--[[ cfg/minifier_providers.lua - Provides minifier providers. Copyright 2019 Adorable-Catgirl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local postproc_paths = { "/usr/share/luacomp/postproc", os.getenv("HOME").."/.local/share/luacomp/postproc" } local providers = {} function providers.luamin(cin) local fn = os.tmpname() -- io.stderr:write("DEBUG: ",fn,"\n") local fh = io.open(fn, "w") fh:write(cin) fh:close() -- I have no idea why luamin keeps throwing errors in my buildscript -- if I make this `luamin -f ` and I have no fucking clue as -- to why this fixes it, but I guess I shouldn't complain. But I will -- anyways. What the actual fuck is this and what the actual fuck was -- that error? local lmh = io.popen("cat \""..fn.."\" | luamin -c", "r") -- io.stderr:write("DEBUG: ", "luamin -f "..fn.." 2>&1", "\n") local dat = lmh:read("*a") local stat, _, code = lmh:close() os.remove(fn) if (code ~= 0) then return false, dat end return dat end function providers.bython(cin) local fn = os.tmpname() local fo = os.tmpname() local fh = io.open(fn, "w") fh:write(cin) fh:close() local lmh = io.popen("bython -c "..fn.." "..fo.." 2>&1", "r") local out = lmh:read("*a") local stat, _, code = lmh:close() os.remove(fn) if (code ~= 0) then os.remove(fo) return false, out end fh = io.open(fo, "r") local dat = fh:read("*a") fh:close() os.remove(fo) return dat end function providers.bython2(cin) local fn = os.tmpname() local fo = os.tmpname() local fh = io.open(fn, "w") fh:write(cin) fh:close() local lmh = io.popen("bython -c2 "..fn.." "..fo.." 2>&1", "r") local out = lmh:read("*a") local stat, _, code = lmh:close() os.remove(fn) if (code ~= 0) then os.remove(fo) return false, out end fh = io.open(fo, "r") local dat = fh:read("*a") fh:close() os.remove(fo) return dat end function providers.uglify(cin) local fn = os.tmpname() local fh = io.open(fn, "w") fh:write(cin) fh:close() local lmh = io.popen("uglifyjs --compress --mangle -- "..fn.." 2>&1", "r") local dat = lmh:read("*a") local stat, _, code = lmh:close() os.remove(fn) if (code ~= 0) then return false, dat end return dat end function providers.none(cin) return cin end setmetatable(providers, {__index=function(t, i) for i=1, #postproc_paths do if (os.execute("stat "..postproc_paths[i].."/"..i..".lua 1>/dev/null 2>&1")) then providers[i] = loadfile(postproc_paths[i].."/"..i..".lua")() return providers[i] end end end}) local function preload_providers() --Do this in the best way possible for i=1, #postproc_paths do if (os.execute("stat "..postproc_paths[i].."1>/dev/null 2>&1")) then local fh = io.popen("ls "..postproc_paths[i], "r") for line in fh:lines() do if (line:match("%.lua$")) then providers[line:sub(1, #line-4)] = loadfile(postproc_paths[i].."/"..line)() end end end end end