# Collapse OS *Bootstrap post-collapse technology* Collapse OS is a z80 kernel and a collection of programs, tools and documentation that allows you to assemble an OS that, when completed, will be able to: 1. Run on minimal and improvised machines. 2. Interface through improvised means (serial, keyboard, display). 3. Edit text files. 4. Compile assembler source files for a wide range of MCUs and CPUs. 5. Read and write from a wide range of storage devices. 6. Replicate itself. Additionally, the goal of this project is to be as self-contained as possible. With a copy of this project, a capable and creative person should be able to manage to build and install Collapse OS without external resources (i.e. internet) on a machine of her design, built from scavenged parts with low-tech tools. ## Organisation of this repository * `kernel`: Pieces of code to be assembled by the user into a kernel. * `apps`: Pieces of code to be assembled into "userspace" application. * `recipes`: collection of recipes that assemble parts together on a specific machine. * `doc`: User guide for when you've successfully installed Collapse OS. * `tools`: Tools for working with Collapse OS from "modern" environments. Mostly development tools, but also contains emulated zasm, which is necessary to build Collapse OS from a non-Collapse OS machine. Each folder has a README with more details. ## Status The project unfinished but is progressing well! See [Collapse OS' website][web] for more information. [libz80]: https://github.com/ggambetta/libz80 [web]: https://collapseos.org