# Programming AVR chips (In this documentation, you are expected to have an AVR binary ready to send. To assemble an AVR binary from source, see asm.txt) To program AVR chips, you need a device that provides the SPI protocol. The device built in the rc2014/sdcard recipe fits the bill. Make sure you can override the SPI clock because the sys- tem clock will be too fast for most AVR chips, which are usually running at 1MHz. Because the SPI clock needs to be a 4th of that, a safe frequency for SPI communication would be 250kHz. # The programmer device The AVR programmer device is really simple: Wire SPI connections to proper AVR pins as described in the MCU's datasheet. Note that this device will be the same as the one you'll use for any modern SPI-based AVR programmer, with RESET replacing SS. This device should have an on/off switch that controls the chip's power for a very simple reason: Because we can't control what's on the chip, it could mess up your whole SPI bus when RESET is not held low. This means that as long as it's connected and powered, it is likely to mess up your other devices, such as the SD card. You could put the AVR chip behind a buffer to avoid this, but an on/off switch also does the trick and satisfies the low-tech lover in you. # Programming software The AVR programming code is at B160. Before you begin programming the chip, the device must be desel- ected. Ensure with "0 (spie)". Then, you initiate programming mode with "asp$", and then issue your commands. Each command will verify that it's in sync, that is, that its 3rd exchange echoes the byte that was sent in the 2nd exchange. If it doesn't, the command aborts with "AVR err". # Ensuring reliability The reliability of your communication depends a lot on the soundness of your SPI relay design. If it's good, you will sel- dom see those "AVR err". However, there are worse things than "AVR err": wrong data. Sync checks ensure communication reliability at every command, but in the case of commands getting data, you might be out-of-sync when you receive your result without knowing it! To ensure that you're still in sync, you need to issue a command, which might spit "AVR err". If it does, your previous result is unreliable. Here's an example word that reliably prints the high fuse value from SPI devid 1: : get 1 asp$ asprdy aspfh@ asprdy .x 0 (spie) ; Another very important matter is clock speed. As mentioned above, the safe clock speed is 250kHz. If you use the SPI design in rc2014/sdcard recipe, this means that your input clock speed can theoretically be 500kHz because the '161 divides it by 2. In practice, however, you can't really do that because depending on the timing of your SPI write, the first "bump" of the SPI clock might end up being nearly 500kHz, which will result in oc- casional communication errors. The simplest and safest way to avoid this is to reduce your raw input clock by 2, which will reduce your effective communi- cation speed by 2. There certainly are options allowing you to keep optimal speed, but they're significantly more complex than accepting slower speed. # Access fuses You get/set they values with "aspfx@/aspfx!", x being one of "l" (low fuse), "h" (high fuse), "e" (extended fuse). # Access flash Writing to AVR's flash is done in batch mode, page by page. To this end, the chip has a buffer which is writable byte-by-byte. Writing to the flash begins with a call to asperase, which erases the whole chip. It seems possible to erase flash page-by- page through parallel programming, but the SPI protocol doesn't expose it, we have to erase the whole chip. Then, you write to the buffer using aspfb! and then write to a page using aspfp!. Example to write 0x1234 to the first byte of the first page: asperase 0x1234 0 aspfb! 0 aspfp! Please note that aspfb! deals with *words*, not bytes. If, for example, you want to hook it to A!*, make sure you use AMOVEW instead of AMOVE. You will need to create a wrapper word around aspfb! that divides dst addr by 2 because AMOVEW use byte-based addresses but aspfb! uses word-based ones. You also have to make sure that A@* points to @ (or another word-based fetcher) instead of its default value of C@.