; pgm - execute programs loaded from filesystem ; ; Implements a shell hook that searches the filesystem for a file with the same ; name as the cmd, loads that file in memory and executes it, sending the ; program a pointer to *unparsed* arguments in HL. ; ; We expect the loaded program to return a status code in A. 0 means success, ; non-zero means error. Programs should avoid having error code overlaps with ; the shell so that we know where the error comes from. ; ; *** Defines *** ; PGM_CODEADDR: Memory address where to place the code we load. ; Routine suitable to plug into SHELL_CMDHOOK. HL points to the full cmdline. ; We can mutate it because the shell doesn't do anything with it afterwards. pgmShellHook: call fsIsOn jr nz, .noFile ; first first space and replace it with zero so that we have something ; suitable for fsFindFN. push hl ; remember beginning ld a, ' ' call findchar jr nz, .noarg ; if we have no arg, we want DE to point to the ; null char. Also, we have no replacement to ; make ; replace space with nullchar xor a ld (hl), a inc hl ; make HL point to the beginning of args .noarg: ex de, hl ; DE now points to the beginning of args or to \0 if ; no args pop hl ; HL points to cmdname, properly null-terminated call fsFindFN jr nz, .noFile ; We have a file! Load it and run it. ex de, hl ; but first, make HL point to unparsed args. jp pgmRun .noFile: ld a, SHELL_ERR_IO_ERROR ret ; Loads code in file that FS_PTR is currently pointing at and place it in ; PGM_CODEADDR. Then, jump to PGM_CODEADDR. We expect HL to point to unparsed ; arguments being given to the program. pgmRun: call fsIsValid jr nz, .ioError push hl ; unparsed args ld ix, FS_HANDLES call fsOpen ld hl, PGM_CODEADDR .loop: call fsGetC ; we use Z at end of loop ld (hl), a ; Z preserved inc hl ; Z preserved in 16-bit jr z, .loop pop hl ; recall args ; ready to jump! jp PGM_CODEADDR .ioError: ld a, SHELL_ERR_IO_ERROR ret