nick,chan,message = ... local serialization = require "serialization" lnick = config.nick --print(lnick,nick,chan,message) if string.find(message,lnick) ~= nil and nick ~= "Shocky" then -- print("Message addressed to AI!") local f ="./ai.lua","rb") if f ~= nil then local content = f:read("*a") f:close() -- print(content) -- print("Loaded AI file.") -- print(type(serialization.unserialize)) w,aitab = pcall(serialization.unserialize,content) -- print(w,aitab) -- print("Decoded AI file.") message = message:lower() local selection = 0 local hscore = 0 -- print("Starting interpretation.") for k,v in ipairs(aitab) do local count = 0 for l,w in ipairs(v[2]) do if message:find(w) then count = count + 1 print ("yes") end end if count > hscore then selection = k hscore = count -- print(selection,hscore) end end if hscore == 0 then -- print("No high score, selecting a random response.") selection = math.random(1,#aitab) end -- print(selection) selstring = aitab[selection][1][1] if type(selstring) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(selstring) do --print(k.."="..v) end end print("Selected response: " .. selstring) sendchan(chan,selstring) end end