; A dictionary entry has this structure: ; - 7b name (zero-padded) ; - 2b prev pointer ; - 1b flags (bit 0: IMMEDIATE. bit 1: UNWORD) ; - 2b code pointer ; - Parameter field (PF) ; ; The code pointer point to "word routines". These routines expect to be called ; with IY pointing to the PF. They themselves are expected to end by jumping ; to the address at (IP). They will usually do so with "jp next". ; ; That's for "regular" words (words that are part of the dict chain). There are ; also "special words", for example NUMBER, LIT, FBR, that have a slightly ; different structure. They're also a pointer to an executable, but as for the ; other fields, the only one they have is the "flags" field. ; This routine is jumped to at the end of every word. In it, we jump to current ; IP, but we also take care of increasing it my 2 before jumping next: ; Before we continue: are stacks within bounds? call chkPS call chkRS ld de, (IP) ld h, d ld l, e inc de \ inc de ld (IP), de ; HL is an atom list pointer. We need to go into it to have a wordref ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) push de jp EXECUTE+2 ; Execute a word containing native code at its PF address (PFA) nativeWord: jp (iy) ; Execute a list of atoms, which always end with EXIT. ; IY points to that list. What do we do: ; 1. Push current IP to RS ; 2. Set new IP to the second atom of the list ; 3. Execute the first atom of the list. compiledWord: ld hl, (IP) call pushRS push iy \ pop hl inc hl inc hl ld (IP), hl ; IY still is our atom reference... ld l, (iy) ld h, (iy+1) push hl ; argument for EXECUTE jp EXECUTE+2 ; Pushes the PFA directly cellWord: push iy jp next ; Pushes the address in the first word of the PF sysvarWord: ld l, (iy) ld h, (iy+1) push hl jp next ; The word was spawned from a definition word that has a DOES>. PFA+2 (right ; after the actual cell) is a link to the slot right after that DOES>. ; Therefore, what we need to do push the cell addr like a regular cell, then ; follow the link from the PFA, and then continue as a regular compiledWord. doesWord: push iy ; like a regular cell ld l, (iy+2) ld h, (iy+3) push hl \ pop iy jr compiledWord ; This is not a word, but a number literal. This works a bit differently than ; others: PF means nothing and the actual number is placed next to the ; numberWord reference in the compiled word list. What we need to do to fetch ; that number is to play with the IP. numberWord: ld hl, (IP) ; (HL) is out number ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) inc hl ld (IP), hl ; advance IP by 2 push de jp next .db 0b10 ; Flags NUMBER: .dw numberWord ; Similarly to numberWord, this is not a real word, but a string literal. ; Instead of being followed by a 2 bytes number, it's followed by a ; null-terminated string. When called, puts the string's address on PS litWord: ld hl, (IP) push hl call strskip inc hl ; after null termination ld (IP), hl jp next .db 0b10 ; Flags LIT: .dw litWord ; Pop previous IP from Return stack and execute it. ; ( R:I -- ) .db "EXIT" .fill 3 .dw 0 .db 0 EXIT: .dw nativeWord call popRSIP jp next ; ( R:I -- ) .db "QUIT" .fill 3 .dw EXIT .db 0 QUIT: .dw nativeWord jp forthRdLine .db "ABORT" .fill 2 .dw QUIT .db 0 ABORT: .dw nativeWord abort: ; flush rest of input ld hl, (INPUTPOS) xor a ld (hl), a ; Reinitialize PS (RS is reinitialized in forthInterpret) ld sp, (INITIAL_SP) jp forthRdLineNoOk ; prints msg in (HL) then aborts abortMsg: call printstr jr abort abortUnknownWord: ld hl, .msg jr abortMsg .msg: .db "unknown word", 0 abortUnderflow: ld hl, .msg jr abortMsg .msg: .db "stack underflow", 0 .db "ABORT", '"' .fill 1 .dw ABORT .db 1 ; IMMEDIATE ABORTI: .dw compiledWord .dw PRINTI .dw .private .dw EXIT .db 0b10 ; UNWORD .private: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (HERE) ld de, ABORT call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp next .db "BYE" .fill 4 .dw ABORTI .db 0 BYE: .dw nativeWord ; Goodbye Forth! Before we go, let's restore the stack ld sp, (INITIAL_SP) ; unwind stack underflow buffer pop af \ pop af \ pop af ; success xor a ret ; ( c -- ) .db "EMIT" .fill 3 .dw BYE .db 0 EMIT: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS ld a, l call stdioPutC jp next .db "(print)" .dw EMIT .db 0 PRINT: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS call printstr jp next .db '.', '"' .fill 5 .dw PRINT .db 1 ; IMMEDIATE PRINTI: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (HERE) ld de, LIT call DEinHL ex de, hl ; (HERE) now in DE ld hl, (INPUTPOS) .loop: ld a, (hl) or a ; null? not cool jp z, abort cp '"' jr z, .loopend ld (de), a inc hl inc de jr .loop .loopend: inc hl ; inputpos to char afterwards ld (INPUTPOS), hl ; null-terminate LIT inc de xor a ld (de), a ex de, hl ; (HERE) in HL ld de, PRINT call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp next ; ( c port -- ) .db "PC!" .fill 4 .dw PRINTI .db 0 PSTORE: .dw nativeWord pop bc pop hl call chkPS out (c), l jp next ; ( port -- c ) .db "PC@" .fill 4 .dw PSTORE .db 0 PFETCH: .dw nativeWord pop bc call chkPS ld h, 0 in l, (c) push hl jp next .db "," .fill 6 .dw PFETCH .db 0 WR: .dw nativeWord pop de call chkPS ld hl, (HERE) call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp next ; ( addr -- ) .db "EXECUTE" .dw WR .db 0 EXECUTE: .dw nativeWord pop iy ; is a wordref call chkPS ld l, (iy) ld h, (iy+1) ; HL points to code pointer inc iy inc iy ; IY points to PFA jp (hl) ; go! .db "[COMPIL" .dw EXECUTE .db 1 ; IMMEDIATE COMPILE: .dw compiledWord .dw FIND_ .dw CSKIP .dw .maybeNum .dw DUP .dw ISIMMED .dw CSKIP .dw .word ; is immediate. just execute. .dw EXECUTE .dw EXIT .db 0b10 ; UNWORD .word: .dw compiledWord .dw WR .dw R2P ; exit COMPILE .dw DROP .dw EXIT .db 0b10 ; UNWORD .maybeNum: .dw compiledWord .dw PARSEI .dw LITN .dw R2P ; exit COMPILE .dw DROP .dw EXIT .db ":" .fill 6 .dw COMPILE .db 1 ; IMMEDIATE DEFINE: .dw nativeWord call entryhead ld de, compiledWord call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl .loop: ; did we reach ";"? call toword ld a, (hl) cp ';' jr nz, .compile inc hl ld a, (hl) cp ' '+1 jr c, .loopend ; whitespace, we have semicol. end .compile: ld hl, (IP) call pushRS ld hl, .retRef ld (IP), hl ld hl, COMPILE push hl jp EXECUTE+2 .loopend: ; Advance (INPUTPOS) to after semicol. HL is already there. ld (INPUTPOS), hl ; write EXIT and return ld hl, (HERE) ld de, EXIT call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp next .retRef: .dw $+2 .dw $+2 call popRSIP jr .loop .db "DOES>" .fill 2 .dw DEFINE .db 0 DOES: .dw nativeWord ; We run this when we're in an entry creation context. Many things we ; need to do. ; 1. Change the code link to doesWord ; 2. Leave 2 bytes for regular cell variable. ; 3. Write down IP+2 to entry. ; 3. exit. we're done here. ld hl, (CURRENT) ld de, doesWord call DEinHL inc hl \ inc hl ; cell variable space ld de, (IP) call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp EXIT+2 .db "IMMEDIA" .dw DOES .db 0 IMMEDIATE: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (CURRENT) dec hl set FLAG_IMMED, (hl) jp next .db "IMMED?" .fill 1 .dw IMMEDIATE .db 0 ISIMMED: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS dec hl ld de, 0 bit FLAG_IMMED, (hl) jr z, .notset inc de .notset: push de jp next ; ( n -- ) .db "LITN" .fill 3 .dw ISIMMED .db 0 LITN: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (HERE) ld de, NUMBER call DEinHL pop de ; number from stack call chkPS call DEinHL ld (HERE), hl jp next .db "LITS" .fill 3 .dw LITN .db 1 ; IMMEDIATE LITS: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (HERE) ld de, LIT call DEinHL ex de, hl ; (HERE) in DE call readword call strcpyM ld (HERE), de jp next .db "(find)" .fill 1 .dw LITS .db 0 FIND_: .dw nativeWord call readword call find jr z, .found ; not found push hl ld de, 0 push de jp next .found: push de ld de, 1 push de jp next .db "'" .fill 6 .dw FIND_ .db 0 FIND: .dw compiledWord .dw FIND_ .dw CSKIP .dw FINDERR .dw EXIT .db "[']" .fill 4 .dw FIND .db 0b01 ; IMMEDIATE FINDI: .dw compiledWord .dw FIND_ .dw CSKIP .dw FINDERR .dw LITN .dw EXIT .db 0b10 ; UNWORD FINDERR: .dw compiledWord .dw DROP ; Drop str addr, we don't use it .dw LIT .db "word not found", 0 .dw PRINT .dw ABORT ; ( -- c ) .db "KEY" .fill 4 .dw FINDI .db 0 KEY: .dw nativeWord call stdioGetC ld h, 0 ld l, a push hl jp next .db "WORD" .fill 3 .dw KEY .db 0 WORD: .dw nativeWord call readword push hl jp next .db "(parsed" .dw WORD .db 0 PARSED: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS call parseDecimal jr z, .success ; error ld de, 0 push de ; dummy push de ; flag jp next .success: push de ld de, 1 ; flag push de jp next .db "(parse)" .dw PARSED .db 0 PARSE: .dw compiledWord .dw PARSED .dw CSKIP .dw .error ; success, stack is already good, we can exit .dw EXIT .db 0b10 ; UNWORD .error: .dw compiledWord .dw LIT .db "unknown word", 0 .dw PRINT .dw ABORT ; Indirect parse caller. Reads PARSEPTR and calls .db 0b10 ; UNWORD PARSEI: .dw compiledWord .dw PARSEPTR_ .dw FETCH .dw EXECUTE .dw EXIT .db "CREATE" .fill 1 .dw PARSE .db 0 CREATE: .dw nativeWord call entryhead ld de, cellWord ld (hl), e inc hl ld (hl), d inc hl ld (HERE), hl jp next .db "HERE" .fill 3 .dw CREATE .db 0 HERE_: ; Caution: conflicts with actual variable name .dw sysvarWord .dw HERE .db "CURRENT" .dw HERE_ .db 0 CURRENT_: .dw sysvarWord .dw CURRENT .db "(parse*" .dw CURRENT_ .db 0 PARSEPTR_: .dw sysvarWord .dw PARSEPTR .db "IN>" .fill 4 .dw PARSEPTR_ .db 0 INP: .dw sysvarWord .dw INPUTPOS ; ( n a -- ) .db "!" .fill 6 .dw INP .db 0 STORE: .dw nativeWord pop iy pop hl call chkPS ld (iy), l ld (iy+1), h jp next ; ( n a -- ) .db "C!" .fill 5 .dw STORE .db 0 CSTORE: .dw nativeWord pop hl pop de call chkPS ld (hl), e jp next ; ( a -- n ) .db "@" .fill 6 .dw CSTORE .db 0 FETCH: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS call intoHL push hl jp next ; ( a -- c ) .db "C@" .fill 5 .dw FETCH .db 0 CFETCH: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS ld l, (hl) ld h, 0 push hl jp next ; ( a -- ) .db "DROP" .fill 3 .dw CFETCH .db 0 DROP: .dw nativeWord pop hl jp next ; ( a b -- b a ) .db "SWAP" .fill 3 .dw DROP .db 0 SWAP: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS ex (sp), hl push hl jp next ; ( a b c d -- c d a b ) .db "2SWAP" .fill 2 .dw SWAP .db 0 SWAP2: .dw nativeWord pop de ; D pop hl ; C pop bc ; B call chkPS ex (sp), hl ; A in HL push de ; D push hl ; A push bc ; B jp next ; ( a -- a a ) .db "DUP" .fill 4 .dw SWAP2 .db 0 DUP: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS push hl push hl jp next ; ( a b -- a b a b ) .db "2DUP" .fill 3 .dw DUP .db 0 DUP2: .dw nativeWord pop hl ; B pop de ; A call chkPS push de push hl push de push hl jp next ; ( a b -- a b a ) .db "OVER" .fill 3 .dw DUP2 .db 0 OVER: .dw nativeWord pop hl ; B pop de ; A call chkPS push de push hl push de jp next ; ( a b c d -- a b c d a b ) .db "2OVER" .fill 2 .dw OVER .db 0 OVER2: .dw nativeWord pop hl ; D pop de ; C pop bc ; B pop iy ; A call chkPS push iy ; A push bc ; B push de ; C push hl ; D push iy ; A push bc ; B jp next .db ">R" .fill 5 .dw OVER2 .db 0 P2R: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS call pushRS jp next .db "R>" .fill 5 .dw P2R .db 0 R2P: .dw nativeWord call popRS push hl jp next .db "I" .fill 6 .dw R2P .db 0 I: .dw nativeWord ld l, (ix) ld h, (ix+1) push hl jp next .db "I'" .fill 5 .dw I .db 0 IPRIME: .dw nativeWord ld l, (ix-2) ld h, (ix-1) push hl jp next .db "J" .fill 6 .dw IPRIME .db 0 J: .dw nativeWord ld l, (ix-4) ld h, (ix-3) push hl jp next ; ( a b -- c ) A + B .db "+" .fill 6 .dw J .db 0 PLUS: .dw nativeWord pop hl pop de call chkPS add hl, de push hl jp next ; ( a b -- c ) A - B .db "-" .fill 6 .dw PLUS .db 0 MINUS: .dw nativeWord pop de ; B pop hl ; A call chkPS or a ; reset carry sbc hl, de push hl jp next ; ( a b -- c ) A * B .db "*" .fill 6 .dw MINUS .db 0 MULT: .dw nativeWord pop de pop bc call chkPS call multDEBC push hl jp next .db "/MOD" .fill 3 .dw MULT .db 0 DIVMOD: .dw nativeWord pop de pop hl call chkPS call divide push hl push bc jp next ; ( a1 a2 -- b ) .db "SCMP" .fill 3 .dw DIVMOD .db 0 SCMP: .dw nativeWord pop de pop hl call chkPS call strcmp call flagsToBC push bc jp next ; ( n1 n2 -- f ) .db "CMP" .fill 4 .dw SCMP .db 0 CMP: .dw nativeWord pop hl pop de call chkPS or a ; clear carry sbc hl, de call flagsToBC push bc jp next .db "SKIP?" .fill 2 .dw CMP .db 0 CSKIP: .dw nativeWord pop hl call chkPS ld a, h or l jp z, next ; False, do nothing. ld hl, (IP) call compSkip ld (IP), hl jp next ; This word's atom is followed by 1b *relative* offset (to the cell's addr) to ; where to branch to. For example, The branching cell of "IF THEN" would ; contain 3. Add this value to RS. .db "(fbr)" .fill 2 .dw CSKIP .db 0 FBR: .dw nativeWord push de ld hl, (IP) ld a, (hl) call addHL ld (IP), hl pop de jp next .db "(bbr)" .fill 2 .dw FBR .db 0 BBR: .dw nativeWord ld hl, (IP) ld d, 0 ld e, (hl) or a ; clear carry sbc hl, de ld (IP), hl jp next LATEST: .dw BBR