( Words allowing printing strings. Require core ) ( This used to be in core, but some drivers providing EMIT are much much easier to write with access to core words, and these words below need EMIT... ) : (print) BEGIN C@+ ( a+1 c ) ( exit if null ) DUP NOT IF 2DROP EXIT THEN EMIT ( a ) AGAIN ; : ," BEGIN C< ( 34 is ASCII for " ) DUP 34 = IF DROP EXIT THEN C, AGAIN ; : ." 34 , ( 34 == litWord ) ," 0 C, COMPILE (print) ; IMMEDIATE : ABORT" [COMPILE] ." COMPILE ABORT ; IMMEDIATE : (uflw) ABORT" stack underflow" ; : BS 8 EMIT ; : LF 10 EMIT ; : CR 13 EMIT ; : CRLF CR LF ; : SPC 32 EMIT ; : (wnf) (print) SPC ABORT" word not found" ; : (ok) SPC ." ok" CRLF ;