( Now we have "as late as possible" stuff. See B70 and B260. ) : _bchk DUP 0x7f + 0xff > IF LIT< br-ovfl (print) ABORT THEN ; : DO 0x33 ( 2>R ) , H@ ; IMMEDIATE : LOOP 0x43 ( loop ) , H@ - _bchk , ; IMMEDIATE ( LEAVE is implemented in low xcomp ) : LITN 0x23 ( n ) , , ; ( gets its name at the very end. can't comment afterwards ) : _ BEGIN LIT< ) WORD S= UNTIL ; IMMEDIATE : _ ( : will get its name almost at the very end ) (entry) 1 ( compiled ) C, BEGIN WORD FIND IF ( is word ) DUP IMMED? IF EXECUTE ELSE , THEN ELSE ( maybe number ) (parse) LITN THEN AGAIN ;