/* TI-84+ * * A plain TI-84 with its built-in keyboard as an input and its LCD screen * as an output. * * Uses XCB to render the screen and record keystrokes. */ #include #include #include #include #define XK_MISCELLANY #include #include "../../emul.h" #include "t6a04.h" #include "kbd.h" #define RAMSTART 0x8000 #define KBD_PORT 0x01 #define INTERRUPT_PORT 0x03 #define LCD_CMD_PORT 0x10 #define LCD_DATA_PORT 0x11 #define MAX_ROMSIZE 0x4000 static xcb_connection_t *conn; static xcb_screen_t *screen; /* graphics contexts */ static xcb_gcontext_t fg; /* win */ static xcb_drawable_t win; // pixels to draw. We draw them in one shot. static xcb_rectangle_t rectangles[96*64]; static Machine *m; static T6A04 lcd; static bool lcd_changed; static KBD kbd; static bool on_was_pressed; static uint8_t iord_lcd_cmd() { return t6a04_cmd_rd(&lcd); } static uint8_t iord_lcd_data() { return t6a04_data_rd(&lcd); } static uint8_t iord_kbd() { return kbd_rd(&kbd); } static uint8_t iord_interrupt() { return on_was_pressed ? 1 : 0; } static void iowr_lcd_cmd(uint8_t val) { t6a04_cmd_wr(&lcd, val); } static void iowr_lcd_data(uint8_t val) { lcd_changed = true; t6a04_data_wr(&lcd, val); } static void iowr_kbd(uint8_t val) { kbd_wr(&kbd, val); } static void iowr_interrupt(uint8_t val) { if ((val & 1) == 0) { on_was_pressed = false; } } static uint8_t keycode_to_tikbd(xcb_keycode_t kc) { // First, change keycode into symbol xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_reply_t* km = xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_reply( conn, xcb_get_keyboard_mapping(conn, kc, 1), NULL); xcb_keysym_t* keysyms = (xcb_keysym_t*)(km + 1); uint8_t res = 0; for (int i=0; ilength; i++) { switch (keysyms[0]) { case XK_Shift_L: res = KBD_2ND; break; case XK_Control_L: res = KBD_ALPHA; break; case XK_Return: res = 0x10; break; case XK_Delete: res = 0x67; break; case ' ': res = 0x40; break; case '1': res = 0x41; break; case '2': res = 0x31; break; case '3': res = 0x21; break; case '4': res = 0x42; break; case '5': res = 0x32; break; case '6': res = 0x22; break; case '7': res = 0x43; break; case '8': res = 0x33; break; case '9': res = 0x23; break; case '0': res = 0x40; break; case '-': res = 0x12; break; case '+': res = 0x11; break; case 'q': res = 0x23; break; case 'w': res = 0x12; break; case 'e': res = 0x45; break; case 'r': res = 0x13; break; case 't': res = 0x42; break; case 'y': res = 0x41; break; case 'u': res = 0x32; break; case 'i': res = 0x54; break; case 'o': res = 0x43; break; case 'p': res = 0x33; break; case '(': res = 0x34; break; case ')': res = 0x24; break; case 'a': res = 0x56; break; case 's': res = 0x52; break; case 'd': res = 0x55; break; case 'f': res = 0x35; break; case 'g': res = 0x25; break; case 'h': res = 0x15; break; case 'j': res = 0x44; break; case 'k': res = 0x34; break; case 'l': res = 0x24; break; case ':': res = 0x30; break; case '"': res = 0x11; break; case 'z': res = 0x31; break; case 'x': res = 0x51; break; case 'c': res = 0x36; break; case 'v': res = 0x22; break; case 'b': res = 0x46; break; case 'n': res = 0x53; break; case 'm': res = 0x14; break; case ',': res = 0x44; break; case '.': res = 0x30; break; case '?': res = 0x20; break; } if (res) { break; } } free(km); return res; } void create_window() { uint32_t mask; uint32_t values[2]; /* Create the window */ win = xcb_generate_id(conn); mask = XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK; values[0] = screen->white_pixel; values[1] = XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_KEY_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_KEY_RELEASE; xcb_create_window( conn, screen->root_depth, win, screen->root, 0, 0, 500, 500, 10, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, screen->root_visual, mask, values); fg = xcb_generate_id(conn); mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURES; values[0] = screen->black_pixel; values[1] = 0; xcb_create_gc(conn, fg, screen->root, mask, values); /* Map the window on the screen */ xcb_map_window(conn, win); } bool get_pixel(int x, int y) { return t6a04_pixel(&lcd, x, y); } void draw_pixels() { xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom; geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, xcb_get_geometry(conn, win), NULL); xcb_clear_area( conn, 0, win, 0, 0, geom->width, geom->height); // Figure out inner size to maximize a 96x64 screen (1.5 aspect ratio) int psize = geom->height / 64; if (geom->width / 96 < psize) { // width is the constraint psize = geom->width / 96; } int innerw = psize * 96; int innerh = psize * 64; int innerx = (geom->width - innerw) / 2; int innery = (geom->height - innerh) / 2; free(geom); int drawcnt = 0; for (int i=0; i<96; i++) { for (int j=0; j<64; j++) { if (get_pixel(i, j)) { int x = innerx + (i*psize); int y = innery + (j*psize); rectangles[drawcnt].x = x; rectangles[drawcnt].y = y; rectangles[drawcnt].height = psize; rectangles[drawcnt].width = psize; drawcnt++; } } } if (drawcnt) { xcb_poly_fill_rectangle( conn, win, fg, drawcnt, rectangles); } lcd_changed = false; xcb_flush(conn); } void event_loop() { while (1) { emul_steps(100); if (lcd_changed) { draw_pixels(); } // A low tech way of checking when the window was closed. The proper way // involving WM_DELETE is too complicated. xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom; geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, xcb_get_geometry(conn, win), NULL); if (geom == NULL) { return; // window has been closed. } else { free(geom); } xcb_generic_event_t *e = xcb_poll_for_event(conn); if (!e) { continue; } switch (e->response_type & ~0x80) { /* ESC to exit */ case XCB_KEY_RELEASE: case XCB_KEY_PRESS: { xcb_key_press_event_t *ev = (xcb_key_press_event_t *)e; if (ev->detail == 0x09) return; if (ev->detail == 0x31 && e->response_type == XCB_KEY_PRESS) { // tilde, mapped to ON on_was_pressed = true; Z80INT(&m->cpu, 0); Z80Execute(&m->cpu); // unhalts the CPU } uint8_t key = keycode_to_tikbd(ev->detail); if (key) { kbd_setkey(&kbd, key, e->response_type == XCB_KEY_PRESS); } break; } case XCB_EXPOSE: { draw_pixels(); break; } default: { break; } } free(e); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./ti84 /path/to/rom\n"); return 1; } FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } m = emul_init(); m->ramstart = RAMSTART; int i = 0; int c; while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && i < MAX_ROMSIZE) { m->mem[i++] = c & 0xff; } pclose(fp); if (i == MAX_ROMSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "ROM image too large.\n"); return 1; } t6a04_init(&lcd); kbd_init(&kbd); lcd_changed = false; on_was_pressed = false; m->iord[KBD_PORT] = iord_kbd; m->iord[INTERRUPT_PORT] = iord_interrupt; m->iord[LCD_CMD_PORT] = iord_lcd_cmd; m->iord[LCD_DATA_PORT] = iord_lcd_data; m->iowr[KBD_PORT] = iowr_kbd; m->iowr[INTERRUPT_PORT] = iowr_interrupt; m->iowr[LCD_CMD_PORT] = iowr_lcd_cmd; m->iowr[LCD_DATA_PORT] = iowr_lcd_data; conn = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(conn)).data; create_window(); draw_pixels(); event_loop(); emul_printdebug(); return 0; }