; *** Collapse OS lib copy *** ; In the process of Forth-ifying Collapse OS, apps will be slowly rewritten to ; Forth and the concept of ASM libs will become obsolete. To facilitate this ; transition, I make, right now, a copy of the routines actually used by Forth's ; native core. This also has the effect of reducing binary size right now and ; give us an idea of Forth's compactness. ; These routines below are copy/paste from apps/lib. ; Ensures that Z is unset (more complicated than it sounds...) ; There are often better inline alternatives, either replacing rets with ; appropriate jmps, or if an 8 bit register is known to not be 0, an inc ; then a dec. If a is nonzero, 'or a' is optimal. unsetZ: or a ;if a nonzero, Z reset ret nz cp 1 ;if a is zero, Z reset ret ; copy (HL) into DE, then exchange the two, utilising the optimised HL instructions. ; ld must be done little endian, so least significant byte first. intoHL: push de ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) ex de, hl pop de ret intoDE: ex de, hl call intoHL ex de, hl ; de preserved by intoHL, so no push/pop needed ret ; add the value of A into HL ; affects carry flag according to the 16-bit addition, Z, S and P untouched. addHL: push de ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de pop de ret ; make Z the opposite of what it is now toggleZ: jp z, unsetZ cp a ret ; Copy string from (HL) in (DE), that is, copy bytes until a null char is ; encountered. The null char is also copied. ; HL and DE point to the char right after the null char. strcpyM: ld a, (hl) ld (de), a inc hl inc de or a jr nz, strcpyM ret ; Like strcpyM, but preserve HL and DE strcpy: push hl push de call strcpyM pop de pop hl ret ; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE until one of them hits its null char. ; If equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset. C is set if HL > DE strcmp: push hl push de .loop: ld a, (de) cp (hl) jr nz, .end ; not equal? break early. NZ is carried out ; to the caller or a ; If our chars are null, stop the cmp inc hl inc de jr nz, .loop ; Z is carried through .end: pop de pop hl ; Because we don't call anything else than CP that modify the Z flag, ; our Z value will be that of the last cp (reset if we broke the loop ; early, set otherwise) ret ; Compares strings pointed to by HL and DE up to A count of characters. If ; equal, Z is set. If not equal, Z is reset. strncmp: push bc push hl push de ld b, a .loop: ld a, (de) cp (hl) jr nz, .end ; not equal? break early. NZ is carried out ; to the called cp 0 ; If our chars are null, stop the cmp jr z, .end ; The positive result will be carried to the ; caller inc hl inc de djnz .loop ; We went through all chars with success, but our current Z flag is ; unset because of the cp 0. Let's do a dummy CP to set the Z flag. cp a .end: pop de pop hl pop bc ; Because we don't call anything else than CP that modify the Z flag, ; our Z value will be that of the last cp (reset if we broke the loop ; early, set otherwise) ret ; Given a string at (HL), move HL until it points to the end of that string. strskip: push bc ex af, af' xor a ; look for null char ld b, a ld c, a cpir ; advances HL regardless of comparison, so goes one too far dec hl ex af, af' pop bc ret ; Borrowed from Tasty Basic by Dimitri Theulings (GPL). ; Divide HL by DE, placing the result in BC and the remainder in HL. divide: push hl ; --> lvl 1 ld l, h ; divide h by de ld h, 0 call .dv1 ld b, c ; save result in b ld a, l ; (remainder + l) / de pop hl ; <-- lvl 1 ld h, a .dv1: ld c, 0xff ; result in c .dv2: inc c ; dumb routine call .subde ; divide using subtract and count jr nc, .dv2 add hl, de ret .subde: ld a, l sub e ; subtract de from hl ld l, a ld a, h sbc a, d ld h, a ret ; DE * BC -> DE (high) and HL (low) multDEBC: ld hl, 0 ld a, 0x10 .loop: add hl, hl rl e rl d jr nc, .noinc add hl, bc jr nc, .noinc inc de .noinc: dec a jr nz, .loop ret ; Parse string at (HL) as a decimal value and return value in DE. ; Reads as many digits as it can and stop when: ; 1 - A non-digit character is read ; 2 - The number overflows from 16-bit ; HL is advanced to the character following the last successfully read char. ; Error conditions are: ; 1 - There wasn't at least one character that could be read. ; 2 - Overflow. ; Sets Z on success, unset on error. parseDecimal: ; First char is special: it has to succeed. ld a, (hl) ; Parse the decimal char at A and extract it's 0-9 numerical value. Put the ; result in A. ; On success, the carry flag is reset. On error, it is set. add a, 0xff-'9' ; maps '0'-'9' onto 0xf6-0xff sub 0xff-9 ; maps to 0-9 and carries if not a digit ret c ; Error. If it's C, it's also going to be NZ ; During this routine, we switch between HL and its shadow. On one side, ; we have HL the string pointer, and on the other side, we have HL the ; numerical result. We also use EXX to preserve BC, saving us a push. exx ; HL as a result ld h, 0 ld l, a ; load first digit in without multiplying .loop: exx ; HL as a string pointer inc hl ld a, (hl) exx ; HL as a numerical result ; same as other above add a, 0xff-'9' sub 0xff-9 jr c, .end ld b, a ; we can now use a for overflow checking add hl, hl ; x2 sbc a, a ; a=0 if no overflow, a=0xFF otherwise ld d, h ld e, l ; de is x2 add hl, hl ; x4 rla add hl, hl ; x8 rla add hl, de ; x10 rla ld d, a ; a is zero unless there's an overflow ld e, b add hl, de adc a, a ; same as rla except affects Z ; Did we oveflow? jr z, .loop ; No? continue ; error, NZ already set exx ; HL is now string pointer, restore BC ; HL points to the char following the last success. ret .end: push hl ; --> lvl 1, result exx ; HL as a string pointer, restore BC pop de ; <-- lvl 1, result cp a ; ensure Z ret ; *** Forth-specific part *** ; Advance (INPUTPOS) until a non-whitespace is met. If needed, ; call fetchline. ; Set HL to newly set (INPUTPOS) toword: ld hl, (INPUTPOS) ; skip leading whitespace dec hl ; offset leading "inc hl" .loop: inc hl ld a, (hl) or a ; When at EOL, fetch a new line directly jr z, .empty cp ' '+1 jr c, .loop ret .empty: call fetchline jr toword ; Read word from (INPUTPOS) and return, in HL, a null-terminated word. ; Advance (INPUTPOS) to the character following the whitespace ending the ; word. ; When we're at EOL, we call fetchline directly, so this call always returns ; a word. readword: call toword push hl ; --> lvl 1. that's our result .loop: inc hl ld a, (hl) ; special case: is A null? If yes, we will *not* inc A so that we don't ; go over the bounds of our input string. or a jr z, .noinc cp ' '+1 jr nc, .loop ; we've just read a whitespace, HL is pointing to it. Let's transform ; it into a null-termination, inc HL, then set (INPUTPOS). xor a ld (hl), a inc hl .noinc: ld (INPUTPOS), hl pop hl ; <-- lvl 1. our result ret ; Z set from XOR A ; Sets Z if (HL) == E and (HL+1) == D HLPointsDE: ld a, (hl) cp e ret nz ; no inc hl ld a, (hl) dec hl cp d ; Z has our answer ret ; Skip the compword where HL is currently pointing. If it's a regular word, ; it's easy: we inc by 2. If it's a NUMBER, we inc by 4. If it's a LIT, we skip ; to after null-termination. compSkip: ld de, NUMBER call HLPointsDE jr z, .isNum ld de, FBR call HLPointsDE jr z, .isBranch ld de, BBR call HLPointsDE jr z, .isBranch ld de, LIT call HLPointsDE jr nz, .isWord ; We have a literal inc hl \ inc hl call strskip inc hl ; byte after word termination ret .isNum: ; skip by 4 inc hl ; continue to isBranch .isBranch: ; skip by 3 inc hl ; continue to isWord .isWord: ; skip by 2 inc hl \ inc hl ret ; Find the entry corresponding to word where (HL) points to and sets DE to ; point to that entry. ; Z if found, NZ if not. find: push hl push bc ld de, (CURRENT) ld bc, CODELINK_OFFSET .inner: ; DE is a wordref, let's go to beginning of struct push de ; --> lvl 1 or a ; clear carry ex de, hl sbc hl, bc ex de, hl ; We're good, DE points to word name ld a, NAMELEN call strncmp pop de ; <-- lvl 1, return to wordref jr z, .end ; found call .prev jr nz, .inner ; Z set? end of dict unset Z inc a .end: pop bc pop hl ret ; For DE being a wordref, move DE to the previous wordref. ; Z is set if DE point to 0 (no entry). NZ if not. .prev: dec de \ dec de \ dec de ; prev field call intoDE ; DE points to prev. Is it zero? xor a or d or e ; Z will be set if DE is zero ret ; Spit name + prev in (HERE) and adjust (HERE) and (CURRENT) ; HL points to new (HERE) entryhead: call readword ld de, (HERE) call strcpy ex de, hl ; (HERE) now in HL ld de, (CURRENT) ld a, NAMELEN call addHL call DEinHL ; Set word flags: not IMMED, not UNWORD, so it's 0 xor a ld (hl), a inc hl ld (CURRENT), hl ld (HERE), hl ret ; Sets Z if wordref at HL is of the IMMEDIATE type HLisIMMED: dec hl bit FLAG_IMMED, (hl) inc hl ; We need an invert flag. We want to Z to be set when flag is non-zero. jp toggleZ ; Sets Z if wordref at HL is of the UNWORD type HLisUNWORD: dec hl bit FLAG_UNWORD, (hl) inc hl ; We need an invert flag. We want to Z to be set when flag is non-zero. jp toggleZ ; Sets Z if wordref at (HL) is of the IMMEDIATE type HLPointsUNWORD: push hl call intoHL call HLisUNWORD pop hl ret ; Checks flags Z and S and sets BC to 0 if Z, 1 if C and -1 otherwise flagsToBC: ld bc, 0 ret z ; equal inc bc ret m ; > ; < dec bc dec bc ret ; Write DE in (HL), advancing HL by 2. DEinHL: ld (hl), e inc hl ld (hl), d inc hl ret fetchline: call printcrlf call stdioReadLine ld (INPUTPOS), hl ret