-- AST Generator v2: Belkan Boogaloo -- Hopefully faster than v1 local ast = {} do local ws = "\t " function ast.str_to_stream(str, file) local s = { str = str, pos = 1, file = file or "(unknown)" } function s:next(c) c = c or 1 --dprint(c) local d = self.str:sub(self.pos, self.pos+c-1) self.pos = self.pos + c return d end function s:peek(c) c = c or 1 if (c < 0) then return self.str:sub(self.pos+c, self.pos-1) end return self.str:sub(self.pos, self.pos+c-1) end function s:rewind(c) c = c or 1 self.pos = self.pos - c return self.pos end function s:skip(c) c = c or 1 self.pos = self.pos + c return self.pos end function s:set(c) --dprint(c) self.pos = c or self.pos return self.pos end function s:tell() return self.pos end function s:size() return #self.str end function s:next_instance(pat, raw) local st, en = self.str:find(pat, self.pos, raw) if not st then return nil, "not found" end self.pos = en+1 return self.str:sub(st, en) end function s:get_yx() -- it *is* yx local pos = 0 local line = 1 while pos < self.pos do local newpos = self.str:find("\n", pos+1) if not newpos then return line+1, 0 end if newpos > self.pos then return line, self.pos-pos end line = line + 1 pos = newpos end return line, 1 end return s end local esct = { ["t"] = "\t", ["n"] = "\n", ["r"] = "\r", --["\\"] = "\\\\" } function ast.parser_error(str, err) local y, x = str:get_yx() --print(y, x) lc_error(@[{_GENERATOR.fname}], string.format("%s(%d:%d): %s\n", str.file, y or 0, x or 0, err)) end function ast.unescape(escaped_string) local i = 1 local out_string = "" while i <= #escaped_string do local c = escaped_string:sub(i,i) if (c == "\\") then i = i + 1 local nc = escaped_string:sub(i,i) if esct[nc] then out_string = out_string .. esct[nc] else out_string = out_string .. nc end else out_string = out_string .. c end i = i + 1 end return out_string end function ast.remove_escapes(escaped_string) local i = 1 local out_string = "" while i < #escaped_string do local c = escaped_string:sub(i,i) if (c == "\\") then i = i + 1 else out_string = out_string .. c end i = i + 1 end return out_string end function ast.back_escape_count(str, start) local i=1 while str:peek(-i):sub(1,1) == "\\" do i = i + 1 if (str:tell()-i < start) then ast.error(str, "internal error") end end return str:peek(1-i) end function ast.parse_quote(str) local spos = str:tell() while true do if not str:next_instance("\'") then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed string") end local rpos = str:tell() str:set(spos) if str:next_instance("\n") then if rpos > str:tell() then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed string") end end str:set(rpos) if str:peek(-1) == "\\" then local parsed = ast.remove_escapes(ast.back_unescape(str)) if parsed:sub(#parsed) == "\'" then goto found_end end else goto found_end end end ::found_end:: local epos = str:tell() local amt = epos-spos-1 str:set(spos) local esc = str:next(amt) str:skip(1) return ast.unescape(esc) end function ast.parse_dblquote(str) local spos = str:tell() while true do if not str:next_instance("\"") then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed string") end local rpos = str:tell() str:set(spos) if str:next_instance("\n") then if rpos > str:tell() then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed string") end end str:set(rpos) if str:peek(-1) == "\\" then local parsed = ast.remove_escapes(ast.back_unescape(str)) if parsed:sub(#parsed) == "\"" then goto found_end end else goto found_end end end ::found_end:: local epos = str:tell() local amt = epos-spos-1 str:set(spos) --dprint(spos, amt) local esc = str:next(amt) --print(esc) str:skip(1) return ast.unescape(esc) end function ast.parse_hex(str) local hex = str:next_instance("%x+") if not hex then ast.parser_error(str, "internal error") end return tonumber(hex, 16) end function ast.parse_number(str) local num = str:next_instance("%d+") if not num then ast.parser_error(str, "internal error") end return tonumber(num, 10) end function ast.parse_envvar(str) local name = str:next_instance("[^)]+") if not name then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed shell var") end str:skip(1) return name end -- [{...}] function ast.parse_span(str) local spos = str:tell() if not str:next_instance("}]", true) then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed block") else local rpos = str:tell() str:set(spos) if str:next_instance("\n") then if str:tell() < rpos then str:set(spos) ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed span") end end str:set(rpos) end local epos = str:tell() str:set(spos) local data = str:next(epos-spos-2) str:skip(2) return data end -- [[...]] function ast.parse_block(str) local spos = str:tell() if not str:next_instance("]]") then ast.parser_error(str, "unclosed block") end local epos = str:tell() str:set(spos) local data = str:next(epos-spos-2) str:skip(2) return data end function ast.parse_directive(str) -- And now we start getting more complex. local name = str:next_instance("[^ ]+") local args = {} while true do local spos = str:tell() if not str:next_instance(" +") then break else local rpos = str:tell() if str:next_instance("\n") then if str:tell() < rpos then str:set(spos) break end str:set(rpos) end end local apos = str:tell() if str:peek(2) == "0x" then str:skip(2) local n = ast.parse_hex(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed hex") end table.insert(args, n) elseif str:peek():find("%d") then local n = ast.parse_number(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed number") end table.insert(args, n) elseif str:peek() == "\"" then str:skip(1) local sval = ast.parse_dblquote(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed string") end table.insert(args, sval) elseif str:peek() == "\'" then str:skip(1) local sval = ast.parse_quote(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed string") end table.insert(args, sval) elseif str:peek(2) == "$".."(" then -- i have to avoid the funny str:skip(2) local sval = ast.parse_envvar(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed argument") end table.insert(args, {type="evar", val=sval}) elseif str:peek(3) == "@".."[{" then str:skip(3) local sval = ast.parse_span(str) local c = str:peek() if c ~= " " and c ~= "\n" and c ~= "" then str:set(apos) ast.parser_error(str, "malformed code block") end table.insert(args, {type="lua_span", val=sval}) elseif str:peek() == "\n" then break else ast.parser_error(str, "unknown arg type") end if str:peek() == "\n" then break end end return { type="directive", name = name, args = args } end function ast.find_first(str, onfind, ...) local t = table.pack(...) local spos = str:tell() local epos = math.huge local ematch for i=1, t.n do str:set(spos) local m = str:next_instance(t[i], true) if m then if str:tell() < epos then if onfind then if not onfind(str, m) then goto continue end end epos = str:tell() ematch = m end end ::continue:: end if ematch then str:set(epos) else str:set(spos) end return ematch end -- And now we parse function ast.parse(str) local cast = {} while true do local spos = str:tell() --dprint("searching") local match = ast.find_first(str, function(str, submatch) if (submatch == "--#") then --dprint("directive?") local i=4 while true do if str:peek(-i):sub(1,1) == "\n" or str:peek(-i):sub(1,1) == "" or str:tell() == 4 then --dprint("found newline, we're cool") return true elseif not ws:find(str:peek(-i):sub(1,1)) then --dprint("found non-whitespace character "..string.byte(str:peek(-i):sub(1,1))..str:peek(-i):sub(1,1)) return false end i = i + 1 end end return true end, "--#", "$".."[[", "@".."[[", "$".."[{", "@".."[{", "$".."(") -- trust me, this was needed --dprint("searched") if not match then --dprint("not found") table.insert(cast, {type="content", val=str:next(str:size())}) break end local epos = str:tell() local size = (epos-#match)-spos if size > 0 then str:set(spos) local chunk = str:next(size) if not chunk:match("^%s+$") then table.insert(cast, {type="content", val=chunk}) end str:skip(#match) end --dprint("match: "..match) if match == "--#" then --str:skip(3) table.insert(cast, ast.parse_directive(str)) elseif match == "$".."[[" then local blk = ast.parse_block(str) table.insert(cast, {type="shell_block", val=blk}) elseif match == "@".."[[" then local blk = ast.parse_block(str) table.insert(cast, {type="lua_block", val=blk}) elseif match == "$".."[{" then local span = ast.parse_span(str) table.insert(cast, {type="shell_span", val=span}) elseif match == "@".."[{" then local span = ast.parse_span(str) --print(span) table.insert(cast, {type="lua_span", val=span}) elseif match == "$".."(" then local var = ast.parse_envvar(str) table.insert(cast, {type="evar", val=var}) else ast.parser_error(str, "what") end --dprint("Parsed") end return cast end end