then lua_code = lua_code .. "put_code(\""..leaf.file..":"..tostring(leaf.line).."\",\"" .. lua_escape(leaf.data) .. "\")" elseif (leaf.type == "lua_r") then lua_code = lua_code .. "put_code(\""..leaf.file..":"..tostring(leaf.line).."\",tostring("..leaf.code.."))" else io.stderr:write("ERROR: Internal catastrophic failure, unknown type "..leaf.type.."\n") os.exit(1) end lua_code = lua_code .. "\n" end local env = {code = ""} local function run_away_screaming(fpos, err) io.stdout:write("ERROR: "..fpos..": "..err.."\n") os.exit(1) end local function call_directive(fpos, dname, ...) if (not directives[dname]) then run_away_screaming(fpos, "Invalid directive name `"..dname.."'") end local r, er = directives[dname](env, ...) if (not r) then run_away_screaming(fpos, er) end end local function put_env(fpos, evar) local e = os.getenv(evar) if not e then run_away_screaming(fpos, "Enviroment variable `"..evar.."' does not exist!") end env.code = env.code .. "\""..lua_escape(e).."\"" end local function put_code(fpos, code) env.code = env.code .. code --not much that can fail here... end local fenv = {} for k, v in pairs(_G) do fenv[k] = v end fenv._G = fenv fenv._ENV = fenv fenv.call_directive = call_directive fenv.put_code = put_code fenv.put_env = put_env local func = assert(load(lua_code, "=(generated code)", "t", fenv)) func() return env.code end --[[ directive_provider.lua - Provides preprocessor directives Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] ---#include "directives/define.lua" function directives.include(env, file) if (not os.execute("stat "..file..">/dev/null")) then return false, "File `"..file.."' does not exist!" end local f = io.open(file, "r") local fast = mkast(f, file) local code = generate(fast) env.code = env.code .. "\n" .. code .. "\n" return true end local warned = false function directives.loadmod(env, mod) if not warned then io.stderr:write("Warning: loadmod is depreciated and unsafe. The API differs from luapreproc.\n") warned = true end if (not os.execute("stat "..file..">/dev/null")) then return false, "Module `"..file.."' does not exist!" end local modname, func = dofile(mod) directives[modname] = func return true end --[[ cfg/minifier_providers.lua - Provides minifier providers. Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local providers = {} function providers.luamin(cin) local fn = os.tmpname() local fh = io.open(fn, "w") fh:write(cin) fh:close() local lmh = io.popen("luamin -f "..fn.." 2>&1", "r") local dat = lmh:read("*a") local stat, _, code = lmh:close() if (code ~= 0) then return false, dat end return dat end function providers.none(cin) return cin end local argparse = require("argparse") local parser = argparse(arg[0], "LuaComp v"..LUACOMP_VERSION.."\nA Lua preprocessor+postprocessor.") parser:argument("input", "Input file (- for STDIN)") parser:option("-O --output", "Output file. (- for STDOUT)", "-") parser:option("-m --minifier", "Sets the minifier", "none") parser:flag("-x --executable", "Makes the script an executable") local args = parser:parse() local file = args.input local f if (file ~= "-") then if (not os.execute("stat "..file..">/dev/null")) then io.stderr:write("ERROR: File `"..file.."' does not exist!\n") os.exit(1) end f = io.open(file, "r") else file = io.stdin end local ast = mkast(f, file) local ocode = generate(ast) local minifier = providers[args.minifier] local rcode = minifier(ocode) local of if (args.output == "-") then of = io.stdout else of = io.open(args.output, "w") end if (args.executable) then of:write("#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3\n") end of:write(rcode) of:close() f:close()