( xcomp for a SMS with PS/2 keyboard on port A and SPI relay on port B, with SD card attached ) ( 8K of onboard RAM ) 0xdd00 CONSTANT RS_ADDR ( Memory register at the end of RAM. Must not overwrite ) 0xddca CONSTANT PS_ADDR RS_ADDR 0x80 - CONSTANT SYSVARS 0xc000 CONSTANT HERESTART 0xbf CONSTANT VDP_CTLPORT 0xbe CONSTANT VDP_DATAPORT SYSVARS 0x70 + CONSTANT GRID_MEM 32 CONSTANT COLS 24 CONSTANT ROWS SYSVARS 0x72 + CONSTANT CPORT_MEM 0x3f CONSTANT CPORT_CTL 0xdc CONSTANT CPORT_D1 0xdd CONSTANT CPORT_D2 SYSVARS 0x73 + CONSTANT PS2_MEM 5 LOAD ( z80 assembler ) : ZFILL, ( u ) 0 DO 0 A, LOOP ; 262 LOAD ( xcomp ) 524 LOAD ( font compiler ) 282 LOAD ( boot.z80.decl ) 270 LOAD ( xcomp overrides ) DI, 0x100 JP, 0x62 ZFILL, ( 0x66 ) RETN, 0x98 ZFILL, ( 0x100 ) ( All set, carry on! ) CURRENT @ XCURRENT ! 0x100 BIN( ! 283 335 LOADR ( boot.z80 ) 353 LOAD ( xcomp core low ) CREATE ~FNT CPFNT7x7 603 608 LOADR ( VDP ) 402 404 LOADR ( Grid ) 625 626 LOADR ( SMS ports ) 620 LOAD ( PAD ) : (ps2kc) (ps2kcA) ; 411 414 LOADR 622 LOAD ( SPI ) 1 CONSTANT SDC_DEVID 423 436 LOADR ( SDC ) 390 LOAD ( xcomp core high ) (entry) _ ( Update LATEST ) PC ORG @ 8 + ! ," VDP$ 0 0 AT-XY PS2$ BLK$ (im1) " EOT, ORG @ 0x100 - 256 /MOD 2 PC! 2 PC! H@ 256 /MOD 2 PC! 2 PC!