; TODO: implement instructions that are commented out ; REGISTER USAGE ; ; R1: overflow counter ; R16: tmp stuff .inc "avr.h" .inc "tn254585.h" .inc "tn45.h" main: ldi r16, RAMEND&0xff out SPL, r16 ldi r16, RAMEND}8 out SPH, r16 ;sbi DDRB, 0 ;cbi PORTB, 0 ; To have a blinking delay that's visible, we have to prescale a lot. ; The maximum prescaler is 1024, which makes our TCNT0 increase ; 976 times per second, which means that it overflows 4 times per ; second. in r16, TCCR0B ori r16, 0x05 ; CS00 + CS02 = 1024 prescaler out TCCR0B, r16 ;clr r1 loop: in r16, TIFR ; TIFR0 sbrc r16, 1 ; is TOV0 flag clear? rcall toggle rjmp loop toggle: ldi r16, 0b00000010 ; TOV0 out TIFR, R16 inc r1 ;cbi PORTB, 0 sbrs r1, 1 ; if LED is on ;sbi PORTB, 0 ret