.equ foo 456 ; AFTER_ORG should not get that value .org 0x1234 .equ AFTER_ORG @ .org 0 jp test dummyLabel: testNum: .db 1 .equ dummyLabel 0x42 test: ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl ; *** Just little z80 flags memo. and a ; clear carry ld hl, 100 ld de, 101 sbc hl, de jp nc, fail ; carry is set call nexttest and a ; clear carry ld hl, 101 ld de, 100 sbc hl, de jp c, fail ; carry is reset call nexttest ld a, 1 dec a jp m, fail ; positive dec a jp p, fail ; negative call nexttest ; Test that .equ can override label ld a, 0x42 ld hl, dummyLabel cp l jp nz, fail call nexttest ; test that "@" is updated by a .org directive ld hl, AFTER_ORG ld de, 0x1234 or a ; clear carry sbc hl, de jp nz, fail call nexttest ; success xor a halt nexttest: ld a, (testNum) inc a ld (testNum), a ret fail: ld a, (testNum) halt