; Manages both constants and labels within a same namespace and registry. ; ; About local labels: They are treated as regular labels except they start with ; a dot (example: ".foo"). Because labels are registered in order and because ; constants are registered in the second pass, they end up at the end of the ; symbol list and don't mix with labels. Therefore, we easily iterate through ; local labels of a context by starting from that context's index and iterating ; as long as symbol name start with a '.' ; *** Constants *** ; Duplicate symbol in registry .equ SYM_ERR_DUPLICATE 0x01 ; Symbol registry buffer is full .equ SYM_ERR_FULLBUF 0x02 ; Maximum number of symbols we can have in the registry .equ SYM_MAXCOUNT 0x100 ; Size of the symbol name buffer size. This is a pool. There is no maximum name ; length for a single symbol, just a maximum size for the whole pool. .equ SYM_BUFSIZE 0x1000 ; *** Variables *** ; Each symbol is mapped to a word value saved here. .equ SYM_VALUES SYM_RAMSTART ; A list of symbol names separated by null characters. When we encounter a ; symbol name and want to get its value, we search the name here, retrieve the ; index of the name, then go get the value at that index in SYM_VALUES. .equ SYM_NAMES SYM_VALUES+(SYM_MAXCOUNT*2) ; Index of the symbol found during the last symSetContext call .equ SYM_CONTEXT_IDX SYM_NAMES+SYM_BUFSIZE ; Pointer, in the SYM_NAMES buffer, of the string found during the last ; symSetContext call .equ SYM_CONTEXT_PTR SYM_CONTEXT_IDX+1 ; Pointer to the currently selected registry .equ SYM_CTX_NAMES SYM_CONTEXT_PTR+2 .equ SYM_CTX_NAMESEND SYM_CTX_NAMES+2 .equ SYM_CTX_VALUES SYM_CTX_NAMESEND+2 .equ SYM_RAMEND SYM_CTX_VALUES+2 ; *** Code *** ; Advance HL to the beginning of the next symbol name in SYM_NAMES except if ; (HL) is already zero, meaning we're at the end of the chain. In this case, ; do nothing. ; Sets Z if it succeeded, unset it if there is no next. _symNext: xor a cp (hl) jr nz, .do ; (HL) is not zero? we can advance. ; (HL) is zero? we're at the end of the chain. call JUMP_UNSETZ ret .do: ; A is already 0 call JUMP_FINDCHAR ; find next null char ; go to the char after it. inc hl cp a ; ensure Z ret symInit: xor a ld (SYM_NAMES), a ld (SYM_CONTEXT_IDX), a ld hl, SYM_CONTEXT_PTR ld (SYM_CONTEXT_PTR), hl ld hl, SYM_NAMES ld (SYM_CTX_NAMES), hl ld hl, SYM_NAMES+SYM_BUFSIZE ld (SYM_CTX_NAMESEND), hl ld hl, SYM_VALUES ld (SYM_CTX_VALUES), hl ret ; Sets Z according to whether label in (HL) is local (starts with a dot) symIsLabelLocal: ld a, '.' cp (hl) ret ; Place HL at the end of (SYM_CTX_NAMES) end (that is, at the point where we have two ; consecutive null chars. We return the index of that new name in A. ; If we're within bounds, Z is set, otherwise unset. symNamesEnd: push bc push de ld b, 0 ld hl, (SYM_CTX_NAMES) ld de, (SYM_CTX_NAMESEND) .loop: call _symNext jr nz, .success ; We've reached the end of the chain. ; Are we out of bounds? call cpHLDE jr nc, .outOfBounds ; HL >= DE djnz .loop ; exhausted djnz? out of bounds .outOfBounds: call JUMP_UNSETZ jr .end .success: ; Our index is 0 - B (if B is, for example 0xfd, A is 0x3) xor a sub b cp a ; ensure Z .end: pop de pop bc ret ; Register label in (HL) (minus the ending ":") into the symbol registry and ; set its value in that registry to DE. ; If successful, Z is set and A is the symbol index. Otherwise, Z is unset and ; A is an error code (SYM_ERR_*). symRegister: push hl push bc push de ; First, let's get our strlen call strlen ld c, a ; save that strlen for later ex hl, de ; symbol to add is now in DE call symNamesEnd jr nz, .error ; A is our index. Save it ex af, af' ; Is our new name going to make us go out of bounds? push hl push de ld de, (SYM_CTX_NAMESEND) ld a, c call JUMP_ADDHL call cpHLDE pop de pop hl jr nc, .error ; HL >= DE ; HL point to where we want to add the string ex hl, de ; symbol to add in HL, dest in DE ; Copy HL into DE until we reach null char ; C already have our strlen (minus null char). Let's prepare BC for ; a LDIR. inc c ; include null char ld b, 0 ldir ; copy C chars from HL to DE ; I'd say we're pretty good just about now. What we need to do is to ; save the value in our original DE that is just on top of the stack ; into the proper index in (SYM_CTX_VALUES). Our index, remember, is ; currently in A'. ex af, af' pop de push de ; push it right back to avoid stack imbalance ld hl, (SYM_CTX_VALUES) call JUMP_ADDHL call JUMP_ADDHL ; twice because our values are words ; Everything is set! DE is our value HL points to the proper index in ; (SYM_CTX_VALUES). Let's just write it (little endian). ld (hl), e inc hl ld (hl), d .error: ; Z already unset pop de pop bc pop hl ret ; Find name (HL) in (SYM_CTX_NAMES) and returns matching index in A. ; If we find something, Z is set, otherwise unset. symFind: push hl call _symFind pop hl ret ; Same as symFind, but leaks HL _symFind: push bc push de ; First, what's our strlen? call strlen ld c, a ; let's save that call symIsLabelLocal ; save Z for after the 3 next lines, which ; doesn't touch flags. We need to call this now ; before we lose HL. ex hl, de ; it's easier if HL is haystack and DE is ; needle. ld b, 0 ld hl, (SYM_CTX_NAMES) jr nz, .loop ; not local? jump right to loop ; local? then we need to adjust B and HL ld hl, (SYM_CONTEXT_PTR) ld a, (SYM_CONTEXT_IDX) ld b, a xor a sub b ld b, a .loop: ld a, c ; recall strlen call JUMP_STRNCMP jr z, .match ; ok, next! call _symNext jr nz, .nomatch ; end of the chain, nothing found djnz .loop ; exhausted djnz? no match .nomatch: call JUMP_UNSETZ jr .end .match: ; Our index is 0 - B (if B is, for example 0xfd, A is 0x3) xor a sub b cp a ; ensure Z .end: pop de pop bc ret ; Return value associated with symbol index A into DE symGetVal: ; our index is in A. Let's fetch the proper value push hl ld hl, SYM_VALUES call JUMP_ADDHL call JUMP_ADDHL ; twice because our values are words ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) pop hl ret ; Find symbol name (HL) in the symbol list and set SYM_CONTEXT_* accordingly. ; When symFind will be called with a symbol name starting with a '.', the search ; will begin at that context instead of the beginning of the register. ; Sets Z if symbol is found, unsets it if not. symSetContext: push hl call _symFind jr nz, .end ; Z already unset ld (SYM_CONTEXT_IDX), a ld (SYM_CONTEXT_PTR), hl ; Z already set .end: pop hl ret