local socket = require "socket" local serialization = require "serialization" local config = {} local cmds={} function loadconfig() local f = io.open("./config.lua","rb") local content = f:read("*a") f:close() print(content) config = serialization.unserialize(content) end function saveconfig() local newconfig = serialization.serialize(config) local f = io.open("config.lua","wb") f:write(newconfig) f:close() end function reply(chan,msg) end function os.sleep(n) os.execute("sleep ".. tostring(tonumber(n))) end function checkAdmin(nick) local pass=false writeln("WHOIS "..nick) repeat line = readln() print(line) until line:find("330") ~= nil or line == nil print ("Line: "..line) if line == nil then return false end -- wat local _,e = line:find(nick.." ") print("Start: "..tostring(e)) local n,_ = line:find(" ",e+1) print("End: "..tostring(n)) nick = line:sub(e+1,n-1) print("Logged in as "..nick) for k,v in pairs(config.admins) do if nick == v then print(v .. " = " .. nick) pass = true break else print(nick .. " != " .. v) end end return pass end function addcommand(fname,str) -- don't use this without pcall cmds[fname] = load(str) end leftHanging = {0,false} function parsemsg(nick,chan,message) if message:find("o/") ~= nil or message:find("\\o") ~= nil and nick ~= "Shocky" and nick ~= "yukichan" then if leftHanging[2] == false then print ("Left hanging at "..os.time()) leftHanging = {os.time(),true,chan} elseif leftHanging[2] == true then leftHanging = {0,false} print("No longer left hanging.") end end if string.find(message,":") == 1 then local command = message:sub(2) .. " " if command == "" then return end local tCommand = {} for word in command:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(tCommand,word) end if tCommand[1]:lower() == "echo" then local s = command:sub(6) sendchan(chan,s) elseif tCommand[1] == "echochan" then local s = command:sub(11 + tCommand[2]:len()) sendchan(tCommand[2],s) elseif tCommand[1]:lower() == "action" then local s = command:sub(7) sendchan(chan,string.char(1).."ACTION"..s..string.char(1)) elseif tCommand[1] == "actionchan" then local s = command:sub(string.len("actionchan")+2+ tCommand[2]:len()) sendchan(tCommand[2],string.char(1).."ACTION"..s..string.char(1)) elseif tCommand[1] == "rawecho" then if checkAdmin(nick) then writeln(command:sub(9)) end elseif tCommand[1] == "join" then writeln("JOIN "..tCommand[2]) elseif tCommand[1] == "lua" then if checkAdmin(nick) then local s = command:sub(4) local worked,rval = pcall(load(s)) sendchan(chan,tostring(worked).." "..tostring(rval)) end elseif tCommand[1] == "whois" then writeln("WHOIS "..tCommand[2]) elseif tCommand[1] == "addcmd" and checkAdmin(nick) then --I'll get back to this eventually elseif tCommand[1] == "quit" then if checkAdmin(nick) then sendchan(chan,"Bye! o/") writeln("QUIT :Blame telstra.") print("Killed by "..nick) end elseif cmds[tCommand[1]] ~= nil then pcall(cmds[tCommand[1]],nick,chan,tCommand,message) end end end function parse(line) if string.find(line, "PING :") == 1 then local _,pingid = string.match(line,"([^,]+):([^,]+)") writeln("PONG :"..pingid) print("Pinged: "..pingid) elseif string.find(line,":") == 1 and string.find(line,"PRIVMSG") ~= nil and string.find(line,"005") == nil then local s = string.sub(line,2) -- I local nick,s = string.match(s,"([^,]+)!([^,]+)") -- am local _,s = string.match(s,"([^,]+) PRIVMSG ([^,]+)") -- a local chan, msg = string.match(s,"([^,]+) :([^,]+)") -- terrible if chan == config.nick then chan = nick end print(nick .. " " .. chan .. " " .. msg) --person parsemsg(nick,chan,msg) end end function main() print("Loading config.") loadconfig() print("Config loaded, resolving "..config.server) local ip = socket.dns.toip(config.server) print("Opening connection to "..ip) local connection = socket.connect(ip,config.port) function writeln(l) connection:send(l.."\n") end function sendchan(chan,msg) writeln("PRIVMSG "..chan.." :"..msg) end function readln() return connection:receive() end connection:settimeout(2) print("Connected!") os.sleep(1) connection:receive() -- drop a line print("Logging in.") connection:send("NICK "..config.nick.."\n") connection:send("USER "..config.username.." "..config.hostname.." "..config.servername.." "..config.realname.."\n") repeat line = connection:receive() print(line) until string.match(line,"%+i") ~= false os.sleep(2) print("Sent everything relevant. Joining channels.") for k,v in pairs(config.channels) do connection:send("JOIN " .. v.."\n") end repeat line = connection:receive() if line ~= nil and line ~= "timeout" then print(line) pcall(parse,line) end if os.time() > leftHanging[1]+3 and leftHanging[2] then print ("Responding to a hanging high-five at "..leftHanging[1]) sendchan(leftHanging[3],"\\o") leftHanging={0,false} end if line == nil then line = "" end until string.find(line,"ERROR :Closing link:") ~= nil print(connection:receive()) end main()