local function dprint(...) local args = {...} for i=1, #args do args[i] = tostring(args[i]) end if (VERBOSE) then io.stderr:write("DEBUG\t"..table.concat(args,"\t"),"\n") end end --#include "src/shell_var.lua" --#include "src/luacomp_vars.lua" --#include "src/ast.lua" --#include "src/generator.lua" --#include "src/directive_provider.lua" --#include "src/cfg/minifier_providers.lua" local parser = argparse(arg[0], "LuaComp v"..LUACOMP_VERSION.."\nA Lua preprocessor+postprocessor.") parser:argument("input", "Input file (- for STDIN)") parser:option("-O --output", "Output file. (- for STDOUT)", "-") parser:option("-m --minifier", "Sets the minifier", "none") parser:option("-x --executable", "Makes the script an executable (default: current lua version)"):args "?" parser:flag("--generator-code", "Outputs only the code from the generator.") parser:flag("--verbose", "Verbose output. (Debugging)"):action(function() VERBOSE=true end) parser:flag("-v --version", "Prints the version and exits"):action(function() print(LUACOMP_VERSION) os.exit(0) end) local args = parser:parse() local file = args.input _sv("LUACOMP_MINIFIER", args.minifier) local f if (file ~= "-") then f = io.open(file, "r") if not f then io.stderr:write("ERROR: File `"..file.."' does not exist!\n") os.exit(1) end else f = io.stdin end dprint("Generating AST...") local ast = mkast(f, file) dprint("Generating code...") local ocode = generate(ast, args.generator_code) local minifier = providers[args.minifier] dprint("Minifier: "..args.minifier, minifier) if not minifier then io.stderr:write("ERROR: Minifier `"..args.minifier.."' not found!\n") os.exit(1) end dprint("Running...") local rcode, err = minifier(ocode) if (not rcode) then io.stderr:write("ERROR: Error for minifier `"..args.minifier.."': \n") io.stderr:write(err) os.exit(1) end local of if (args.output == "-") then of = io.stdout else of = io.open(args.output, "w") end local ver = _VERSION:lower():gsub(" ", "") if jit then ver = "luajit" end if (args.executable) then of:write("#!/usr/bin/env ", args.executable[1] or ver, "\n") end of:write(rcode) of:close() f:close()