.equ RAMSTART 0x4000 jp test #include "core.asm" #include "lib/util.asm" #include "zasm/util.asm" #include "zasm/const.asm" .equ SYM_RAMSTART RAMSTART #include "zasm/symbol.asm" ; Pretend that we aren't in first pass zasmIsFirstPass: jp unsetZ testNum: .db 1 sFOO: .db "FOO", 0 sFOOBAR: .db "FOOBAR", 0 test: ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl ; Check that we compare whole strings (a prefix will not match a longer ; string). call symInit ld hl, sFOOBAR ld de, 42 call symRegister jp nz, fail ld hl, sFOO ld de, 43 call symRegister jp nz, fail ld hl, sFOO call symFindVal ; don't match FOOBAR jp nz, fail ld a, d or a jp nz, fail ld a, e cp 43 jp nz, fail call nexttest ; success xor a halt nexttest: ld a, (testNum) inc a ld (testNum), a ret fail: ld a, (testNum) halt